Saturday, June 29, 2024

Bourse de commerce, Baguett, Bibliotèque Forney, Stéphane Humbert-Basset


Bourse du Commerce facade
It’s been a bearish 🐻 week

Mirrored floos by Kimsooja at Bourse
First stop, Bourse du Commerce

Mirrored floors at the Bourse
To walk on mirrored floors of Korean artist, Kimsooja.
Toy bear on the mirrored floor
Bear did not have to wear the fabric shoe covers.
Facade of new bread shop, Baguett.
Next a bite at Eric Kayser’s new concept shop, Baguett 🥖 33, rue Coquillière, 75001.
Bear-shaped door handle
Bears 🐻 
Boulangerie window full of bear-shaped breads
Are a big deal here.
Bear croque monsieur
Why didn’t I get the Bear 🐻 croque monsieur?
Tuna sandwich with Moroccan harissa
Instead of what looked like a basic tuna sandwich, was but full of spicy Moroccan Harissa 😝 Sandwiches are sold by the meter, demi, quart. 
Main Paris post office on rue du Louvre.
Next stop, La Poste du Louvre, the main post office in Paris.
Baguette stamps and striped bear
Staff went into a complete flap 😳 “These are ALL the Baguette 🥖 stamps we have! It’s finished, non plus, kaput!” I  bought all 34 stamps. Then he totally freaked out.Then I totally freaked 😵‍💫
Baguette stamp canvas bag
I raced 🏃‍♀️ out the door & took the bus to Le Carré d’Encre. They reassured me the 🥖baguette stamp is not terminé. 594,000 stamps were printed. And they had this irresistible canvas bag in the window.
Last name of the stamp designer
Plus I discovered the name of the brilliant artist who created the image, Stéphane Humbert-Basset. His last name is on every stamp in fact.
Baguette stamps from La Poste online.
If you live in France, you can buy baguette🥖stamps online here.
Baguette illustrated letter on etsy
Did you get your Baguette letter yet?
*If you’re running around and it’s hot, Galeries Lafayette has a cute alcove, Wine Gate, one escalator up, to grab a quick, tea or iced lemonade 🍋 & recuperate.
Yesterday I went to the art library, Bibliotheque Forney near me to research the Olympics ⛹🏽‍♂️letter 🏋️
Cassandra poster of bikers 1924
I thought it would just be Olympics graphics from 1924. It’s 100 years since the event was held in Paris. 
Dubonnet poster
In fact the exhibit is a fascinating overview 
Of all forms of advertising 
ln the 1920’s.
A mixup of old photos, videos, interactive radio ads.
1920’s poster of the Paris metro
 The Metro stations haven’t changed much…
I loved this old photo of swimmers diving into the Seine 🏊 That has changed a lot 🤞 
Printed paper 1920’s fan
A free Marie-Antoinette hand fan give-away by department stores…So considerate! Parisians still use hand fans. Most tabac sells them. 
1924 US Olympics team
The US team in 1924.
Olympics sketches
I was ✍️ inspired by a pencil ✏️ case I found.
But after the bear 🐻 immersion this week, I’m going Bearish.
I’m Carol Gillott, an artist living in Paris. Every month I send out beautifully illustrated letters that capture the true Parisian experience. 
Sign up to receive whimsical treasures in your mail.
Thanks for reading PB ❤️
☕️ If you’d like to support my work, you can buy me a KO-FI here  ☕️  ❤️ Thank you so much!  Bon Week-End PBers🤸🏾‍♀️🥂
The gardens are always open at Bibliotheque Forney to all.
Gardens at Bibliotheque Forney.


  1. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Love the baguette stamp canvas bag you found! Could you provide a link for purchase? Sharon

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Hi Sharon, Unfortunately I see nothing available on La Poste website. Typiquement. I bought mine at Carré d’Encre, where I buy my stamps in bulk since most post offices have few international stamps on hand.

  2. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I was wondering if your stamps did smell like a bakery. my friends in paris sent me some and they said they didn't smell of anything and the same when i got them. just curious

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      They supposedly smell like Vanilla the postage guy told me. There are micro crystals that explode upon scratching. Would you believe I haven't scratched them, although after being in the post 7-14 days who knows? 🥖 CAROLG

    2. Anonymous5:33 PM

      I’ve ordered two of your baguette letters and , alas, neither have had any smell. I wonder if going through the postage meters or all the handling releases the smell.

  3. That bag is YOU.ADorbs..the croque-monieur ourson too.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      I know Monique 🥖 I kept expecting to be stopped in the street 5-10 times but it didn’t happen 😃 CAROLG

  4. Anonymous10:45 AM

    What / where is Stamps HQ? How can one buy the La Baguette stamp shopping bag?

  5. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Are you in France? Unfortunately I see nothing available on La Poste website. Typiquement. I bought mine at Carré d’Encre, where I buy my stamps in bulk - most post offices have few international stamps on hand.

    1. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Hello Carol, yes, I live in France, near Carcassonne. I looked at the Laposte website as well but nothing! Thank you very much for responding to my query. I will keep looking. Keep up your excellent posting about all the wonders of living in Paris!

  6. Anonymous11:54 AM

    So envious of your life in such a beautiful city, and happy that you share it with others in your art!

  7. Sukicart12:49 PM

    I also think the bag is adorable. Not quite sure what Eric Kayser means by concept store - More than just baked goods?

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Haha Funny Suki. Is it a pickup on the chocolate bears all over Paris?..taken even further with giant bread bears? Did we really need this iteration? BIG is definitely IN this season. The French Love trendy things even when they’re ridiculous. That croque was too big and too cheesy for one person. I worry about the French ligne CAROLG

  8. Dee Ann1:03 PM

    While visiting in Paris, I toured the Kimsooja mirrored exhibit in the rotunda at Bourse de Commerce…amazing! While there, I revisited the little talking mouse in the wall by the elevator…do not miss.

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      I missed the actual mouse Dee Ann but took a picture of the poster in the gift shop! ❤️ CAROLG

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      It’s right on bottom of wall. Hilarious.

  9. Oh my! Those baguette stamps are fabulous! (And I'll betyour letter is, too!) The exhibit looks terrific. That bag is the best. I think I need to find one of those for Rick!

  10. Anonymous2:13 PM

    The pencil case is inspirational! Great post !!!

  11. Anonymous5:19 PM

    How exciting to be there for the Olympics!! Looking forward to seeing your posts and drawings!! NormaJean

  12. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Thank you for your delightful excursions and lovely watercolors! R.

  13. Bonnie L9:54 PM

    My goodness! How does one woman (named Carol!), fit so much into one day?! Love the mirrored rotunda at the Bourse…looked like Bear was having a great time. Would definitely have gotten Kayser’s bear croque…with a lemonade at Galeries Lafayette. Yum! Love your new baguette stamp tote. ❤️

    1. Anonymous10:00 PM

      I did come home and collapse Bonnie after collapsing in GL
      Their lemonade 🍋 had only 4 gr of sugar! 👏 CAROLG

  14. Anonymous5:59 AM

    I have your painting of the french girl carrying her baguette by the Paris doorway on my writing desk and figure its time to add the Baguette stamp letter as well. Love your art Carol. Suzanne

  15. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Dear Carol, I was very delighted to receive your work on the subject of wands and timbre. I was in France last week and no one was selling stamps. There were no more!!! A funny man told me that it was better to go buy a baguette in a bakery! 😁 Brenda

  16. Anonymous6:19 PM

    We all want that bag. How can we get it??


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