Thursday, July 04, 2024

Fu Castello, Pierre Hermé Infiniment Chocolat, Louis Fouquet, Laduree, Angiolo


Fu Castello sponge cake in the Marais
New places open up every day in Paris. Who can keep up?
Fu Castello patisserie on rue Du Pont Louis-Philippe
This past week by chance I fell into a few. Yesterday I past a green door with an unusual name, Fu Castello.

 They are from Vietnam and their specialty is a very light, delicate Portuguese sponge cake, called Pandan. They were giving out samples = verdict delicious. Though the Asian-flavored ice creams (Matcha, Thé Vert, black sesame) were seriously calling my name. Located on 28, rue du Pont Louie-Philippe, 75004.
Pierre Hermé new chocolate shop
Tuesday I was walking along boulevard des Capucines near Opera and looked across the street. Voila a new Infiniment Chocolat Pierre Hermé shop!
Just chocolates, exquisitely displayed in a u-shaped central counter. 
Who knew Capucines are a flower? A garden nasturtium in fact.
Flower shaped chocolate
Hermé made it his signature shape for the new shop. I tried one filled with yuzu ganache. Yum 😋 
Chocolate boxes in different sizes
The smallest box is 14€ so an affordable luxury. Do stop at #23 for a taste/goûte 🍫 Staff were lovely & answered all questions. Open Lundi - dimanche 10h - 20h
New chocolate shop rue du Nac
I fell into another brand beautiful new chocolate boutique on Saturday, Louis Fouquet on 23, rue du Bac, 75007.
A very Empire feel to the shop with this central unit holding the chocolates. 
But the drawers open to reveal many ganache treasures.
Not just chocolates, but fruit gels, caramels and other goodies.
On Tuesday I was enroute to see the new renovation at Ladurée Royal on 16, rue Royale.
The tea salon is totally redesigned changing all the spaces from the classic old Ladurée Rue Royal.
Cordelia de la Castellane of
Cordelia’s Coffee Flower Shop is the designer, so no wonder the lush flower 🌸 decor (all hand-painted).
The cherubs of 
Belle Époque poster artist Jules Cheret.are gone.
Macaron display at Laduree
Of course they have the usual suspects (les macarons) with the new JO Olympics box designs. 
I was looking for a tarte Citron for my current lemon 🍋 obsession but they did not have any.
Overall very pretty and feminine
Laduree full menu
Here’s a look at the menu...
My newest Paris discovery is a dangerous place. I am lucky not to live near 180, boulevard Saint p-Germain. Fact: I was sitting, painting roses 🌹 at La Roseraie du Val-de-Marne, when I read FrancoisSimon’s review of Angiolo. I packed up my stuff & headed back immediately to try the ice cream 🤷‍♀️ 
I didn’t think they could do anything more to ice cream in this town, which is ice cream mad. I was wrong. Angiolo’s gelato is made by
Sicily’s finest ice cream chef. Sicily is the creator and home of gelato. In the late 1600's, a Sicilian chef named Francesco Procopio de' Coltelli created the first gelato as we know it today. His secret? He perfected a machine which his grandfather had invented to make and preserve gelato.
There is the least amount of sugar possible in this ice cream, so the temperature is lower (11 degrees). Most ice creams are 14 degrees - the sugar acts as a preservative. 
The owner proudly showed me the 4 kinds of vanilla beans (Madagascar, Tahiti, Mexican, 
Papouasie)that go into one liter of Vanilla ice cream. They make the ice cream daily here in their labo. Just 4 flavors a day plus sorbets. A true labor of love ❤️ 
Lemonade menu for Limon
Last weekend I past a new high-end lemonade 🍋 stand that just 
opened on rue rue saint-louis en l'ile. 
I asked them, “How long have you been open?”
They said, “10 minutes!”
Would you like more reports on new places in Paris?
Say, “ OUI !”
I’m Carol Gillott, an artist living in Paris. Every month I send out beautifully illustrated letters that capture the true Parisian experience. 
Sign up to receive whimsical treasures in your mail.
Thanks for reading PB ❤️
☕️ If you’d like to support my work, you can buy me a KO-FI here  ☕️  ❤️ Thank you so much! 
Along the Seinr evening time


  1. Bonnie L7:13 AM

    You do indeed inhabit a very dangerous place, Carol! So much temptation! And, so much beauty…love the Laduree Royale renovation. Everything looking shiny and new for les JO, Jeux Olympiques. Enjoy it all!

