Thursday, September 02, 2010

The Goude Touch

I fell in love with this Paris poster/affiche the first time we met in the Metro. It still captivates. So French🇫🇷
J'adore graphiques Paris!! New York used to be terrific in this arena, mais non plus/no more.
WAKE UP NYC!!! One of the absolute maitre of French graphics is Jean-Paul Goude. Together with his muse, the fabulous GRACE JONES, they made New York and Paris jump!I was browsing Jean-Paul Goude's new book The Goude Touch and fell in love instantly.
"Goude is behind some of the wittiest billboards in Paris, in perfect control of his medium and with an intuitive sense of chic. "In an inspired moment, Galeries Lafayette gave Goude a rare degree of creative freedom, and Goude responded with some of the best work he has ever made: a modern classic of commercial art." I would so love to be this girl sitting in a champagne glass spooning out the caviar (which by the way you can pick up at Hediard to the right of the Madeleine.
A poetry affiche near St. Sulpice...
Simple, clean and witty - the Europeans have not forsaken illustration the way the US has to tell a story...
Peter's Paris showed me this crazy doorway in the back streets of the 6th arrondissement...
I'd like to be this girl too, dancing in Annick Goutal's vitrine.
Not a big poster, but a little postcard! I can see this certainment as an witty.
I would LOVE to have this affiche hanging on my walls, not because I'm nuts for les religieuses, though I’m nuts for AngelinaThis wall poster is just so fun!
If this little ardoise was hanging next to your house you would living near the wonderful SECCO! I am so ready for that...
Lady Gaga take notes.
BONJOUR Grace et Jean-Paul Goude!


  1. Carol,

    Thank you for this...I was bemoaning this but two days ago & here you are with Goude (& Grace! That video is fantastic in the proper sense of word)...yes yes yes. Now, to go see how much this book costs. Gulp.


  2. I discovered Annick Goutal on my last trip. Is the shop in the photo on Rue Bellechasse? I am addicted to Ninfeo Mio!

  3. Wonderful images--I love that doorway! I want that! And the girl who becomes a ribbon is classic.

  4. Carol:
    This one was wonderful-thank you! Hugs,


    Together they were so ahead of their time!!
    Lady Gaga is nutin' next to their diamond bright creativity.
    And their message was positive and soooo visual. not all warped sexuality that no one has a clue about.
    Take that Lady Gaga!!

  6. Love your blog, seriously!


  7. I love your constant reminders of the little things we forget...I remember the clever billboard/ads in the Metro stations!
    Only 4 more days til j'arrive.

  8. Merci Carol.
    I keep enjoying your blog given the connection and love of France and Art and hope to see you sketching in a Paris café in the future.

  9. I need that
    La Boulangerie est ouverte du mardi...
    in my kitchen!

  10. @Rene
    This Annik Goutal is around the corner from Pierre Herme on rue St. Sulpice

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. @ J.
    They are 'concept' sketches which are always quite doodly J.
    Always the best too :)

  13. Goude is incredible! I love his sketches and the one on the book cover amazes me, it is so brilliant.
    I vote for the doorway, too!
    Beautiful post :)

  14. Re: GRACE
    When Grace Jones was on TV here which is not very often you sat on the edge of your seat and you'd have a cushion ready to put over your eyes.
    She has attacked so many interviewers you were waiting for what she might do.
    But she so wants to be famous here she will do anything to get known. But being as she is, no one will have her on anymore.
    I'm sure if she were a bit quieter and not wanting to attack people she would do so much better and there would not be heavy guys on the side ready to grab her. Sometimes getting yourself noticed goes the other way and does more harm.

  15. Grace and Goude were a couple for a short time. Grace must now be over 60, but still trying to keep her image. Amazing. Not my favourite artist, but defintely an "image", thanks to Goude.

  16. @Peter
    'Grace and Goude were a couple for a short time.'
    Not so short..
    But it is the Grace Jones years, in the late 1970s & early 1980s, that established Goude"
    They have a 26 yr old son
    She is 62 & still looks darn goude IMHO

  17. I like running around looking at posters and shop windows and art work that seems to be everywhere in the city if you look closely.

  18. Merci, Carol,
    for this fantastic lecture,
    I feel I have seen and learned a world while browsing this most recent product of the meanderings of your mind and your knowledge (not least, the footwork you put into it!).

  19. Love this post and the video. Yes, at 62, Grace looks perfect!

  20. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Put your pet on the sofa or get on the floor. Laduree pets ... I received the watercolor of "Jack" last evening! ... I will be back! C.


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