Listen up bloggers. The important thing - HAVE YR BIZ CARDS W/ YOU at all times. Go to, Zazzle, do SOMETHING!
Mommie bloggers ROCK!
There were so many rocking babies at the NY Hilton Thursday, Friday and Saturday at BlogHer last week. 2,400 attendees - 1000 more than last year!
We are STRONG!
We are the world, Bloggers!
We DO make a difference!
There's a terrific recap @Marketing to Women...I borrowed this paragraph:
"For the uninitiated, BlogHer, founded in 2005, is a network of over 2,500 female-centric blogs, a "curated selection of authentic voices," according to BlogHer's About page. BlogHer is also a community for female bloggers, where they can find support, help, and inspiration. And finally, BlogHer is a yearly conference, which this year was held in New York City, August 6 and 7." Next year it will be BlogHer'11 in San Diego
There were panels all day and you could wander in and out. Design Sponge, Grace Paley, along with Gabrielle Blair of Design Mom and designer Alex Vega gave us the lowdown on Good Blog Design:The role of layout in an online medium - the room was packed.
Did you know if you have Google Analytics you can 'heat map' your blog and see what readers are hitting on the most?
We all hit hard on the Hilton lunch buffet with lots of vegan choices - YUM
And two floors of BlogHer sponsors. Thank you P&G and Emily for the fab makeover...
Thank you Marmaduke for not messing my new hairdo...
Do you know Dianne Jacobs' blog? If food writing is your schtick go visit.
The updated edition has a new section for bloggers. My original copy was ripped in half to take to Paris, so I picked up the new one.
Thanks Dianne for reminding me I MUST create a separate 'About' page. So much to do post-BlogHer! Diane chaired the panel on How to use your blogging to make you a better writer.
In 2007 I wrote Elisa Camahort Page (one of BlogHer's founders and in the middle) requesting a panel for women online artists. I wrote again last October and Elisa was ready! So I got to speak on Transforming Online Spaces into Art Places, along with photographer-writer, Karen Walrond of Chookoolooks and performing artist Khadijah Ali-Coleman.
During our panel I met Jane Pollak, coach-author-artist of Soul Proprietor, 101 lessons from a lifestyle entrepreneur. I went racing after her to chat and she gave me her book. On the way home I opened to Lesson 56
"Go! You might meet somebody!"
Oh Jane, how did you know? Just the advice I need.
I'm so glad I went to BlogHer. I met and heard lots and lots of women tell their inspiring stories.
I met Libbydesign a PB fan.
Jo Packham of Where Women Create.
Vic DaChick of A Window into my life.
I met first year CIA student, Bekah of BeekEats.
Hi PBer, Cynthia of A shimmy in my spirit. Thanks for coming to the panel. I've got stacks more biz cards here :)
There is one problem though - I am not a 'Tweeter' nor a Facebook person yet. Flickr, Etsy, Zazzle, Blogger yes. But social media NO. Big NO. I'm seriously behind the 8-ball and I have to do something about it FAST!
Tweeters gather, watercolor on Etsy, 9" x 11"

There were so many rocking babies at the NY Hilton Thursday, Friday and Saturday at BlogHer last week. 2,400 attendees - 1000 more than last year!
We are STRONG!
We are the world, Bloggers!
We DO make a difference!
There's a terrific recap @Marketing to Women...I borrowed this paragraph:
"For the uninitiated, BlogHer, founded in 2005, is a network of over 2,500 female-centric blogs, a "curated selection of authentic voices," according to BlogHer's About page. BlogHer is also a community for female bloggers, where they can find support, help, and inspiration. And finally, BlogHer is a yearly conference, which this year was held in New York City, August 6 and 7." Next year it will be BlogHer'11 in San Diego

"Go! You might meet somebody!"
Oh Jane, how did you know? Just the advice I need.
I'm so glad I went to BlogHer. I met and heard lots and lots of women tell their inspiring stories.
