Friday, January 15, 2010

Paris Patisseries:History Shops Recipes

So tighten your bibs this morning PBers.
There's gonna be a whole lot of droolin' goin' on.Ze book I have been waiting for arrived yesterday:Paris Patisseries:History Shops Recipes
And it is worth every minute of anticipation and excitement.
The photographs by Christian Sarramon are incredible and incomparably detailed - almost better than the real thing!
There are plenty of interior shots too like Angelinas here.
And Poilane's galette des rois here. The text is just as detailed as the photographs. You almost don't need to go to Paris.
Compare Sarramon's Ble Sucre's tarte tatin.
With my pathetic shot. Oh well c'est la vie..
There are two dozen recipes both metric and non-metric for the bakers out there. And extensive details on the best
patisseries in Paris in the back of the book - this is a team effort and part of an excellent series published by Flammarion
The introduction is by 
Pierre Herme so everything is top drawer about this book.
I give it 5 miams.
That's the top grade at PB.
A box of French macarons also arrived yesterday!
Two dozen in fact and none of them broken. I asked The Tea Room to send me a box to try out and I have a happy report.
They are very fine indeed.
Not Parisien bien sur, but French and good size, good texture, good taste and the price is not bad at all in my opinion. Certainly worth munching on while you drool on the above book (just to get the full Frenchie experience).

Whoa-oa-oa! I feel good, I knew that I would, now
I feel good, I knew that I would, now
So good, so good, I got you

Whoa! I feel good, like sugar and spice
I feel nice, like sugar and spice
I got you


  1. Peggy in Atlanta8:28 AM

    Your posts are so fun!

    FYI- Trader Joes sells macarons- I think its $6.00 for a dozen. They are in the frozen dessert section. "Paris Macarons"
    Have a great weekend!
    Peggy in Atlanta

  2. Oh la la! Angelina's makes me drool.

  3. Oh that book looks amazing! And I am always left craving macarons when I finish reading each post you make. :)

  4. William Ternay, Jr.9:09 AM

    Oh Carol oh me oh my oh.
    Another morning of being jolted awake by PB, this time with James Brown "feelin' goooood" at the bottom of my screen, and the yellow & peach macarons at the top!
    What a way to start my day, and end the week.

  5. Tatiana in Canada9:32 AM

    Hi Carol, the book about Paris Pâtisseries seems wonderful. Do you know whether there is a french version?


  6. there HAS to be-
    The pub is Flammarion

  7. j'aime ce livre et maintenant j'ai envie d'une religieuse.....

    bon weekend


  8. Argh. Why do you DO this to me first thing in the morning...???

  9. Feeling the need for a French fix but can't pay the airfare? Hop on Metro North to Fairfield, CT and visit Isabel et Vincent's on the Post Road. Here's a link:

    If I remember correctly, you can visit on Wednesday for some pastries and a bit of conversational French.

    I found them on a search for macarons in my own backyard ;-) They aren't Parisian but the place is amazing just the same.

  10. I'm drooling over the book as well as the macarons!

  11. Really amazing book... I love the chocolate choux pics!

  12. This post is toooooooooo cute ;) Thank you for sharing your book.

  13. I need this could frame the pictures but I'd rather eat them... ha ha

  14. Thanks for the heads up on this book. I just ordered it!!!

    Really enjoy your site.

  15. I just got this book last week. I so so love every bit of it. Your blog is so lovely to see too! Hugs~ Kim

  16. Oh my dear! I will most definitely pick up a copy!

  17. I want an eclaire with custard...and I want it NOW.

  18. This is very sadistic of you, Carol :)

  19. What a beautiful book! I haven't even had my Australian Breakfast yet and all I want is a Paris Breakfast complete with sugary treats like half a dozen macarons just like I have when I'm in Paris. Droooolll

  20. Cooper6:34 PM

    I'm just writing to let you know that your blog is utterly fantastic, and if it wasn't for your blog I would have never known about Macarons. I was inspired to try them, and they are sooo good. Thank you so much. Happy Blogging! :o)

  21. What a way to start my week-end drooling over those scrummy pages.
    what is the flavour of the purple macaron in the top photo? and what is your favourite flavour ? mine is pistachio

  22. Anonymous7:32 PM

    You kill me, Carol--your wonderfully playful nature is at its best in these posts. Wonderful book, and James Brown always brings a smile! I might just have to get up and dance now.

  23. Ooooooooooooooh! *claps her hand in wonder*

    Your photo of Ble Sucre's tarte tatin has no reason to hide behind Sarramon's image, quite the opposite, yours is great too! :-)

  24. Don't be too hard on your photography. After all, I'm sure les bakers Parisienne were only too happy to let M. Sarramon take all the pastries he could carry to his lavishly equipped studio, complete with glare umbrellas. I'd like to see what Sarramon could do while standing in line, sneaking shots from under his handbag!
    Thanks for both tips...I plan a wonderful weekend one day soon.

  25. Dear JEANETTE!
    You are too, too kind and what a nice way to put it.
    I am trying to imagine the pro photographer shooting behind his man-purse...
    Merci for the giggle :)

  26. Omg, too delicious and tempting!

  27. OMG! This book is heavenly! I need to get one for my french pastry fix!

    Thank you very much for a great blog!
    Always looking forward to reading it.

    Merci fr Singapore!

  28. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Thank you for the review on The Tea Room's macarons! I want to send some to a friend (and, um...maybe to myself) and these look wonderful.


  29. Eh, magnifique. Now I know what to get my youngest sister, a former pastry chef (who still loves it but enough already) for her spring birthday. She makes them for family & friends)...she will love this.

    Bonjour from rainy, cold DC to rainy, cold (I assume) NYC.


  30. Okay, it's entirely your fault -- I am now a macaron addict! I've been following your blog for a while now (love your photos and art!) and have been dying to try macarons. So, when I read that they are available at Trader Joe's - well, I had to try them. Oh, that first bite into the chocolate macaron! Ooh-la-la!! Hope I get the chance to try the real thing in Paris one of these days.

  31. San C.6:14 AM

    I recently came by Paris Breakfast and I can't tear myself away from it. I've always loved all things French but it always felt like no matter how hard I try to bring myself a little closer to Paris...
    Your blog has given me such a sense of closeness with Paris, its food, its beauty, its marriage between rustic elegance and modern glamour! I'm so jealous!

  32. OMG, I want this book too! Not because I can cook but those pictures are heart stopping-ly delicious! Shocking! Please share more pictures when you can. I hope Borders Singapore will carry this book.


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