Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Delmontel rue des Martyrs 75009

Patisserie Demontel, 9" x 11"
Have you been to Patisserie DELMONTEL?
Well if you haven't you haven't lived! 39, Rue Martyrs, 75009 Paris So fasten your seat belts. You're in for some serious torture this morning...tee-hee Doodly-dooFeeling relieueuse today?Eclairesque? Want a touch of green in your life?
OK a LARGE hunk of green in your life?
This is what I got... SUSPENCE!
2 logs of Limey, very tarty, deliciousness...no I could not eat it all
Triste non? This is a shot of DELMONTEL today over at Google Maps
Tous les jours sauf le mardi de 7h00 à 20h30Today being Mardi, they are closed  &^%$#


  1. You're killing me here! Oh my goodness that looks good!

    I'm loving your new series of Paris scenes... it's a different style than you usually do. Is it still water colors?

    You do beautiful work as always.
    Toma, aka The Antiques Diva

  2. Apparently I hadn't lived, but I did fasten my seatbelt and thanks to you I feel as if I had. I've said it before and I'll say it again... Paris Breakfasts is a blessing to me. It is amazing how much emotion you convey through both your art and your photos. PB should hands-down be #1 in that top ten lists of Paris blogs. No offence to your fellow bloggers... PB just sends my spirits soaring. I look forward to receiving your email delivery when I'm out and about -- It just makes my day.

  3. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I love your paintings of the buildings.
    Just the right amount of whimsy!

  4. Anonymous10:38 AM

    O M G !!!!!!
    THIS is tooo,too much!
    Aidez moi!

  5. Ooooh..........a crisp, clean look is evolving in your wonderful drawings! You are reminding me everyday that Paris can't wait much longer.
    I miss it!
    sande chase

  6. Are those coffee flavored eclairs???? Yummy.

    I was just watching a documentary on Marc Jacobs and they showed him making the macaron Louis Vuitton handbag and I thought of you. Did you get that bag? Did you write about the bag?

  7. How come I haven't been? Where is it exactly?

  8. Never been there but your painting makes me want to go.

  9. LOVE the building's architecture! YUM to your painting and the treats!!!!!!!!!

  10. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Amazing ...just look at those tarts. I hope Leesa sees this and visits with her friends!
    Anything Lemony for me :-)

    Bye for Now

  11. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Hi Carol

    Holy baked goods, Batman! How did I ever miss this patisserie? I see another exploratory trip to Paris in the (hopefully not too distant) future.

    Love, love, love the painting.

    Thanks for sharing

  12. Anonymous5:40 PM

    I have to stop looking at your posts BEFORE LUNCH!!!
    These make my stomach growl!

  13. Hi there! Just stumbled upon your blog. Don't ask me how...surfing blogs you never know which way you're headed but I ADORE your artwork!!! Once I save up enough money in my piggy bank I'm going to have to buy something from you! Glad I discovered you. :)

  14. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Bonjour !
    You have visited a lot of things in Paris, incredible ! You are a Parisian girl now !!! And this green cake is incredible too, isn't it ?
    Bonne journée,

  15. I am in love with the green! It's so unique. Love the painting!

  16. I love seeing Paris through your eyes. Beautiful paintings and photos! Thanks for sharing,

  17. i just LOVE your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    thank you thank you thank you
    xo pam /red ticking


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