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Yes too much eye candy in this town.
      You have to build up immunity slowly to all the temptations here.
      I can say non to most things by now
      🙏🫣🤞 CAROLG

  2. Ellen A7:50 AM

    A delight to have you usher us through these very tempting Parisian spots!
    Paris being Paris, I have to believe that Ladurée has somehow preserved Cheret's cherubs, either by removing them carefully or just hiding them under the new dropped ceiling (as happened to another 19th century artist whose ceiling art at the Garnier Opera remains hidden under Chagall's glorious work from the 1960s). Destruction should be unthinkable.
    I also very much enjoyed the Youtube video on Cheret that you linked us to. He was truly an illustrator who both captured and influenced the spirit of the Belle Epoque.

    1. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Cheret’s murals are still omnipresent at patisserie Stohrer.

  3. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Such fun to walk the streets with you and enjoy new places.

    Oops, though, you passed a place... :)

  4. Anonymous9:36 AM

    OUI. You make me want to go there, Merci! beaucoup for the updates.

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Thank you for your OUI 👍 CAROLG

  5. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I discovered Jules Cheret about twenty years ago and find his story interesting. I saw one of his posters at an auction house here in Atlanta once but the price was way above my pay check! I hope the ceiling was preserved although having it hidden seems pointless - can’t appreciate art if you can’t see it!

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Yes, a very Parisian artist of a certain era…

  6. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Oui to more new treasures! I keep the ones that are most appealing for reference for my next visit. It is quite a long list!

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Thank you! This was fun for me too ☺️ CAROLG

  7. Dorrance10:45 AM

    I spy…a box of orangettes at Laduree❣️ 😋

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Pierre Hermé had lemonettes, gingerettes, orangettes much, much better.

  8. Dee Ann11:34 AM

    Chocolate, gelato, and lemon anything!!!! Say no more.

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Very special gelato here Dee Ann CAROLG

  9. I miss Paris even more now.

  10. Anonymous1:00 PM

    OUI, bien sur!! Although the list of places to visit is getting very, very long- notsure we can accomplish it all in only 30 days.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Who said 30 days?? An ongoing project Puleeze 🙏 CAROLG

  11. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Do you think the ceiling paintings at La Duree were painted before installation or did the pauper artist have to work on her back on scaffolding? Like Michaelangelo? Jeanette s

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM


    2. Anonymous3:10 AM

      Pst Jeanette S…it’s one word - Ladurée. Not La duree which is like un oeuf dur/hard boiled egg…many peep do this

  12. Donna J6:40 PM

    Absolutely, oui, oui, bien sur!. Thanks Carole for all the insights and new delights that arrive in my mail box regularly.

  13. Adrien Bray8:01 PM

    Fantastic video on the art of Jules Cheret, thanks Carol! An idea for a Paris map (if you haven't already done it) from an xhib here in Australia on the Belle Epoque from the Musee Carnavalet are the fabulous shop & street signs of that period. I don't know how many are still in situ though...?

    1. Anonymous12:45 AM

      Existant Art Nouveau brasseries are easier to find…

  14. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Today was a DELICIOUS post ;) I know, it's a tough job but someone's got to check out the chocolate and ice cream shops! Keep up the great work - love your posts. Jean

    1. Anonymous3:01 AM

      Hahaha very tough work Jean. Just walking 🚶‍♂️ around town.
      It helps when the town is Paris 👍 CAROLG

  15. Anonymous9:25 PM

    So many beautiful places to explore! ❤️

  16. Bien oui capucines are flowers..and edible..5 euros = 7.50 Canadian..:(. Everything is so pricey..particularly with the exchange rate....Fun stops!

  17. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Oui! Did you sample the lemonade? The one with thyme sounds delicious!

  18. Oui! Especially when it includes chocolate and gelato from Sicily 😋
    Enjoy, it’s summer!

  19. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Oui Oui!!! I can’t believe how many posts I have missed. Tellement tragique!!! I am on it now and will never miss another! Thank you for bring some email joy into our lives!!! 😘
    Nicole from 🇨🇦

  20. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Oui! Lovely places and lovely reviews 💚


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