I've done a gazillion things in my life.
Just to name a few, I've designed shoes in Italy and Spain. Sportswear in the Orient and on 7th Avenue. I've written and illustrated travel books and a kid's book. I airbrushed pharmaceutical advertising art. I painted chef's portraits and jackets. I made wine promotion artwork. I shot special events photography at the James Beard House and for food publications...
AND I've even day-traded during the "Big Bubble"!
But none of them has been as much fun or as rewarding as posting 5X a week on ParisBreakfasts. thank YOU for showing up and responding to my watercolors and my Paris dreams

Hundreds of photos and sketches later, I knew I was hooked.
After a week of 2-3 petit déjeuners every morning, afternoon snacks and evening apéros running from café to café, my head was turned around. I was not ready for pretty pink houses or the village perché of Provence.
If you haven´t understand what I mean....;D
My best wishes for your new year...
Joyeux anniversaire, Paris Breakfasts! et longue vie à ce blog!
ReplyDeleteJoyeux Anniversaire! Chaque jour je me leve et jette un coup d'oeuil a Paris Breakfast. Il me permet de prendre un petit voyage en France, la ou j'ai habitais 14 ans de ma vie, tous les jours. Les aquarelles sont exquis! Merci Carol! artzart
ReplyDeleteMERCI, Carol, for one year of delectable messages, full of goodies for the eye and the heart.
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary, PB! Travel books and childrens' books---give us titles! I'd love to see them!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to you
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to you
Happy birthday, Paris Breakfasts
Happy Birthday to you!
Best wishes for another glorious year to come.
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy looking at your photos and watercolors.
Happy Birthday Carol!! Cheers!
ReplyDeleteBlog no O-tanjoobi Omedetoo gozaimasu! Happy blog birthday! Looking forward to more of your watercolors!
ReplyDeleteJust think.. if you hadn't have taken that mini assignment where would you be? Where would Paris Breakfasts be? Where would WE be?
ReplyDeleteWithout a fabulous treat to wake up to each morning!!
Happy Anniversary Carol and Paris Breakfasts!
Cris in OR
bon anniversaire, carol!
ReplyDeleteevery morning here in brazil i read your delicious (literally) newsletter about paris and all those wonderfull cafes.
three weeks ago i was in paris and now i came back do my country.
thanks for your so kind matinal information et mes félicitations pour votre anniversaire.
Your Photos are BEAUTUFULL,
ReplyDeleteYour aquarelles MAGNIFIQUES. J’adore your Paris Dreams !!!
How Fabulous - You are one talanted, lucky woman and we are likewise graced with your Paris dreams!
Thanks to Corey and thanks to you.
ReplyDeleteMy days would never have been the same without ParisBreakfast!
I look forward to more years!
Imagine I am singing this
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Carol
Happy Birthday to yuooooooooooo.
How old are you? 100? You have done far too much but I am so pleased yo have. Thanks for a thoroughly entertaining year.
Happy Birthday, you know that you are my lucky charm! We enjoy your blogging even more that than you do!
ReplyDeleteToday I am 40!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to us both!
Congrats! I love your blog as it brings me daily joy and inspiration!
Happy Birthday, Paris Breakfasts...and thank you for bringing a wonderful bit of happiness into my life every day!
Bonne anniversaire, Carol. Merci for taking us all along for the ride! (And hmmmm... if you're just "one" today, think of the growing you still have ahead of you!) We'll all enjoy watching for a long time...
ReplyDeleteFor the event, here are a few presies for you:
ReplyDeleteA picture of Paris
A picture of a French breakfast:
special candle:
Bon anniversaire! I'm so glad that you decided to start this blog, otherwise I may have never known of so many fabulous places.
ReplyDeleteJoyeux Anniversaire, Carol! I baked you something over at my blog. :)
ReplyDeleteI am SO glad you decided to start this blog and have kept at it. It is such a pleasure every day.
Excellent bloganniversaire !
ReplyDeleteJ’adore ce vert !!!
ReplyDeleteC’est une de mes couleurs préférées !!!
Vive les UN AN de Carol !!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your one year anniversary!!
I have enjoyed every entry!
Happy Anniversary! Thank you so much for sharing "Paris" and your artistic gift with us.
ReplyDeleteNós por cá dizemos, Feliz Aniversário!!!
