I'm doing illustrations for a Russian-themed Xmas book at the moment. So when Louise and Merlin invited me to Thanksgiving dinner at the newly reopened The Russian Tea Room NYC, I did a spirited Kazatska (a Russian Sailors' Dance).
It was pouring last night but that made not the slightest dent in a delightful evening. The RTR is next door to Carnegie Hall and later you can see New York's big Xmas shiney star hanging at the intersection of 5th avenue and 57th street..
The room is as lovely as ever - full of warm golden light you look your best in, reflected off the gold leaf ceiling. Note the gold firebird relief sculptures in the back, Russian ballet drawings and paintings cover the walls, and the orchids on the front table. So atmospheric...
The food was exquisite, with excellent chef, Gary Robbins at the helm. Louise, Merlin and I shared these 3 lush desserts. Or should I say fought over :)
The gorgeous brass tea samovars are still all over the walls...
They still serve tea in a glass Russian style.. I'm going to paint this soon.
Here's the RTR's doorman decked out in a long red great coat. There's tons of history (architectual and theatrical) attached to The Russian Tea Room.
Taxi please...