I met Libbydesign a PB fan.
Jo Packham of Where Women Create.
Vic DaChick of A Window into my life.
I met first year CIA student, Bekah of BeekEats.
Hi PBer, Cynthia of A shimmy in my spirit. Thanks for coming to the panel. I've got stacks more biz cards here :)

This watercolor (4" x 11") is yours, if you can assist me via SKYPE and email. Leave your street creds in the comments to convince me you can make me into a Social Media Diva.
Of course there was a BlogHer gala evening...
Here is my panel partner, Karen Walrond writing original messages on bloggers' arms, legs, necks, where ever...
Lastly I met Nelly Yusupova, a code writer of PHB(!?). She's head of WebGrrls and Digital Woman. Plus she gave me the shirt off her back. It was freezing in there.
Are you exhausted yet? I'm in recovery here, but there's so much I want to do now!!! Changes, changes, changes

BONJOUR BlogHer et Big Merci!!!
Look at the beautiful sights and faces of BlogHer'10
by Karen Walrond of Chookooloonks
Look at the beautiful sights and faces of BlogHer'10
by Karen Walrond of Chookooloonks
Well, I was gonna say...I'm dizzy but this made me more so. & just sign up for Twitter, silly girl. Then do a search for juliethecat (moi) & click on 'follow' & then tweet it out, baby. I'll retweet & then they'll retweet. I would sign up for that before FB. It's so fast. Don't forget to do a quick template change so that Paris Bfast macarons, birdies, etc. are in the background. Go for it. Off to collapse. Thanks for the great suggestions. A separate 'about' page is in the cards but when you can barely get Googley Analytics to recognize a new template (fume), it's soooooo irritating.
I have an account, @parisbreakfast, but I don't know how to do those links and stuff
Facebook won't let me most of the time.
Creds, yr biz, brill, fab, presie???
ReplyDeleteThe British have always said we Americans murder the "English" language. But now we have to bludgeon it to death before it actually dies!
dizzy dancing in my head all the stuff you do and danced to that day.
ReplyDeleteLike Guilia said -- just go for it... dive right in and tweak it as you go along... and she is right about Googley analytics too, frustrating.
I hate facebook ugh! so trite. Twitter well I guess if it is good enough for Martha dearest...
I will have to explore some more your links here, and comment later. It makes sense for you because of your lovely watercolors -- but then you may just get so darn popular -- I may not be able to afford you.
ReplyDeleteMaybe this will help you?
Discussions » Blogging Help
Add Facebook social bookmark link to your blogger articles
Posted by wandadog13 • 2 years ago • Subscribe to this Discussion [RSS]
Topics: blogger, facebook, seo tip, social bookmarking
I've cracked it! Just got Facebook social bookmarking button and link to work on individual Blog posts from Blogger.
I've published all the code and instructions for amending your blogger template over on my blog:
SO what are you waiting for? If it's good enough for the BBC, it's good enough for you.
P.S Don't forget to leave a comment or Digg my how to.
I got fed up with hunting for help and getting nowhere.
Maybe it will help for it is also a discussion group?
Best of luck, Joanny
It has taken me hours to get to the comments becauseI've been checking our all your fab links! Sounds like a great time! See you on Facebook whenever you get there!
ReplyDeleteA "Friend" was showing me how to do FB on her iPad and suggested I 'friend' a bunch of ppl. I don't even know.
ReplyDeleteNow Facebook will not let me into my own account because I accessed the account on real friend's iPad. Plus I am supposed to pass a test and recognize 7 of my so-called new friends, none of whom I recognize.
Go figure.
I'm cooked.
Biz card! Yes hubby gave me that lecture and told me more people will let me take photos when I say it's for my blog if I have a card.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see a "BlogHer" type of event out the West coast way. I think talking to people face to face is more likely to get questions answered.
Looks like you had a great time your enthusiasm really shines through. a bird
ReplyDeleteYr in Luck!
