Thursday, February 25, 2021

Paris Yesterday


Yesterday (Tuesday) in Paris was glorious.

I was on the bus headed to la Poste, crossing ‘my bridge Pont Sully’. Its nice. You move to Paris and suddenly you have your own bridge. One of the unexpected joys.

The current Pont Sully was constructed in 1876, as part of Haussmann's renovation of ParisThey set it at an angle of 45 degrees to the river banks, which means that it gives a lovely view over the quais of Ile Saint Louis.

It opened on 25 August 1877 and was named in honour of Maximilien de Béthune, duke of Sully (1560–1641) and minister to Henry IV

Some backstory on the Duke de Sully, Maximilien de Bethune(I live on quai de Bethune. I write his name daily). Sully was very unpopular because he was a favorite of Henri IV and was seen as selfish, obstinate, and rude. He was hated by most Catholics because he was a Protestant, and by most Protestants because he was faithful to the king. He amassed a large personal fortune, and his jealousy of all other ministers and favorites was extravagant. Nevertheless, he was an excellent man of business, inexorable in punishing malversation and dishonesty on the part of others, and opposed to ruinous court expenditures that was the bane of almost all European monarchies in his day. He was gifted with executive ability, with confidence and resolution, with fondness for work, and above all with deep devotion to his master. He was implicitly trusted by Henry IV and proved himself the most able assistant of the king in dispelling the chaos into which the religious and civil wars had plunged France. After Henry IV, Sully was a major driving force behind the happy transformation in France between 1598 and 1610, in which agriculture and commerce benefitted, and peace and internal order were reestablished. Thank you Wikipedia
FYI most streets in France are named after a place or famous person. And you’ll find the same  named streets as you travel throughout France. When I’m addressing your Paris letter 💌 envelopes, I often wonder does this person who lives on Hillview Avenue have a view of a hill? Probably not...
Just in case you’re wondering, Duke de Sully’s Chateau-sur-Seine was painted by famous landscape artist, by Camille Corot.

What’s more in 1987 it was commemorated with a stamp. So much French history! So many stamps/timbres...

Here’s a town with no commemorative stamp nor as auspicious. I found out yesterday my dad was born in Akeley (population now 394) in Northern Minnesota. It used to be 2000 in 1908 in its boomtown logging days.

Its just 
possible that folkloric Logger, Paul Bunyan may have originated from Akeley. Akeley is second on the list. Log rolling, shoe sales man, competitive skater, movie theater owner were some of my dad’s professions before he met my mother at resort Marietta Springs, CA, proposed in 3 days, and later moved East.

Back to yesterday in Paris and the faux Spring we’re having at the moment. 

I was looking for muguet des bois/lilies of the valley at our local flower shop, but it’s too early. 

Its never to early for Parisians to stroll and bike along the berges/banks of the Seine. Read Elaine Sciolino’s The Seine that Created Paris and you’ll learn the Seine’s banks are now a UNESCO designated National monument since 1991.

Yesterday this Parisian did not realize we were having a faux Spring of 60+ degrees. Today, no question, this Parisian was lapping up the good weather. 🤞🙏 I hope all PBers will be lapping up Paris sooner rather than later. Have a great day XXX ❤️🐻💋

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Texas, Artsy Samedi/Saturday, Christian Constant Chocolatier


While Paris is unseasonably warm in the 60’s,  I’m thinking of freezing Texan PBers - over 130 !
The bus 86 stops exactly in front of top artiste chocolatier Christian Constant. at 40, rue des Ecoles. Impossible not to  ‘lecher les vitrines’. His chocolate tartes are renown and superb. And they make ‘fait maison’ Apricot confiture/jam.
The labo is onsite, which is unusual. Such a brill idea -
individual pecan tartes.

