Wednesday, July 02, 2008

NY Fancy Food Show

First and foremost THANK YOU dear PB readers for your FAB response to my request for help in Paris. I think I've found some great possiblities thanks very much to you! Keep posted
Meanwhile yesterday I had to go THE NY FANCY FOOD SHOW at the Javits. I had to go walze through a gazillion purveyors of yummy foods and taste them too when I should have been perusing all your terrific email Paris suggestions!
Life can be tough as a food-bloggeur-journalist. Yep it's true. Now I'm a journalist because of you all and I get to go to these foodie events freeeee! Another MERCI to y'all. Oh yes I had to taste Bindi's Gelato for you...for research...ahem
Haloumi Cypriot cheese fresh off the grill - a bloggeur's work is hard!
Naturally I had to shoot these French jams wearing their granny hats...
And mini French jams from dear Bonne Maman...
There was definitely an "Election" trend going on at the show..adorable non? These donkeys and elefants were from MOONSTRUCK Chocolates.
Our dear candidates done up in hummos and super-life size!
French salted caramels from where else but? Chicago! They still tasted very French!
A flower trend too was going on in my opinion..You drop this hibiscus flower into your glass of champers. Add a bit of voila! The flower was delicious by the way.
Adorable candied pansies!
And look at this cake full of candied flowers!
One of my fav things at the show was
"Eco" bag owner Australian Belinda Tooze is demonstrating here. Light as a feather and you can stuff all your free show goodies inside and then later roll it up into a small ball. Perfect for the new annoying air travel bag restrictions too.
I didn't take home any champers. Just a ton of chocolate and..and..
Now back to studying over the divine Paris digs you all told me about...


  1. Carol,
    Looks like you and your taste-buds had a reeeeely tough day yesterday, at the food show! How nice to know that, at least once a year, one can ignore the over-priced hot dogs and ice cream bars and other foods usually found at the Javitts Center, and actually leave knowing your tummy has enjoyed samplings of an international selection of deeeliscious gooodies!

  2. That looks like it was quite the event. Great photos you took, Ms Journalista. And glad to hear you got information on places to stay in Paris--that's exciting! You'll have to keep us posted. Best of luck with that! fun post.

  3. "French Salted Caramel"
    Oh my, my taste buds are going wild! *widebrightsmile*
    Could the salted caramel be Chicago answer to Atlantic City's (New Jersey!) salt water taffy?
    More important: Did you actually get to taste them? (Please note: Take them to Vienna in case you got a stash, they may well be used like currency in some households there!)

  4. My mouth watered on the Caramels too!!!! Tough, tough job there PB, totally agog amongst the pretty foods.
    And silly me why is jam packaging just so stop me in my tracks good too? Every time. Pause. Have I had that one? hm. Like good times in a jar.

    How you manage through these things I do not know. But we So appreciate your "sacrifice". :))))

    All best, Jan

  5. Anonymous4:53 PM

    another fabulous post

    happy 4th


  6. Anonymous4:55 PM

    YES on the CARAMELS here too!
    I bet there were a TON of caramels at the show...
    Quelle domage..I;m in the wrong city, wrong job

  7. Anonymous4:56 PM

    The HALOUMI cheese is my favorite...and hot off the grill too
    Grazi tanti

    Elene Kourembedes

  8. Another evil-yummy post (which I am making certain to read in the middle of the day!) Yes -to the salted caramels. And all those candied flowers - I love sweetened, dried hibiscus. It's kind of like fruit leather - only better.

    Am not sure about hummus-as-McCain however...

  9. OMG!
    I LOVE Hibiscus anything!!!
    Why is there not more of it everywhere?
    I WANT IT round the clock!
    Tanks :)

  10. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Do you have Trader Joe's anywhere close to where you are? They sell fabulous packages of dried hibiscus (the sweetened variety - unsweetened is so tart as to be nearly unedible, although great in herb tea blends).

    They are my favorite store for unusual, yummy things..


  11. Oh My! I gained 10 lbs just looking at your beautiful pictures.
    Thank you for sharing.

  12. CONGRATS!!! What fun. Your a natural.

  13. I want your job. AND some of those carmels. Do you weigh 500 lbs.? (Rude, I know, but I had to ask!)

  14. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Love your blog! I will be in NYC in a week and am wondering if you have any suggestions for food we must try. My kids are big macaron fans as well. Bouchon in Yountville, Ca. is their favorite. I am hoping to try Baby cakes vegan cupcakes....
    We like to eat!

  15. Magnolia Cupcakes will be perfect for everyone down on Bleeker St. in the Village...

  16. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I love your blog, as I want to move to Paris.
    I go once a year, but wish that I could go more often.


  17. Anonymous8:58 PM

    On a visit to NYC, we stayed in a way-too-au-courant-for-us hotel (filled with the hippest of the hip)(The men's toilet urinal was a ceiling height piece of stainless steel affixed to the wall, with a little grating at the bottom on the floor, and after a gentlemen performed by wetting down the stainless steel wall, a wash of water cascaded down and into the drain!) Now, where was I? Oh, les mini Bonne Maman were served with our breakfast. I fell immediately and deeply in love. I shamelessly asked if I might have some to take with me for a picnic later. Well, really, much later, like a month after we returned home. They have a place of honor on my open pantry display shelves (long story).
    Bless you for pointing out that the caramels are from Chicago. Naturellment, I WANT them, and I can have them when we go there this fall. Number one on my list!
    As for you, PB, stiff upper lip! We DEMAND your continued researches.

  18. Anonymous12:24 AM

    When I saw the hibiscus, it reminded me of a similar product in my favourite supermarket here in Melbourne. Then I saw it had an Australian phone number - it is the same! Finally, something I can get here!

    Now to buy some champagne :-)

  19. Bonjour from Chicago! I am Katie Das and I was SO PLEASED that Carol decided to mention our Das Caramelini Salted caramels! It was our 1st time at NYC fancy foods show and I was absolutely blown away by people's glowing reviews. Thanks Carol! Also, check out my blog
    to see how we make our caramels and other stuff.

  20. Hibiscus reminds me of my friend carol who used to gift me hibiscus orchid on every Saturday.Food Blogger journalist work is cool. My aunt is sthe ame and she always visit various foodie places for her article.Lucky people!

    Eating cheap in paris


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