Next year BlogHer'11 will be in San
I asked you to be my friend on fb and you never replied, woman. I tweet here and there, but not much lately. None of it is hard, and you'd enjoy it, Carol. Sounds like you had a great time. Good for you!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the shout out! So nice meeting you. Loved the recap too. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the shout out! So nice meeting you. Loved the recap too. :)
ReplyDeleteLove your new "do" - loved the old ones, too!
ReplyDeleteI love this post--It sounds like you had a great time and that the event was for a great cause ;D
ReplyDeletePlus, I LOVE the picture with all the bright balloons; it makes me happy because of the colors :)
Carol, if that lady is really you, you look fabulous! The hair do is very modern.
ReplyDeleteThis post is great, I will have to spend some hours here, checking every link you gave.
I don't like FB (even though I have it!) or twitter, don't like people I don't know, that close to me. But that's just me...
Good luck!
Carol, it is a small world ... not just in the virtual sense. I know Jane Pollak, too.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes to you on all these updates. Hoping that you will still have time for your wonderful paintings.
I love the Tweeters!
ReplyDeleteLooks like a fun day.
I hate Twitter, but love FB. I'd love to be able to show you how to use it, so perhaps you had better get on a plane to La Belle France, I'll get the TGV to Paris and I'll give you a tutorial.
ReplyDeleteI'm still waiting for you to accept me as a friend on FB!
PS I hate Twitter so much I deleted my acount!
ReplyDeleteYou are so awesome.
ReplyDeleteIt was a pleasure meeting you!
Twitter is super easy to use (and I resisted it for a long time). I tweet all the time - one Twitter account for my blog followers: Cottagewayoflif
ReplyDeleteand another for the weekly column I write for
I like Twitter slightly better because it doesn't involve any of the "be my friend" acceptance stuff that Facebook requires (which always feels so high-school-ish to me). You just follow or you don't.
I Facebook too though (just search for Sue Kruse), also super easy.
One thing I use a lot for my Pressing Matters stuff to post links to things I like is Once you register there (free) you can get a toolbar for your computer & then if you're on a page you'd like to tweet about or post to Facebook, you simply hit the appropriate icon on the toolbar & voilà, add this writes the post (which you can add to or change as you wish before actually posting the post) & adds a clickable URL so you don't even have to think about it. is another site that does the same thing if you don't fancy
Also, if you have a phone that uses apps, Echophone & Twitterific are two good Twitter apps that make posting a photo or anything really, very simple to do on Twitter. Facebook also has an app (called, wait for it ... Facebook)that is simple to use for posting anything on Facebook as well.
Good luck with the social media! Once you get going, you'll have a lot of fun with it & you will have probably, oh I don't know, a bazillion followers? PressingMatterz & Cottagewayoflif are both now following you on Twitter, so get in there & tweet! ;-)
@Cottage Way of Life
ReplyDeleteYr comment has me just about in tears...
I can't even figure out how to do those weird links in Twitter
FB will not let me into my acct-someone else has accessed it they say.
Yes me on my SF friend's iPad when she was visiting in NY.
At least I can do Blogger adn Flickr but who knows for how long..
I'm ready to give up.
No one wants the tweeting bird watercolor evidently
too much work :(
Thanks anyway
FYI I do not have a cell phone yet, so no apps
I do have many digital cameras = doesn't count :(
And I do still use smiley faces, so no wonder I'm a ludite.
now, that would have been cool!!
ReplyDeleteI think everyone would love your birds - I would but I'm a ludite, too!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I would love to go to something like this, but find it so heard to hear about these things before they actually happen. Also, I live in London, so don't know if there's any blogging things like this in the UK.
ReplyDeleteOne of the things I'm really intersted in is the Google Anaytics heat mapping that you'd mentioned. Do you have any more information about it? I have analytics, but can't find any info about heat mapping on the actual Analytics site, or when I've googld it. Where can I find more info about it?