On my way to the art store I spot metro posters of a collab of Uniqlo + the Louvre. If you can’t visit the museum, wear their paintings. Why not? And color 🖍️ it in?
A cosmetics shop displays their cremes like tubes of paint. 
And at the art store...
Turns out the art store takes a lunch break between 1 and 2 pm. I went looking for a snack. Nearby KR Patisserie on boulevard Voltaire has quite artful desserts. 
 I pick the most artful. 
Turns out it is also the most fragile and should come with instructions, “eat me immediately”...still tasted quite nice. 
Now that Chandeleur/pancake eating is over, the must-eat is  Raclette
Have you tried this Swiss cheesy-potato dish? I haven’t but its always at Salon de l’Agriculture.
Today is so Springy. All-Paris invaded Ile Saint Louis for a cone - Ice cream Sunday. 
Dear PBers let’s all help out freezing Texas till Spring shows up for them. You can give as little as $6 towards 10 charities.  🌹🌹🌹

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Paris at night

Paris at night. I’m missing it like crazy. The damn 6 pm curfew is getting me down. 
Bear is not thrilled either...

B. from CA wrote me. She’s plotting her future travel plans for Paris. Aren’t you doing the same? “I’ll stay outside the city and take the train in everyday”

I said, “What?...the RER at night is not a good idea...”  
B. said, “no problem! I’ll be in bed by 6 pm, worn out from walking Paris.” 
This is so WRONG. Paris at night is the best, free, spectacular show anywhere. You simply can not miss it.  I know I’m missing it like crazy these days of the damn curfew :((
I have 550+ photos of Paris taken at night while walking around on my own. Safe as houses. Certain night things like taking the bateaux mouches are a must-do.
Some touristy things can be wondrous. 
  Paris at dusk in its full glory. 
Les Invalides seen from the bus. With over 50,000 street lamps and around 300 illuminated sites.
Including hotels, churches, statues, fountains, national buildings and monuments, no wonder Paris is calle ‘la Ville des Lumieres’.
Plus 33 of the city’s 37 bridges light up at nightfall.
Enough to get Van Gogh excited (even if this is Rouen). 
If you’re feeling down because of the Paris curfew or for any other reason you may need some serious laughter therapy or calming Tai ChiPlease watch these silly videos. I do daily At least until the curfew ends. Cheers😃💋❤️

Monday, February 15, 2021

Saint-Valentin Week-end

I went to the pool 🏊‍♀️ yesterday. And to see if Saint-Valentines day was still going on. It was. ❤️

Wouldn’t it be fun if a macaron dispenser was in front of Pierre Hermé with 20 flavors? Just eat n run. 

Annick Goutal had swings full of perfume and flowers in their shop windows. Fragonard comes to my mind.

Did they think of Fragonard’s The Swing too? 

With an entire weekend to celebrate St-V day, everyone got in on the act. Monoprix has heart-printed PJs + a sage ❤️ quotation we should tell ourselves daily. 

On ne dit jamais non à de belles rencontres. Ouvres l'oeils. Elles sont partout

❤️‘Never say no to beautiful encounters. 

Open your eyes. 

They are everywhere’. 

Naturally Natalie with bed-head, was gracing the bus shelters this weekend for Miss Dior. 
At 4:30 Sunday afternoon there’s a line outside waiting for Chocolat Chapon box of heart-shaped chocolates. Never too late to celebrate. 
Red socks to go...
With your red boots.
Essential red lunettes/glasses for your Paris penpal 💌 All these Valentines gifts are within 5 minutes walking distance of Place Saint-Sulpice in the 6th. You could do the works in a half-hour. Grab a bottle of Champagne 🍾 from the wine shop on bd. Saint Germain. 
I went home to continue painting rose watercolors
Paris’ buses had an ad on the back for drivers to consider.
 Expédiez votre lettres d'amour dans l'espace’ 
Send your love letters 💌 into space 
Last but not least, Paris lovers by the Seine at dusk. 
Voila dear PBers ❤️🌹Have a LOVELY DAY 💋