Saturday, October 31, 2020

Gabrielle Chanel ‘Fashion Manifesto’

Another accordion Paris Letter for your mantelpiece. I knew I’d be drawing Chanel after seeing the Chanel exhibit at Palais Galliera.

I did a little doodle (in bed not on the bus).

Then Emily in Paris came along...then a re-think. 

Gabrielle Chanel’s life was much more intriguing. Many complain about their parents. But think about the alternative. 

Orphaned at 12, Gabrielle was abandoned forever by her father in a convent for 6 years. 

There she learned to sew and embroider. The rest is history. 

It’s said maybe her signature double C’s were inspired by l’Abbaye d’Aubazine’s stained glass windows. 

Watch the terrific new Netflix, The Queen’s Gambitanother orphan rags-to-riches story. 

Andre Malraux included Gabrielle Chanel in with De Gaulle and Picasso as the 3 geniuses of the 20th century. Of course she made some bad choices. Who hasn’t? 
But she had the guts and ingenuity to restart her business and her life at age 70. If you‘ve read a good Chanel biography let me know. I’m fascinated.
 I’m painting Chanel N.5 perfume again this week. They’re in my Etsy shop. Our 2nd Lockdown has begun in Paris. Its not so bad. Again I’m making chicken soup. You all stay safe & Vote svp dear PBers 😃🐻🙏❤️

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Paris Breakfast at Holybelly Cafe, Matisse


On Wednesday I had Sunday Brunch at Hollybelly Cafe owned by Aussies. I’ll be doing a breakfast post 1x a week. Please make suggestions PBers. Do you 1st checkout a resto’s menu online ahead of time? 

Here’s a time saver. Go to the restaurant’s Instagram page ( @holybellycafe )and study the dishes. 

                                           Take a screen shot. 

When the waiter comes by just flashed it. My waiter laughed. I saved him time and steps. Easy peasy. 

Service is great as is the food btw and everyone speaks English.   

What to wear to Holybelly? A UPS jacket of course. 

After Emily In Paris, I need to make more effort with my French. I’m liking ‘Easy French’ on youtube. A refreshing approach - French people in the street are interviewed on one subject, “What do you eat for breakfast?” Plus you get subtitles in French/English. Repetitive watching is key. After my very satisfying and filling Brunch, I ran over to the Pompidou

First day of the new huge Matisse retrospective. About 1/3 through I was ready to quit and collapse. So many masterpieces, many never seen before. I’ll do a post next week.

 I kept thinking how can I make Chanel perfume bottles look Matisse-esque? 

Put goldfish inside? Testing 1-2-3 

I painted some Chanel N 5 sans goldfish on Etsy. Its pouring out today in Paris but who wants to see that☂️ XXX❤️🐻

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Elaine Sciolino’s, The Seine, the River that made Paris


I visited Paris many times before moving here, but the Seine was not on my to-do list. 

I’d rush around from one museum, restaurant, monument to another, checking them off as I went. 

Not till I moved next to the Seine 6 years ago did I come to see what an integral part it plays in Parisians’ lives. Its the lifeblood of the city. 

Parisians sit in cafes and watch the world go by. And they sit along the Seine and do the same thing. 

Is it because its so accessible? Walking over a bridge on the Seine takes a few minutes unlike crossing the Thames of London. 

The banks/les Berges along the Seine are a designated historic monument and car-free. Life is teaming along the Seine year-round but especially in Spring, Summer,Fall. As goal-oriented tourists often we miss out. Are we like Emily in Paris, who can’t slow down, stop working or talking and just chill? 

That’s why you need to read Elaine Sciolino’s book, The Seine The river that made Paris  now out in paperback. Better yet, let Elaine tell her stories out loud on the audio version. She has so many wondrous stories to tell. 

Among them how Paris fireman pumped water from the Seine to put out burning Notre Dame. 

There used to be swim clubs 🏊‍♀️ along the Seine. Now there are Salsa clubs. Why didn't I move here 30 years ago? I created a map and bookplate for Elaine’s book tour last year, but its taken me awhile to figure out what my own relationship is to the Seine. I’m still working on it.

 I do know, after 6 years of living together, I never take a route home that isn’t beside the Seinr, crossing over 1 or 2 bridges on the way. You will definitely enjoy The Seine. Happy dreams of Paris PBers ❤️🥂🐻

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Bear goes to le Cafe Marly


On Wednesday Bear decided to go to le Café Marly for breakfast at the Louvre. 

Enter the Louvre at 93 rue de Rivoli. 

Go straight through the tunnel towards the pyramid. 

Then sharp right to the arcade for Le Café. This was my first time. It has a swanky reputation. 

Breakfast is def less intimidating everywhere in Paris. A good one to try is Angelina. Empty and no lines. Bear ordered ‘le Tradition’. 

Your basic cuppa + juice + viennoisseries + jam. If you want water, ask for it. 

And a straw to drink the OJ. Protect that enamel! All for 19€.

 Remember nice views costs. And yes I brought the jam home.

And sit in the exterior section but keep your coat on. Its chilly. 

There are some new Chanel watercolors in my Etsy Shop. Do have a look. Stay safe dear PBers ❤️🐻 It will be curfew time for Bear soon. Zzzzzzzz

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Boulangerie Saint-Germain Map


Bear🐻 is as addicted to Emily in Paris as the rest of us. He insisted we get a chocolatine/pain au chocolat at Em’s fav Boulangerie Moderne. 

Bear is watching EIP in French with Eng subtitles. 

His fav chocolatines come from Boulanger de la Tour on the latest Paris Map

Boulangerie Saint-Germain Map
Mary already got her map 🗺️ 

On the map is where to get a chocolate pavé, my fav viennoisserie. 

Someone asked what a sacristan was. Voila. Go to Huré on the map or go to Arles. 

Most boulangeries carry jams/ confitures. 

Btw a pronunciation tip from The Perfect French with Dylane - do not say boul-lang-er-ree. Instead say boul-lange-ree 👍

Keep an eye out for pretty glass paintings. Eric Kayser has them on rue Monge. 

This year they won best boulangerie in Paris. 

Many Saint-Germain bakeries on the map are prize 🏆 winners in the annual competitions for best baguette 🥖 best croissant 🥐 

Look for the wreath in the window. Emily’s boulangerie has a wreath 🥐🥐🥐 Stay Safe PBers 🐻❤️