Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Painted Wedding Invitations

Painted Wedding Invitations If someone sends you a gorgeous invitation to an even more gorgeous wedding in the Loire Vallee at a wine chateau, do you think you should paint on the envelope?

Painted Wedding Invitations Say the entire invitation is on FAB French watercolor paper?

Painted Wedding Invitations Could you resist?

Painted Wedding Invitations Particularly if you can't attend the wedding (this weekend) as you're off to a watercolor workshop in Maine with your guru, David Dewey. I'm kind of partial to my painted version of this invite - what do YOU think?

Painted Wedding Invitations Granted the bride, D. wouldn't have been too thrilled with sketches of David McCullough inside her wedding invite.
Painted Wedding InvitationsI did do some artwork for D. of the church she's getting hitched in.

Painted Wedding InvitationsNot nearly as much fun as my version - her RSVP note.
What do YOU think?

Painted Wedding Invitations So why all this crazy splashing of paint hither and thither on fancy wedding invitations?
Painted Wedding Invitations Over the holiday I ordered these terrific giant Windsor and Newton watercolor pans. If you want to get some, I rec Jerry's Artarama for speedy delivery - they're not that pricy considering the quantity of paint (2 1/2" and 13X more paint than your average half pan). Yahoo

Painted Wedding Invitations My cousin Bill of Postcards From Philly sent me this terrific foldup water container that does NOT spill over easily made by Princeton Art and Brush Co. If you paint on the floor as I do, regular glass jars just beg to be toppled over = quelle disastre!
If you'd like your wedding invites painted madly let me know.
BONJOUR Painted Wedding Invitations!
Painted Wedding Invitations


  1. Lovely, dear! Nice washes. I always loved Florine Asch's beautifully painted envelopes. I did paint some envelopes at Christmas, in the past, but I haven't done that for a long time. Have a great time at DD's workshop! Will you see Bill? I love those big pans--good to hear a review of them--I've seen 'em before--just not so portable, I guess, if you want to take 'em on the road, though. I like the notion of them. I'll have to go see. I have one of those collapsible plastic bags that holds water that I like, too. Art supplies are such fun, oui?

    I can so see you painting up a storm on wedding invites now--etsy, here she comes!

  2. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I think you should send the new couple to be the envelop with the beautiful artwork.

  3. Sue,

    If you look closely you'll see an awfully nicely wooden palette that fits 5 pans($17) so they are more portable than you would think.
    I'm thrilled with the richness of the colors - they forcely you to throw caution to the wind and we all need that when painting.

  4. Wildy wonderful!
    Love the bold swaths of color
    and those pans. already loaded with color. I just bought a new slew of brushes so its a perfect excuse for the pans, yes?


  5. Is there any kind of lid on it, Carol? or way to close it all up? It sounds fun. thanks

  6. aaaah--I looked closer at your bucket, too--that's the one I have! I love that thing. Mine is yellow, but it's wonderful, isn't it!

  7. The wooden palette comes with a bubble wrap envelope thing that I'll use to carry it round Sue.

  8. Justine2:14 PM

    Love it, love it, love it!
    Why not have David McCullough inside yr wedding envelope especially with new terrif book on Paris?
    Great idea!

  9. I love the look, and if I ever get married again I'm definitely going to ask you to do my invites in this style!
    But dear lord, what a tough choice -guru or chateau wedding? Couldn't I go to the Loire valley affair as your proxy in this case, pretty please? :))

  10. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Nothing like painting to consol although the choices!
    Enjoy this weekend and happy Bastille day!

  11. You have used the French expression "quelle disastre" in several posts. But, of course, it is really "quelle désastre." This comment is meant to be polite not critical. I have followed your blog for several years and have learned a lot about Paris, French pastries, famous French people, and other subjects. Your blog is very entertaining as well as educational.

  12. What a fun idea painting envelopes.. Bummer you will miss the wedding. Why does everything come at the same time? But going to paint in Maine will be loads of fun and I look forward to seeing what you do.Oh I was in Costco today and saw Davids book and well had to have it. It will be a fun summer read. At least it isnt fattening like your Food goodies you recommend. :)) My monitor on my computer was not working well for awhile so I had a hard time visiting so I had to finally get a new one. So sorry I havent been here much. This was a fun post. Love your Church drawing too.

  13. You certainly know how to be creative with anything that comes your way! Love this post and also the comments (I always delight when I come by here after many of your readers have already left messages).
    Cheers from V.,

  14. Pity your guru couldn't coordinate better with your social life!
    I am feeling DEEP lust for those pans....after you gave me the link to the demo, I checked them out in my local art store, but I will show restraint since I just bought a lot of new brushes. :-) When do you think the statute of limitations should be set for aforesaid "restraint"?

  15. Love what you did! Thank you for the tip on the large my travel if I could paint like you i would be over the moon..

    In awe:)
    My friend blogger.. sent me an envelope from France all hand painted..treasures and keepsakes you are creating~

  16. Great post - the colors are wonderful.

  17. What a gorgeous idea! If I were the bride and you couldn't come I would cherish your embellishment of my invitation - what a special gift!

  18. Carol, I love making use of fine paper, whatever form it might originally have taken.

    Those big watercolor pans look good to me. Gosh, at this point in my lack-of-painting life, any watercolor paint would look fabulous.

    Hoping that you will have a grand time up in Maine. Isn't it fine to have a bit of fresh air here in New York after that early evening windy shower splashed us a bit?


  19. Anonymous9:43 PM

    The WN large pans are rich & luscious to paint with, & seem to come to life so easily. Don't have the wooden palette system, but use a porcelain tray from CB2 to hold them, which gives some handy mixing space.

    Have a great trip to Maine! Will look forward to your posts from there.

  20. EM-
    'a porcelain tray from CB2 to hold them..'

    That would be nice - where do I find that? The wood doesn't have a mixing area...

  21. Carol, wonderfully done! I adore your new watercolors and the porcelain tray would be perfect...

    Art by Karena

    Do come and enter my new Giveaway, a painting!

  22. Much prefer your version Carol.....xv

  23. What a brilliant idea - I love them, Carol!

  24. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I really admired the art work published in Vogue without your consent. Maybe the magazine didn't know where it came from so I hope you advised them very quickly.
    Didn't like the wild washes over the invitations though but I would have if they had been the background and the printing had been done over the top of the wash.....okay here I am honest..easier to say nothing...always read your newsletter. Thankyou. GB in Australia

  25. Chandra6:46 AM

    Oh my goodness!
    This is amazing and so inspiring!!

  26. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Wildy wonderful!
    Love the bold swaths of color
    and those pans. already loaded with color. I just bought a new slew of brushes so its a perfect excuse for the pans, yes?


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