Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Jour du Macaron 2012

Bear is the first one to show up at Pierre Herme Opera!


10:00am the key is in the lock...Ta-Da!

 Bear bones up on  Pierre Herme macaron flavors.

 What to choose?
Caramel..passion fruit...carrote/orange/canelle...infiniment chocolat...peche/abricot/safron...Americano pamplemousse...infiniment jasmin...figue + foie gras...vinaigre+balsamique...MON DIEU!

 A twirling macaron tree entices. Outside a sign for the new movie on Marie Antoinette, Les Adieu A La Reine opens today (a must-see)

 Enfin Jill Colonna/Mad About Macarons shows up.

 You give a donation  to Autistes sans frontieres and

 You get a macaron/Un don, Un macaron.
 Let the trick or treating macarons begin. We're off and running. Next to Galeries Lafayette sous sol Pierre Herme for another macaron.
 *New Alert! Angelina has opened a branch on premiere etage at Galeries Lafayette! woo woo

 Pierre Herme/Galeries Lafayette premiere etage is not so crazy-busy as Bear was expecting based on last year. But it's Tuesday, not Dimanche, so Parisians are working or l'ecole. Dommage..
 Clever Jill suggests we take the walkway through to Galeries Lafayette Gourmand for more macaron hunting.

 At Sadaharu Aoki counter we get another mac each. I fall victim to a silly pink macaron keychain. Jill already has hundreds of these so does not succumb.
 Nearby at the Jean-Paul Hevin stand they are giving away THREE MACARONS for one donation! woo woo
 I suggest we hop on #8 Metro to Ecole Militaire to J-P Hevin's La Motte Picquet shop. We're greedy.

 Back on Metro Ligne #1 to Concord to J-P Hevin's 231 St. Honore shop.
Bear is happy as a clam.
We race on to nearby Pierre Herme 4,rue Cambon for another. Jill has to go home. Her real life is calling. I carry on trick or treating.
 Off to Pierre Herme 72, rue Bonaparte for a Mogador macaron MIAM! Bear and I made a few more hits on the macaron route till exhaustion did us in. BTW we did not eat a single macaron. Good things come to those who wait.
Total haul macarons=approx. 18.
I ate a few at gouter/4:30 yesterday.
Bear's delicious Jour du Marcaron 2012 haul. 
Writing this post caused me to eat macarons. The poster on the wall was a gift-with-purchase edition limité des Macarons Pierre Herme Paris I couldn't resist. I will redecorate at home with the new macaron poster.


  1. What a macaronathon yesterday, Carol. That was so much fun! Can't believe we collected as many and I've still some in the fridge waiting for later. You went on to Bonaparte? Lucky you. And got that poster? Great stuff. Glad to hear you finally ate them! Great to see bear again, too. He's smart.

  2. I am so jealous!!! I unfortunately was one of those Parisians who has to work on a Tuesday so alas I did not partake. But it was delicious to live vicariously through you!! Which one was your favourite macaron flavour?

    x Milsters

  3. OMG, I think the first time I went to Paris, I had all of ONE macaron. You sound like you had about 80 in one day! too funny

  4. Yeah I am glad you and Bear had fun! He sure has a lot to choose from in his haul! I will have to check out Angelina at Galeries Lafayette. Did you go to Victor and Hugo do they give away macaron too?

  5. REAL LIFE????? What could be more real life than Macaron day? I wish those little beauties weren't made with almond flour...they're wonderful looking, but if I ate them they'd literally be to die for!

  6. How did you manage to get them home without turning them into macarons of a thousand pieces? Did you have a bag of bubble wrap?

  7. WOW! What a whirlwind trip around Paree.
    Make sure you don't get the Mac chart confused with your paint samples, back in NY.
    Instead of a painting in "analogous" colors
    you could end up with one in "macalogous" colors. One of your tastier paintings.

  8. Oh so jealous! A day to remember, for sure!

  9. Fabulous! If I had been with you I would have forced you on to finish the map. Now, do tell... was there a big treat of 35 macarons if you finished the PH map like last year? Who else was giving away macarons for a donation?

    I love the photo of Jill outside, both for the great photo of Jill and for that glorious sunshine! I hope that it lasts through next week as we arrive Monday!


    1. Nope Genie,
      No free box of 36 macarons...
      That was TWO years ago in fact
      But what a good memory you have :)
      A life experience to remember.
      I dragged them home and gave them away at school reunion. Not properly appreciated in my humble opinion, but I doubt the chance will come again...sigh

  10. Wow, macarons everywhere! It looks like you were on a mission from God :)
    Good to see Bear having such a good time!

  11. Love love love the colors!
    And the flavors are to-die-for!!

  12. Linda in Portland5:15 PM

    After the umpteenth day of grey,cold rainy weather here in Portland your post was a treat. Not sure if it was the lovely light
    hitting the Opera Garnier or the pastel macarons,but it defintely
    lifted my gloomy mood!

  13. What a haul!!!!!! You lucky, lucky girl!! Wasn't bear nice to share them with you!

  14. What a fab day!!! Beautiful weather and macarons... perfect. I love that you kept on going after Jill went home. You sould market those silly keychains here in the U.S. for those of us that are infatuated with the macaron. I too am looking forward to your mac paintings.

  15. Oooo, that Mac poster would go great with my Fiesta collection! And how I wish I had 32 macarons after cleaning up after flood yesterday! Bear's determination to collect all those macs cheered me up!

  16. Please start with a kitchen remodel including one of those fab glass mac display cases!

  17. Peter in USA12:04 AM

    Love the Pierre Herme macaron limited issue poster and tried to find where to buy it.
    No luck.
    Your link doesn't seem to work.
    Anyway, when I went to the Pierre Herme website in Paris, there was a terrific Easter egg offered.
    Is there anywhere in the good old USA where you think that egg could be purchased? Or am I just out of luck?

    1. Everything is 'limited edition' in France, especially Easter eggs.
      They don't ship globally-too fragil too
      Come to France!

  18. 18 macarons in one day! shiiiiit thats more than I've had in a life time. I had a Montebello from PH on macaron day. Was good! but pissed off I never got a free poster. I should have spent 10 euros to get one

  19. The poster was a 'gift-with-purchase'
    You had to buy something 10 euros and then you got it
    I am drinking his chocolat chaud everyday thanks to that.
    There was a note at the bottom of the printed PH map/guide - very easy to miss.


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