Thanks so much for the mention, Carol. It's fun reading all the comments. Glad you're enjoying my book.
ReplyDeleteYay Piu Piu!
ReplyDeleteHey Carol,
ReplyDeleteI was so happy to see you at BlogHer, finally, after meeting you so many times virtually on my blog.
You look absolutely gorgeous in your makeover. I tried to get one but the language of the form I had to sign made me too nervous.
Great post and thanks for the plug for my book. Yes, you need a Twitter account. It really makes a difference.
Hi there. Both Twitter and FB can be useful. They are both quite different.
ReplyDeleteOn Facebook, it is good to have a a personal account and then make a "page" for your business. You can keep your personal page just for frends and family (don't friend people you don't know, just refer them to your "biz" page). Your business page(used to be called fan page) is for anyone who is interesetd in what you do. Often friends will also "like" your biz page too so will get posts twice if you say some of the same things but if they are a friend they won't mind:)
There is a limit to how many friends you can have on an account but on a "page" it is an unlimited number, great for growing fan bases:)
Here's my "biz" page
You can link your twitter and FB so that one post will do both also.
This is getting long so I will sign off. I can tell you about twitter later:) I have 2000+ followers over there.It is quite different from FB.
Go for it! Send me an email for more info.(on my blog about page is address)
Cheers Shelagh
ReplyDeleteJust had to say I love the 4"x11" Piu Piu study! Such yummy bright colors. Sorry but am clueless about Facebook (don't really care to know what people are doing every moment of the day...yawn), as well as Twitter. Good luck!
Bon Soir!
Today's Paris Breakfasts was perfect! I have started a blog on a couple of occasions, but it never seemed quite right and have been thinking of starting anew. I have thought what I really need is to to read more about blogging and
ReplyDeleteperhaps really sink my teeth into (as it were) more food related blogs and see what I like, and what is said, tips, do some research on good vs not so much,
etc. I think my insecurities have been paralyzing... and then I read your posting and was inspired again! THANK YOU!
Hi Carol, I have a bakery that was formerly based in Park City, Utah. I worked crazy hours, and had little time/desire for facebook or twitter; however, I recognized its value for building my business, branding, long-term marketing, etc. I had a consultant that set up all of my business accounts, and updated them. All I had to do was tell him about our new cakes and tarts for that week. It was super easy...he was technical enough to know how to get things done. More importantly, he knew which venues to target for my business and area, how to monitor the accounts, how to use the technology to its fullest. I traded him tech-ease for baked goodies. I'm sure these types of folks exist in the New York area. Perhaps a quick email to all those business cards you collected, asking them who they know that can make this happen. Feel free to email me, I can send you my consultants info....Also, I think your Larudee tweets painting is one of your best...very clever...and would be great on a tee-shirt or tank. Cheers, Rose
ReplyDeleteWAY 2 GO Rose!
ReplyDeleteBut I have no way to email you..that info is kept hidden
GOOD FOR YOU to follow up on this stuff!
I'm in AWE
My email is in the sidebar
I'd love to chat.
why thank you so much for the link...
ReplyDeleteyou are so sparky and intriguing and savvy and i love that i found that out before the blog became reading for me.
just one tiny thing... i spell it amiee. my mama made it up. :) xo a
Hi Carol,
ReplyDeleteWhat a pleasure it was to finally meet you in person at BlogHer. Thanks again for taking photos of me and sending them for use on my blog. I really appreciate it. And for mentioning me and my book again here. You are too much! I don't know how you do these long photo-heavy posts but I really enjoy them.
Hi Carol,
ReplyDeleteWhat a pleasure it was to finally meet you in person at BlogHer. Thanks again for taking photos of me and sending them for use on my blog. I really appreciate it. And for mentioning me and my book again here. You are too much! I don't know how you do these long photo-heavy posts but I really enjoy them.