Monday, May 29, 2023

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Marché Victor Hugo, Toulouse

 I wanted to try Toulousaine local specialties, so foie gras is a must 👍

And magret de canard (duck breast). I could have done without the brown gravy…the potatoes are usually sautéed in duck fat

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Toulouse, Brick City

How many of you have been to Toulouse? Raise your hands 🙌 I forgot to mention I was running 🏃‍♂️ to Toulouse on Thursday.

Every year Urban Sketchers France picks a city to meetup in - Voila Toulouse!

Thursday, May 25, 2023

May Fraise Balloon 🎈 Letter


I started thinking about dancing ballerina 🩰 strawberries at the Opera Garnier…which quickly turned into flying Balloon 🎈strawberries 🍓 over the Eiffel Tower bien sur. Where would I be without the Eiffel tower🤔

How many obsessions can a girl have? Shiny teapots, blue cups, pastry…one loses count. But flying balloons 🎈 has been a returning theme from way back

Monday, May 22, 2023

The French Art of Waiting


Ilt Saint Louis map
Bonnie said last week, “I won't wait in that long line. “

“Yes, Berthillon ice cream 🍦 is good. 

Is it so much better than Grom? No. 

Amorino? Yes.”commented that I Bonnie.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Circus Baobab, Crepe à l’œuf, Fete du Pain


Yesterday, after the pool 🏊 I thought I’d pop into Centre Pompidou, 

Nearby I heard a tremendous roar. I ran🏃‍♂️ to see what the excitement was about & forgot the museum 😂 I did NOT get any good pictures 😵‍💫

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Big Merci, Missing In Action & B’day

 A Big, huge, gigantic THANK YOU dear PBers for your lovely ❤️ response on Sunday ☕️☕️☕️

I cannot tell you how touched I was by your generosity & kind comments ❤️ 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Giovanni Bellini, Jacquemart-André


So many exhibits to see in Paris, but one procrastinates. 

And then one never get around to it. Or waits till big warning posters go up in the Metro. Then the masses descend. 
Being an uber-ADHDer who rarely plans ahead, does not help.

Sunday, May 07, 2023

J-3 avant le Pari Fermier de Rambouillet !

“De nos fermes à vos paniers“  From our farms to your baskets”

One of the great joys of living in France 🇫🇷 is going to farmers markets held in and  outside Paris. 

Friday, May 05, 2023

Shiny, bight Things (SOS), Carette

I was saying to Vicki (my NYC neighbor for 10 years)the other day, that I always seem to be chasing after some unobtainable carrot 🥕 

Vicki said, “But really, that’s already the basis of your blog, as you seek out and report on one “bright shiny object” after another (think macarons…)