Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Olivier Pitou - PARIS 7e

Potted Paris,  9" x 11"
Time to focus on flowers while we're inundated with snow.
Parisiens are mad for their small potted plants to line their balcons. How could I not cross the street (23 Rue des Saint-Pères) for a peek inside Olivier Pitou. A treasure chest of fabulous fleurs inside this closet-sized boutique. Olivier Pitou - PARIS 7e Can you smell the flowers?Olivier Pitou - PARIS 7e And why not a giant dramatic polar bear to jazz things up?Olivier Pitou - PARIS 7e They were very sweet and let me shoot, though I didn't buy a blossom.Olivier Pitou - PARIS 7e Heavens!Olivier Pitou - PARIS 7eMiam! as good as macarons framboises.Olivier Pitou - PARIS 7e Glorious bouquets and arrangements.Olivier Pitou - PARIS 7e But their specialty must be these perfect potted plants.Olivier Pitou - PARIS 7e For your terrasse bien sur.Olivier Pitou - PARIS 7e Dear USA Customs please let me bring some of these home?Olivier Pitou - PARIS 7eOlivier Pitou is in the 6th arrondissement too.
Olivier Pitou - PARIS 7eOther Parisien Fleuristes:
Do you have a favorite fleuriste in Paris? Tell.


  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Mon Dieu! We so think alike. Or maybe it 's that time of year when our eyes need that hint of spring. I am mad for all of these. Want to go right out and grab some terrace plants. ..or maybe some with bulbs. Ooh la la. ;-)

  2. Oui...very cheering aren't they :)
    Who doesn't need a lift in this weather...
    Groundhog what happened?

  3. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Ah, once again you kill me with the memories.
    I walk down this street all the time when in Paris.
    Have you ever taken out a sandwich from the little
    tiny walk in deli called?? Delmonicos?? Something
    with a D- I have not been there since 06- can you imagine?!
    Anyway, they make or made a really good REAL chicken
    sandwich on a baguette- the med students from across
    rue Jacob haunt the place so one has to get there early.
    I often would get a sandwich here to take on the train
    with me to the Dordogne. Thanks for reminding me....
    I too am about to book my March visit, but I plan to stay
    a full 3 mois! But in the country mostly. Bonne journee!

  4. How wonderful!!! Armloads of flowers and sweet mossy pots. We are buried under snow here too. I posted a summer picture also, chasing away the winter frost. I remember a wonderful florist shop on Ile Saint-Louis near Bertillon, the ice cream place.

  5. I've never met a flower shop or garden shop I didn't fall in love with--these photos are a wonderful shot of color during these winter months, Carol! And your lovely flowers in a basket with your bird are sweet! Beautiful!

  6. Ha that is so cool, thanks for sending me that post! Who knew! I have pictures of it too. You should link that post to this one:) They are both such lovely reminders that winter doesn't last forever:)))

  7. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I adore peonies!!!
    Larry's mother grew them.
    What voluptuous blossoms.

  8. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Ahahaha the Polar bear is a nice touch!
    Wow those peonies are gorgeous!

  9. Oh Heavens, I passed this shop and took pictures for exactly the same reasons!! I love the Paris style!! Thanks for taking me "back".

  10. Please send me a peony and as long as its bloom lasts, I shall not complain about winter anymore.

    My Kingdom for a piece of blue sky!

  11. Very nice shots and an excellent watercolour. The basket is so nice. Flowers and greenery, c'est un apéritif de printemps! Hope it comes soon!

  12. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I walk the streets of paris in google maps street views :-)

  13. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Is that real live moss on all those pots or just decorative stuff?

  14. this reminds me of the stands in pretty this time of year,
    have a lovely day carol.


  15. Beautiful Painting. Love the colors here today.
    We have sunshine, for the moment, and Green all around us, but no bright colors I crave right now, So thanks for these.

  16. This is one corner of Rue Steve 7th that I missed. I so love the flower stores and plant markets. There is something about knowing I cannot buy them and take them home that heightens their beauty.

  17. OOh~La~La... I can almost smell the Primrose.

  18. Those peonies are fab!

  19. Absolutely lush...a feast for the eyes in the dead of winter! Artzart

  20. Anonymous12:20 AM

    ah, so so beautiful. Love your lovely post, we are having flood situation here in Jakarta for the past one month :(

  21. What a simply stunningly beautiful store. I can almost smell the blooms from here.
    Thankyou so much for sharing !


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