These blueberry slushies (very delish)
Were made by anyone who wanted to get on this bike and pedal!
S'Mores bien sur!!
There were lots of things to make and do at the soiree...
This darling gal made wedding party favors...
Like my new ring!
Martha's Daily Wag was there in full force. Woof.
There were stupendous give-aways too. I was eye-balling the OttLite which I did not win but I bought one today at Amazon so soon I can have TrueColor lighting too.
Of course there were mini Whoopie Pies again from One Girl Cookies. Hey they're au courant ya know :)
I'm racing because I'm late for the BlogHer Conference! Eeek Must run. I'm speaking tomorrow so ya'll come SVP to:

He's a dynamite food photographer and gives away his secrets like crazy. He's a darling man and I'm not just saying that 'cause he admired my Canon S90.
Love you Matt!

Passions: Transforming Online Places into Art Spaces
about how to make it as an artist online bla bla bla

Ahh, the watermelon-margarita ice popsicles look my style...yum! It looked like an all-girl fest, but then I did see that there were men in attendance...wonder how they felt surrounded by all those gorgeous women!
ReplyDeleteOh, you'll be great at that BlogHer conference. Good for you--I like that light, too! A great idea.
ReplyDeleteWas Martha Stewart there? I do not see her in any of your fabulous pictures! I am sure the event was great fun.
ReplyDeleteThanks for bringing us along to Martha's-- looked like lots of fun!
ReplyDeleteI've been wanting an Ottlite for a while now. I need to just break down and buy one. They're so awesome!
Excellent, Carol. I can't be there this year & so it was fun to see the pix. Glad you're speaking. ciao ciao
ReplyDeleteYOu have an outstanding blog! I've so enjoyed peeking here!
ReplyDeleteI can't think of a more fun thing to do than to get together with other bloggers, and have food, fun and crafts! Thanks for taking me along...
What a lovely visit!
What! I want that invitation! What a fabulous event! The watermelon popsicles look fun, the drinks look fun. You do run in the right crowd. i am sooooo jealous
ReplyDeleteSo jealous! This event looks fab! I'm not sure how you go about getting invited to events like this, but I'd LOVE to go to one! I wonder if they have them in London? Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteSo many events, so little time!
ReplyDelete(Love the photos - everybody looks like they are having fun. Always good!)
The party alone is worth starting a blog!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the fun and keeping me away from the calories.
ReplyDeleteWow, Carlg - makes me want to quit my day job and do something foodie/frilly/artsy ...
ReplyDeleteWriting direct marketing advertising materials is so bleah.
But I used to make handmade cards that were sold on Rodeo Drive (Card Art by Cynthia) - and worked for slave labor money, so I know how hard that life can be for me when doing it all myself, by hand, even in the best of shops/retail locations.
I'll stick with what I do and live through posts like this - and enjoy!
Bet your speech is zee best!
Carolg ... sorry I missed - typo!
ReplyDeleteLeave it to Martha -- she knows how to throw a party. Looks like a lovely time had by all.
ReplyDeleteOn the last item on your post I believe you have already transformed your blog into an artsy enjoyable and beautiful space to visit each day.
Have a wild and delicious week end.
MARTHA was NOT in the house.
ReplyDeleteMartha had left the building.
But she surely was there in spirit BIG TIME.
It was tremendous fun and babies were even allowed, not that I had one to bring. Hard to take shots with a baby drapped over yr arm...
YEs Jeannette I do think you of all ppl should sTART A BLOG!
Like today!!
So we can talk to you nonstop all day long.
We'll have you making macarons in no time at all!!
Man if only I had won that Kitchen Aide type thing last night...
I really wanted to start cooking after the food last night. Easy stuff too.
Blogging does have it's perks for sure.
Bon jour mon ami.. I haven't popped in for a visit - sorry, somehow when I moved things around on my blog I misplaced a few of my fav's - now that its resolved .. I'll be popping in for my regular visits.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a wonderful evening...and how wonderful it would be to hear you speak. Those women are quite lucky!!
Take care..HHL
i love it everythin so neat and pretty!...check me out!
ReplyDeleteLoved the party, the food, and the video/song at the end...I feel happy! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteOh wow looks like such a fun event! I wish they had something like that in my area (aka Australia). I love the oreo wedding cake :D and the colour of the whoppie inside is just amazing
ReplyDeleteWHOOPS !
I'm the one who was LATE to the party :(
My mistake Marth
Please forgive SVP!!!
OOoooh! This looks like fun! I recognize Matt from Flilckr. Thanks for bringing us along!
ReplyDeleteDear Paris Breakfasts, You are in my top ten favorite blogs!! As a baker, I adore the look into what's happening in Paris shops. As a woman, I love the fashion photos. And as a lover of beauty, your art is most inspiring. Many thanks to you!!
ReplyDelete@ rose
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! I'm always surprised and so pleased I can't tell you by feedback like yours
merci beaucoup!!
@High Heeled Shoes
Welcome back to PB!!
THANKS!! Very Big compliment :)
@Teri and cats
very glad I could share with you the fun!!
ReplyDeleteSo enjoyed meeting you at BlogHer. My friend Jane Pollack introduced me after your speaking session and I admired your beautiful business card and shared my passion for Paris and their lavish draperies.
Looking forward to following your blog.
Thanks for sharing the photos of the Martha's party.
You are my idol!! (And now I am hungry...)
ReplyDeleteMy mouth was watering the entire time that I was reading this post.... XD
ReplyDeleteAnd also, I LOVE "Hey Soul Sister"--It's one of the few songs on the radio that my mom, brother and I all can dance to together and where none of us say "Can I change the radio station now??" in a whiny voice lol!
Ha! That's me on the blender powered bike! Wasn't it a fun party? A little hectic but a lot of fun.