Friday, January 22, 2010

Paris Reflections

Anne says there should be no reflections in window shots.
But I can't live without them.

You get a double vision of Paris = fab hair + French balcons.

Lachaume Fleuriste + rue Royale.

Librairie Japonaise Junkudo + rue des Pyramid...
Cafe Constant + reflections of rue Saint-Dominique down the street from the Eiffel Tower.

Paris reflections can be in a cafe table top...
Or a car windshield.The French word for reflection can mean your image in the mirror.
To reflect is used for an image reflected in water.
And when you are thinking deeply - je reflechis a ceci.
So many visual reflections. I love this book on all of them-
Jonathan Miller's book, ON REFLECTION:
Reflective surfaces, from puddles to pewter to mirrored glass,
have always been catnip to artists.What makes these images so especially puzzling and delicious...
Sometimes looking through the window.
You get the best reflections of all.
BON Reflections!


  1. Rebecca in Canada8:33 AM

    I read your post daily, but wanted to let you know that I particularly enjoyed today's post on reflections. It was wonderful!
    Many thanks!

  2. on days...weeks...where I get too caught up in my own little world of work, responsibilities, family, your posts help remind me that there is a bigger world out there. It helps keep things in perspective....along with a little reflection! :)

  3. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Your images with reflections are wonderful. Please keep reflecting!

  4. Your pictures are wonderful. I must begin looking for these reflections and see what I can come up with.

    Please stop by and have a look at my Give-A-Way. It is French and you may like, Yes?

  5. What a wonderful, reflective ;-) post this is!

    I really enjoyed the photos here. Thank you for your perspective on Paris in reflections.

  6. Lovely reflections, and I believe I saw a few subtle self-portraits there, too--fun!

  7. Especially glorious column today!
    How much more than doubled is our pleasure in your imaginative comminglings --- you even surpass yourself. Mille remerciements!
    Berkshire Tsarina

  8. Fantastic shots! I love the windshield curved one! And, of course, the blue Eiffel!

  9. William Ternay, Jr.10:50 AM

    This is one of your most elegant, and subtly creative posts yet.
    Some of the most unique photos I've ever taken have involved reflections, especially in store-fronts.
    I love spending time, lining up all
    the "parts," and usually ending up with quite surreal images.

  10. I must say you have changed the way I look at reflections in photographs. Your reflections are art in itself. Great post.

  11. Just amazing!

    Thanks for sharing...

    Please don't forget to enter the newer giveaway♥


  12. What an interesting perspective! I "covet" your "eye", your lens, and your locations!

  13. You are absolutely right, Carol~
    reflections are a necessity and yours are super !!
    Thank you.
    B in the Mojave~

  14. Lovely photos! I love the reflections theme!

  15. West coast Ann1:33 PM

    LW and I love pictures reflected and pictures taken through tiny windows like the ones in old monestaries in Italy and Spain. Ann doesn't know what she's talking about. I forget who Ann is . I know you visit her in France.

    West coast Ann

  16. Misha in Paris2:10 PM

    tres bien, continue !
    you play with all refletion,
    Make your own face reflection !

  17. I'm glad you include the reflections. It makes me feel like I'm there, looking in the windows, Paris behind me. :-)

  18. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Just brilliant. Thank you.

  19. Great photos, Carol. My favorite is the car windshield.
    Have a great weekend.....

  20. love the reflections, cherie.
    i'd never noticed them.
    keep it up!

  21. Great shots, Carol !

  22. You got some pretty cool double shots looking thru windows. Love the one with the buildings and the roses fanning across the picture.

  23. what a wonderful post. thank you for that!

  24. Not all photos with reflections in them turn out as well as we hoped, bien sûr, but some do. And occasionally there are ones where we didn't even realize there was a reflection in them till we view them later (or, in the olden days, got the prints back from the developer!). But definitely the best ones turn our to be among my favorites, so I understand how you can feel the same way about yours. I look forward to seeing more of them here -- great work!

  25. Judith expressed already what I think too:
    Glorious reflections!
    That first image would be plain boring, for example, without the reflections. I would bet that the window decorator counted on them, to bring his work to life.
    I truly enjoyed them all,
    one more ingenious than the other.

  26. thank you for taking me window shopping in paris.

    i will be there in april...ahhh, april in paris!

  27. Tatiana6:14 PM

    Hi Carol, your Paris reflections are wonderful, thank you for your sensibility...
    Perhaps I'll travel to "La Ville Lumière" next February for the "Paris Cookbook Fair" and "Gourmand Awards"

  28. These are wonderful. I have spent about a half hour looking at them. Reflections --- what a wonderful theme.

  29. Wow, what fabulous images. My eyes lit up when i saw Cafe Constant!! Straight away i knew it was rue St Dominique - that's the street i last stayed at in Paris! Cnr rue St Dominque and Ave Rapp - what a view!!!


  30. I love reflections! And I love Cafe Constant!!

  31. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Keep posting stuff like this i really like it


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