Friday, June 04, 2010

Hello London!

There is pink in London, on this dental surgeons doorway -gum pink that is
Ah the London underground.

I walked from South Ken station to the club Chelsea is always beautiful. I saw a London boy... I saw a London Girl... I saw Londoners having a pint, whilst on the way to the club...I passed dangerously close to Rococo Chocolates on Kings Road... Typically British is it not?

A 'Made In Britain' decor shop nearby...
As are many decorating shops in Chelsea
My favorite art shop is Green & Stone.
It's been on Kings Road for ages.
They sell antique watercolorboxes too.
My first cuppa.
Somewhat waxen it was


  1. Hi Carol....

    I'm REALLY enjoying your London shots and I'm glad you actually made it out of Paris on one of you trips! YAY... I made it over the pond for the first time this April.... I can't believe I waited so long... I LOVED London.. Did you make it to the Borough Market? That was my FAV! I know it's hard to see it all in just a day... I hope you make it back over again...
    Take care,
    Leesa in a VERY SUNNY Antony....

  2. Oh loved these photo's, makes me want to go.

  3. Wow...I enjoyed this journey with you!

  4. Bonjour Londres!

    Seeing a photo of the Anglesey Arms takes me back to my youth LOL. From what I can gather you can forget about the English cuppa today. You're going to need Evian and ice cream.

  5. P.S. What's IN that cuppa, anyhow??? It looks like pink pudding... : )

  6. my mouth is watering for a rococo chocolate. My old stomping ground - lived in that neighborhood two decades ago

  7. London looks so tempting through your eyes!
    You make me want to travel there, this very instant.
    The cup looks great, but I can't wait to see your very first cup of hot British chocolate. With a real scone and clotted cream! *oh England, here I come!*

  8. What wondwerful pics!! Loved the green, the people and the places!! And the pink!!Have a nice weekend!!xx

  9. Fun pics! Seriously...what was that pink goo in the tea cup???

  10. The pictures are amazing! I felt
    like I was there also! Thanks
    for sharing. If you see the store
    Cabbage & Roses, peek inside for
    me! Enjoy the journey!

    Flora Doora

  11. Une ville que j'aime Beaucoup!

    Bon Weekend


  12. Ooooh, London! Great photos, Carol. I will enjoy this London jaunt of yours. Have a great time. Bonne Chance!

  13. Cuppa Shmuppa - it would be a shame to miss out on some British Pale Ale: the grand-daddy of all microbrews! Have a great time in Londontown!

  14. Justine10:08 AM

    Thanks you for the 'amuse bouche' de Londres!
    Can't wait to see your 'English Breakfast'!!!

  15. Hello Carol, I am probably late to the party in applauding your new is great. And YEA!!! you are in London! I may have toured familystyle London last Aug. with our brood, but now you will show me the artful, chic, possibly quirky London....and thank you for that. Enjoy, enjoy.

  16. Pink is my favorite color and you have made my day, two days in a row, with these posts!

  17. I have always loved London and wished it wasn't so expensive ~ I would be tempted to make it part of each trip if it were more affordable!

  18. And London says hello to Carol! So sorry that I'm missing you but I hope you have a lovely time here!

  19. Ah the picture of the pub did it for me. Thank goodness the bar at the Farmers' Market on 3rd and Fairfax here in Los Angeles serves London Pride. At least I can pretend I'm in London.

    I hope you have a wonderful time. How 'bout pix of Hyde Park since the weather looks so lovely there? ;-)


  20. I love the pink door and candle in the teacup. England is cuter than I thought...

  21. The green shrubs look so nice, a bit different than your Paris street shots.
    I like London so far :)

  22. love your photos. The English chap fits is sooo appropriate.

    Love the tea cup (what is in it??)

    Have a terrific time!

  23. Yeah what is in that last pix It looks like a pink candle?? If it is i really would love to know where i can get one!! cheers!!

  24. The teacup IS a candle, and a home-made one at that in a funky tea shop window. I loved the shape of the cup...
    I've seen SO many cups since last night by hanging out in the china departments at Liberty's and Harrods. I am combing the city for pretty cups and I came to the right place!
    My internet connection is fragile here, so pls. understand if I don't respond to your email.
    Also I'm pretty beat end of day.
    I need a SPA so bad!

  25. Leesa said that beautiful tea-cup looked like pink pudding - well I say let's have a new colour puddin- pink!! My new word for the week is salubrious and when I saw your photo in Chelsea I thought now "that's a very salubrious area" to be sure.

  26. NIKON_
    It's veddy green fact terribly green indeed!
    Talley Ho!

  27. I love this post and love London as well! Cheers!

  28. Oh my god! It's london breakfasts now! :)

    Nice to see your blog always beautiful. London, Paris, wonderful cities!

    See you soon and sorry for my english!

  29. a candle! sooo lovely. I understand the need to collect cups and saucers. I'm afflicted with that bug myself.

  30. L'autre jour j'ai découvert votre blog, més félicitations, tous vos déssins sont superbes, il sont vraiment beaux!!! J'adore les images et les articles que vous aver, je vais vous visiter très souvent, je vous invite à visiter mon blog même si c'est très diférent.J'adore le rose, paris, Londres, les macarons, les éclaires..... Bisous. Esther

  31. Oh, how I love Rococo's truffles! I hope you're having a wonderful weekend in London - can't wait to see and hear more!

  32. so, how does london compare to paris in your opinion? i love your london photos, i can just smell the britishness in the air!! have you had afternoon tea yet?

  33. Spotted in Stockbridge, Edinburgh, Ecosse, Macaroons!! Didn't indulge as a week from Monday I will taste le vrai Gerard Mulot macaroon.

  34. Quelle restraint you ustilized t.Sutton!
    Truly amazing! ! !
    I too refuse to eat a non-French macaron.
    I am a macaron virgin you could say...sort of...

  35. I love traveling with you -- everything is more beautiful through your lens.

  36. So funny your comments & photos from London. I'm living in Paris and you're visits here are too inspiring!

  37. Christine in Anglet4:23 PM

    J'adore la photo de la porte rose du dentiste !
    25 years ago, we were in London with Harold and Lexhann (babies), and we saw in a ravissante place each door with a different color, and each Bentley in front was matching the same color of the door. HÉLAS ! We dont take a photo !! Have you sean that?
    Perhaps, there is no more Bentley now, with the CRISE ????

  38. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous. Like someone else said though, wish England wasn't so expensive (and I'm British and hardly ever buy much when I get back to the UK on vacation).

    Love your Etsy business too - I used to sell on Etsy and still browse there often.

  39. London is one of the many beautiful places to visit. Your photos reflects all the beauty that London has to offer. great post!


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