Thursday, May 30, 2019

Winning the Dans Le TGV contest for 'things you do on the train'.

Remember last summer when I was jumping on trains every other day and painting. I wanted to win the DansLeTGV contest for 'things you do on the train'.Well I won 2nd prize 🥇   (a very nice 200€ Of travel vouchers).

Fortunately no one else was fool enough to try painting on a moving train though some did pick up a pen or pencil.
Today I used some gift vouchers to renew my annual
CARTE SENIOR. If you like taking trains in France and who doesn't its best to have a travel card. 
SNCF sends you daily temptations. That's how come I went to Nice for 4 days (40€ A/R!) There are are discount cards for everyone(all 49€). 
Tomorrow morning I'm taking the train to DIJON.
To the 
URBAN SKETCHERS FRANCE annual meetup. I missed Aix last year.
I plan to eat everything
Any suggestions of any kind are most welcome. Would you like a painting of your favorite
Montrachet? Just say the word. I may even run to Beaune for a vineyard tour🥂. Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast. If you enjoyed this please share with a friend
Get monthly Paris letters, maps and watercolors in your mailbox at ETSY
xxx💋Carolg and Bear 🐻 ❤️ the TGV

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Revelations at Grand Palais

When I went to REVELATIONS at Grand Palais previously it was a mostly all-French affair with just Norway as guest.
The latest edition last weekend of 
The 4th arts and craft biennale was
 a delight
Since 33 more guest countries were added.
The mix of craft artists working in so many mediums was outstanding.
Usually I'm not so thrilled by crafts but the grand scale, strong colors, variety of textures, materials and shapes made for an exciting experience.
At Revelations you had a chance to speak with the creators about their medium. Quite a few were honing their craft on site.
Revelations will be back in 2021 for another four days at Grand Palais. Its well worth planning ahead.  
All the brilliant colors and textures inspired me to do a new set of subscription bonus watercolors. Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast. If you enjoyed this please share with a friendGet monthly Paris letters, maps and watercolors in your mailbox at ETSYxxx💋Carolg and Bear 🐻 in Paris

Monday, May 27, 2019

Tea at the British Embassy, Festival de Loire d'Orleans

When you get an invitation for tea at the British Embassy for the upcoming FESTIVAL DE LOIRE D'ORLEANS you don't think twice. You go. No questions asked.
Do bring proper ID or you won't get past the guards or in the door.
I was a tiny bit late so I had the place to myself somewhat.Quite nice to wander about on my own.
Glorious floral bouquets.
Magnificent paintings.
Lovely clocks.
All very grand indeed. Was the Queen there?
Of course she was.
The garden looked lovely.
Admittedly I was expecting a grand tea. Still the embassy crown china was stunning.
I've been painting it all week.
On to the purpose of our gathering. The biggest boat festival in France in September. A 5-day extravaganza of fireworks, boat races, dancing, picnicking and most definitely tasting of Loire vallé wines. And British Thames boats have been invited.
Start planning now for the FESTIVAL September 18 through the 22nd. I'll be going bien sur👍🏻 Meanwhile I'll go back to painting the Queen's lovely china. Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast. If you enjoyed this please share with a friend. Get monthly Paris letters, maps and watercolors in your mailbox at ETSY.
xxx💋Carolg and Bear 🐻 in Paris

Sunday, May 19, 2019

May Strawberry Map + a 2-fer

The Paris maps began in May 4 years ago so
you will get 2 maps this month🥂🍾 Two birthdays/anniversaires this weekend! I'm celebrating mine in DEAUVILLE, but not telling any birthdates...ahem.

French strawberries are May’s theme.

As always the usual preparatory doodles.

Saying the French madly love strawberries/fraises is an understatement. Deauville is a good place for Normandy Garigette fraises.

In the marché on Fridays 
La Fraiserie Hardy has ripe, ready-to-eat berries. Plus the best jam on the planet.

I thought I'd be painting strawbs all weekend.

Barbara sent a picture of her beautifully framed watercolor parasols. I put the fraise tartes (and sorbet) away and got thinking beach umbrellas.

Parasols stay up come rain or shine. Its misty and drizzly this weekend. No matter.

The colors are even brighter when the sky is overcast. The shapes are just as fanciful. It costs 17€ to rent one for 1/2 a day. Next time.

My watercolor teacher, David Dewey always said,"When you travel, the best light is in the hotel bathroom so paint in there". Too true. This bathroom is big enough to fit a table in! I would like to take it back to Paris.

I'm staying at small, reasonable
 HOTEL DU POLO, a few blocks from the train, close to centre ville and a 20-minute walk to the beach and Deauville's Olympic salt-water pool. A spa birthday weekend misty or not.😄
Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast. If you enjoyed this please share with a friend. Get monthly Paris letters, maps and watercolors in your mailbox in my ETSY shop.
xxx💋Carolg et Bear 🐻 in Paris

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Sunday Lunch at Le Grand Colbert

Thank you PBer Kathleen & Mariah. When you get an invite to Sunday lunch at LE GRAND COLBERT you go. No hesitation.
Diane Keaton did not hesitate in SOMETHING'S GOTTA GIVE. Though I forgot to get her famous roast chicken. 
I did flirt with it but the duck won.
The traditional brasserie setting is to die for. Big globe lights (the warm, golden light makes it impossible to get a decent shot btw but you will look good). Palm plants, Empire murals, mirrors are everywhere.
The chief financier for Louis XIV, JEAN-BABTISTE COLBERT  is the restaurant's namesake. He originally bought the former townhouse on the spot designed by Louis le Vau. Then later accused le Vau of nepotism and put Nicolas Fouquet, owner of CHATEAU VAUX-LE-VICOMTE in jail for fraud and a number of other shenanigans. Not my favorite Frenchman. Never mind. 
His bust is still a good subject to doodle while waiting for your canard 🦆 
These days I doodle ✏️ more than I shoot. It’s the best record you can get of any place. Why didn't I doodle the dessert trolley?
Don't miss the mosaic floors, same as in nearby GALERIE VIVIENNE .
The floral arrangements are outstanding. Post lunch you could waltz through the Palais Royal gardens close by.
During the week, Colbert offers  a daily blackboard lunch special for 19,50€.
 Never on Sundays. Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast. If you enjoyed this please share with a friend. 
Get monthly Paris letters, maps & watercolors in your mailbox 📮 at ETSY
xxx💋Carolg et Bear 🐻 back in Paris