ReplyDeleteYou can see we are all thrilled to help you celebrate your first of many blog birthdays. We've had a wonderful journey with you. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday! I so look forward to each post.
ReplyDeleteJoyeux Anniversaire, Carol! You have one of most original and beautiful blogs around! I'm so glad to have met such a fascinating person as you!
ReplyDeleteAnd somehow I feel I was there during the pregnancy...
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Petit Breakfast.
So glad you are here, Carol. This is where I come to treat my eyes!
ReplyDeleteYour style of writing AND painting is so refreshing.
Mimi, also hooked...
Happy Birthday and I LOVE visiting here. Except you make me want to EAT chocolate all day long!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Carol. Having discovered this blog just a short time ago, I came to the party late, but it has been wonderful catching up. Thank you for starting this gloriously sensual delight of a blog. I happily look forward to the next year of posts.
ReplyDeleteHappy Blog Anniversary!
ReplyDeleteYahoo, the blog world
is a much sweeter
and refined place
with your delicious paintbrush!
I am so glad you took the dare
you delight me each day with a
taste of Paris!
Joyeux Anniversaire!
ReplyDeleteMerci beaucoup!!
No wonder I am ten pounds heavier!! I have been visiting your blog everyday for a year!
ReplyDeletePlease do not stop...I do not mind being made heavier!
Here is to fifty more pounds of pretty ParisBreakfasts!
Happy Blog days ahead!! And thank you for sharing them with me!!
You've come a long way, baby, and I've enjoyed travelling with you. Thank you! Your paintings, photos and blog are a joy to me, that I meet with anticipation each time I see there are new items from you in my Google Reader. May the next year be just as joyous. Congratulations!
ReplyDeletejoyeux blog day ! :)
ReplyDeleteWrap your fingers around a teacup and celebrate! I'm not a blogger, but I love your blog - the watercolors, the text, the photos. It is a bit of refreshment for my soul to bounce by this bookmark each day. Happy Anniversary, Carol!
ReplyDeleteHappy blog birthday Carol! I've so enjoyed your blog from the first time I saw it. Thank you for sharing your Paris Dreams, so that we can have ours too! : )
ReplyDeleteJoyeux anniversaire.
ReplyDeleteJe suis d'accord: on apprend énormément en faisant un blog. Mais ceux autour de nous ne le comprennent pas toujours.
Je suis souvent le blog de Corey, il est sublime.
I'm really just a transplanted American in France but thought you might like the French!
Wishing you lots of happiness and inspiration.
Joyeux Anniversaire Paris Breakfasts and to you Carol!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you took the cafe and blog challenge and came up with Paris Breakfasts! It is always a delight to read ... and look at ... and drool over!
ReplyDelete;-) Happy Bloggabirthday!
I, for one, have enjoyed every word and especially your paintings and photos which capture a unique part of life in Pairs.
ReplyDeleteA thousand and one mercis for your kind thoughts, for your encouragements and for joining me each day!
ReplyDeleteCarolg :)
the way you started makes me want ot go to paris and try to do the same. It sounds just lovely. Happy birthday. I wish you many more years to come.
ReplyDeleteBon Anniversaire to you and your blog! I live vicariously at cafes all over Paris...thanks to you!
ReplyDeleteA very happy Blog-a-versary! I hope you celebrated with a subject you could devour!!
ReplyDeleteMeilleurs voeux!!
Happy first anniversary...many more to come!:) I've actually celebrated by FINALLY framing your watercolors today:)
ReplyDeleteHappy blogiversary!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Carol! I don't think any of us tire of looking at your beautiful paintings! Hers to the next year (and the next...)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Carol, for all the joy (and temptations!) you spread every day, and which certainly takes a lot of work on your side.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate it immensely,
big hug, I am looking forward to many years of letting us in on your great artistry.
One year and hopefully MANY MANY MORE TO COME!!! Bravo !!!!
ReplyDeleteJoyeux Anniversaire! Let's toast to many thousands other posts all more inspiring than the last.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Paris breakasts!! I've enjoyed the past year with you very much and I look forward to many many more! :)
ReplyDeleteI for one...totally love your blog and if possible, read it every day
You have become one of my dear blogger friends and I appreciate all the time and effort you take in making your blog and posts so teriffic!!!
happy anniversary, carol!
ReplyDeletethank you for letting us see with you.