Thursday, January 28, 2010

Paris Daydreams

Remember this fab view l'avenue de l'Opera from Tuesday's Paris Greys..?

Look at this version by Impressionist Pissarro (1898) Not really all that much has changed aside from a few cars and whatnot... Paris will always be a visual feast for artists and anyone else with eyes in their head...The long avenues of repeated, orderly patterns cry out for the paintbrush....
At night the shiny streets and sparkly lights - just stupendous!
Gustave Caillbotte shows housepainters doing what they do everyday, but it's in Paris!
Back to the wonderful Casas-Rodríguez Collection of Paris postcards, of old Montmartre...
I never was a big fan of Paris painter, Utrillo until I saw these two together...
Another postcard from Life in the streets...
Every view a painting...
Matisse's view out his Paris window of Notre Dame...
And Caillbotte's view...
And my view in New York this morning...
So I hope you'll understand when you ask if we can meet up for a cup of tea in Paris and I say I'm too busy running around taking it all in and just daydreaming...


  1. I heard you had snow up that way, Carol! We're getting it here in the mountains in Asheville--it's going to be a lot, I think...

    I always loved Utrillo--as a kid, I had some of his prints hanging in my room. Fun post to see the way it's all still the same--I'm not surprised. Why fix what's not broken?!

  2. William Ternay, Jr.9:50 AM

    How come I don't see such wonderful views outside my windows?
    Paris. Caillbotte, Matisse, and the view out your window,
    just waiting for Morandi to interpret.
    Thank you, PB.

  3. Carolg - paris make me dream, but you do too!

    do you know leaonard pitt? He lives in berkely, CA, but loves paris too and wrote a book called 'Paris Disparu' comparing old photos of paris with how it looks now! He at first couldnt get it published in english so that it came out in french first. And he is a marvelous speaker - I have heard him at Brentano's (RIP) and patricia laplante-collins (still going strong).

    Bonne journée in nyc!

  4. Gustave Caillebotte is my favourite painter!
    I love your posts about "Paris greys" and "Paris under the water"(euh...even if the Seine is very very close...)!
    Thank you again Carol!

  5. Carol,
    Thanks for the lovely offerings today. As a frustrated painter, photography has filled that void (for the most part) for me. Someone said, " Photography is instant painting". True. And of course our Paris is a photographer's dream.

  6. Brigitte10:26 AM

    just wanted to tell you HOW much I love reading your blog each day--you are an amazing francophile and artist all rolled into one and if I had any say in this, you should one day get a Legion d'Honneur for you work.

  7. As far as today's post goes, just wanted to mention that your photo was taken from La Place de l'Opéra, whereas the Impressionnist painting (Monet or Renoir or maybe Sisley?) is definitely painted from the OTHER end, ie Place de la Comédie Française and that fountain is there today as it was then...

  8. I love seeing all the photos and paintings of Paris! I came to really appreciate Utrillo when I saw his exhibit (and his mother Susan Valadon's work included as well) in Paris last February or March! The paintings at that exhibit were primarily Montmartrescapes..and I loved them!

  9. J'adore Caillebotte.
    j'adore recevoir tes courriers
    J'ai un peu honte, depuis mon bureau j'ai une jolie vue sur le jardin de l'évêché même si le ciel est gris c'est toujours très beau

  10. What a lovely post today! Thanks for all the effort that you put into your daily postings. Merci, merci.

  11. i love paris soooooo have made my day so much brighter....and that's saying a great deal as i'm in sunny so. cal........

  12. Carol,

    You make me want to get to Paris asap. The reason I left NY was for a lack of view outside too. In Denver, I get to see the open sky and "snow capped mountains white". It really makes an impact on your quality of life.
    I love your pic of l'avenue de la Opera and the Pissaro painting. There's a French Art Exhibit here at the moment too....I think I will go. Thanks for the inspiration.

  13. Lovely post.
    I like the painting of the first because of the fountain and the trees...

  14. I just love seeing the old with the new here and the paintings of old with the now too. I never appreciated Paris until I came to your Blog now I see what others have seen for ever. Thanks Carol.

  15. Roseann2:37 PM

    I'm guessing from the view from your window that you live in the way
    Upper West Side of Manhattan-

    Am I anywhere near close?

    I love your Paris Breakfast Posts!



  16. Cindi C2:37 PM


  17. Such a pretty post! Except for the cars, not much has changed. Love it!

  18. I never fail to get great joy out of reading your posts and today is no exception. We were in Paris last September and on visiting Musee d'Orsay were dumbstuck to discover that most of the Impressionists were on their way to Australia, our home country, while renovations were taking place at the Museum. We finally caught up with them on a trip south to Canberra during the Christmas break.

    I was mesmerised by your film yesterday of the Paris floods. Thank you so much.

  19. Beautiful post, Carol - what a great feast for the eyes you have put together!
    Have a great weekend......

  20. Lovely, absolutely LOVELY! I am inspired. :-)

  21. I can't believe I neglected to comment yesterday!
    I must have been lost in thoughts. Yes, I admit, I was dreaming - among other things - of taking your view of New Year and make a cutout - a painting would be better, of course, alas, I am no painter - I was so smitten by the clean lines of that building with the fire escape ladder, the one next to it and the reflecting windows of the brick (?) building in the background, there is something about the color palette that I find attractive (always forgetting that this all happens under a grey sky of which I honestly have had enough for this winter, thank you). The scene reminds me of Mondrian's painting at the Guggenheim (I checked, it is ). You see, artists do that to wretches like me: The inspire us to see the world with different eyes, like you do, every single morning. Thank you, Carol! :-)

  22. P.S.: I wanted to say that I checked for the name of the painting, it is "Tableau No. 2/Composition No. VII".

  23. LOL - I'm hoping to passing though Gay Parée in May. Will gladly meet up for a téa or chocolat chaude at the Gare du Nord if you are in town and have a spare 10 minutes!

  24. Paris es fantástico,
    un abrazo,

  25. Anonymous7:00 AM


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  26. One of your most wonderful posts IMHO! So wonderful to see the interpretations juxtaposed with the photos.

  27. Paris is beautiful, we know. But seen by painters impresionitas is wonderful. Thank you very much, I love Caillebotte.


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