Monday, June 29, 2009

NY Fancy Food Show

Here's a beautiful newly designed chocolate bar from Valrhona for all of you for helping me find an apartment in Paris in October!!!
And even more Valrhona chocolate bars for you.
I went to the annual NASFT FANCY FOOD Show at the Javits yesterday to do research for you all.
Life can be tough as a food-bloggeur-journalist. I am forced to try and taste many hot chocolates like this multi-prize winner, CHUAO...
And CHOC-O-LAT, you stir a block of chocolate in your hot milk for 1 minute et voila! Miam
I am praying that the US Customs lets this French hot chocolat, Castelanne, into the US s.v.p. Green card coming up!!!
Pralus, a wonderful French chocolatier was at the show
No wonder French women are thin. Their tasting samples. Are you supposed to enhale?...ahem
Meanwhile over at Ciao Bella, happiness was...
Any and every flavor you wanted.
There were cheeses galore to taste from around the world too...
And salt of course - this fleur de sel Guerande from Brittany...
You're always on the lookout for new trends and tastes.
Bacon salt with no bacon!
Norwegian water in a cardboard box = green water!
Tons of gluten-free and organic products were present. Here is a tea that goes beyond organic - it's biodynamic!!
Remember good old fashioned animal crackers?
Have the animals become couch potatoes?
And finally Eiffel Tower fromage! adorable...


  1. What fun! This post has my mouth watering!

  2. Ahhhh, I want Eiffel Tower cheese!

  3. was the bacon salt like a smoked norwegian salt?

  4. Hi Carol

    I have seen those chocolates before but just the little mini version..had them on holiday in Liguria...

    We were told to eat them as served on the plate, from left to right, it was all to do with the strength of cocoa I belived, and we also had a chart telling us what about the chocs.

  5. O merci, Carol! :-)))
    Where would we be without you sacrificing your Sunday so as to sweeten up our Mondays?

    Oh yes Pralus, their stacks beckon from our own Xocolat store in an irresistibly colorful way!

  6. We really have to go to this food show next year.

    Looks amazing.

  7. Looks like a ball - being in NYC has its advantages, for sure. Proximity to so many shows and fun events. Have a great week, Carol and thanks for the fun report.

  8. My oh my! Didn't you find a great place to spend some time. Thanks for sharing.

  9. lots of wonderful yummy goodness. tempting me with such goodies so early in the morning!
    thanks for sharing.

  10. That's way too cool
    When someone asks what did you do this weekend, saying I went to the fancy food show, would be fab

    Thanks for the pics

    Felt like I was there with you

  11. Kosher bacon salt?
    Isn't that an oxymoron?

  12. Candice10:44 AM

    Wasn't the show fun? I tried that hot chocolate on a stick....
    Loved it

  13. I can't wait for going with you to this show and taking pictures of the October windows!

  14. Everyone is posting food today. I am getting very hungry.

  15. WONDERFUL! Thanks for sharing:))

  16. FoodWalker11:53 AM

    Nothing green about bottled water in any container!!!!
    You are a brave one for facing the hordes at the FFS. I gave it up a while back but, perhaps, I'll check it out this winter.


  17. I love that first shot! Very classy.
    The whole series is great, of course!

  18. Do you know something? I am in awe of you. Your bravery in going to these places for us is second to none. Thank You

  19. Little brie cheese packets with the eiffel tower on them.

  20. Thanks for taking us along too. Looks wonderful. Especially like Pralus' packaging and Ciao Bella makes me nostalgic for Italian gelato. We have an ice cream maker, but NOTHING is like REAL GELATO, nothing!

  21. Seems to be some "funny" food here (ice water from Norway, brie cheese with the Eiffel Tower...?), but also some really good! Happy to learn that you can get the roquefort without the customs penalty which was envisaged!

  22. I went to the show yesterday and was completely amazed by the variety of foods that were on exhibition. But there are so many things I didn't even get to taste like the bacon salt in your photo!

    You can check out some photos and some of my favorite products from the show on my food blog here:

  23. That looks wonderful, Carol--all of it. I just got home from a long day of work, and look what I missed! Yum.


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