"I find that you very often quote the macaroons Pierre Hermé….you have some shares of his Co. ? "

I would not like to think I haven't been even-handed in my macaron researche after all!

Well the man is known as the "Picasso of pastry"
The Defense now rests it's case.
YOU get to decide now. Am I biased? Does it even matter?
Do you have any stock in P.H. you would like to toss my way?
It can be "live" stock, say a few passion fruit macs...I'm not fussy
You really are brilliant!
ReplyDeletethank you for all of this.
"Quote the macaroons"?
ReplyDeleteWhat do they sound like? Not sure if they would be more Poe ("quoth the Raven")
Or Alice in Wonderland
"Twas brillig".
They sound like -
Dear P.B.
ReplyDeleteI’ve been missing your drawings but alas, you saved yourself this morning by inserting the macarons stamp!
But do tell, where is little yellow bird?
Did he get lost in the Metro?
Your posts brighten my day. Thanks be to P.B.
Ruth – how I long for a French name. Boo hoo
I think of your constant PH sharing as a woman who is well researched in macaroons de Paris. We could go head to head on tastings and macaroon intake. I have scoured the city of light high and low, and noone, absolutley noone, makes one tastier than PH. By a landslide. Now, every award has a runner up, and certainly Laduree wins this prize. And I do beg of you to try their The Rose on your next visit, as it is the perfect pairing avec les macaroons.
ReplyDeleteThe things you find.
I must check out the macs at carrefour!!!
ReplyDeleteToday, I Saw some cute ones made larger, looking like tarts.
j'adore ces macarons parisien,mais j'adore aussi faire la queue pour un cup cake chez Magnolia....
ReplyDeletebonne soirée Carol
ReplyDeleteloved this!!!!
You are just too cute!
Macarons are really the most beautiful thing on earth, unfortunely I have never tasted one! When I went to Paris at the young age of 20, I did not even know they existed, but next time, I'm going to eat a lot and bring many to Lisbon!
ReplyDeleteI think the post about macarons are never enough!!!
I love you for posting this and I don't even know you ! And I've never tasted a macaroon.
ReplyDeleteBut I want to go to Paris and eat them.
I look forward to and love your website. It cheers me up the instant I see it.
ReplyDeleteThank you and I think your ideas are billiant.
New Hope, PA
Love those macarons. You got my mouth watering again. Thank goodness it is Chocolate Wednesday and not Sugar/Flour Free Tuesday and Thursday. I am off to my favorite bakery for a goodie and pumpkin latte.
ReplyDeleteMackies! We all know we can't get enough of them. Thank you for relighting the flames of passion and appetite of our favourite parisian snack always!
ReplyDeleteBonjour Carol -
ReplyDeleteI lived in Paris for a year - on and off.
And I NEVER tasted a macaron.
I saw what I thought were macarons in pastry shop windows - billowy, puffy, white, cooked egg-white whips. They looked hard and dry to me, so I never had interest in using my valuable calorie count on them. This was 20 years ago, however, so perhaps these macarons with some sort of creamy filling were not as popular or as easily found as they are now.
Anyway, wish I had tried...even one...so I could know what this fuss is all about. Perhaps you can deconstruct one for us and let us pauvre who never had one know what they are (hard? soft? chewy? crunchy? what's in the middle? etc?) and what they taste like....
Merci d'avance,
Yr talking about those big-as-your- head meringues Cindy.
ReplyDeleteHere is
the decontruction of the paris macaron
You'll just have to go back to Paris is all :)
oh my lordy- i just moved back from Paris and I MISS MACAROONS so much!! I ate way too many when I was over there- but wow do I miss them! Lol thanks for the post!
ReplyDeleteYes, Pierre Herme were the best. I miss Paris now....
ReplyDeleteYou have outdone yourself, Carol!
ReplyDeleteGreat job - I want a mousepad!
YUM! i esp. love your postage stamps - those are gorgeous, Carol!
ReplyDeleteI am visiting New York next week, and was wondering if you could suggest a good place to sample some macaroons, Paris style?
ReplyDeleteToo funny! I want to do some macaron research!
ReplyDeleteHow could I get in jeans if I had such a macaron collection in my fridge...I don't get in anyway so I can eat them.
I must say I haven't a clue how macarons taste.
ReplyDeleteFirst, texture.
Are they crunchy like Oreos with a soft filling?
Are they more flavorful than sweet?
What's the proper way to eat them? Top layer first, then middle, then bottom? Or bite into the side like a hamburger?
I've spent many months in Paris, but I've never had one.
Do tell!
The answer is here!
ReplyDeleteThe decontruction of the Paris macaron
You'll just have to go back to Paris is all :)
Or maybe I need to do another intro post...hmmmm
Think of it like sushi -
They are PETITE!!!
1-2 bites of heaven and that is it.
That's why it's a guilty pleasure.
The flavor must always dominate, Never the sugar Kathy.
Oh how could you have missed out?
It's quite worrying...ahem
If you are running out of stock, just email your address and I will try to help! :-)
ReplyDeletelove the pics and beautiful colours of the macs in today's post,
If my Paris frigo were stocked like yours, I would be hard pressed to leave the apartment - even for "research"!
ReplyDeleteI feel like even looking at all these photos is making the fat pile up on my thighs. Yikes. I'm glad YOU'RE doing the research and not me! Cute post, Carol. Of course you're not biased--you love 'em all. MacDonalds has macarons? How funny. Are they any good??
ReplyDeleteSeriously, you really have that many macaroons? Those are almost like works of art.
ReplyDeleteOh my my, I love these little pretty coloured things! When faced with them it is so difficult to pick just one! Thanks for more pictures of one of my favourite things on this earth :)
ReplyDeleteA PB reader asked, How come all the photos you take are of thin Parisiennes?
ReplyDeletehow about.. "cause fat Parisiennes are hard to find"
They eat real foods and not our over processed, hydrogenated, preserved and hormone enriched foods!
Macaroon mousepad!!!!
ReplyDeleteAs if we would ever stop thinking of your macaroons ... ;-)
I had a grand time catching up with your latest posts.
This post made me ridiculously happy. Merci!
ReplyDeleteThat is some inventory Carol! Don't stop! We love your work.
hmmm...so it just occurs to me, you use watercolor cakes, not tubes. How are they different in use and outcome? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteAlso...so totally craving the darned elusive macarons! Found some places in L.A....though i'm not willing to drive through the horrid trafic for them....and found a place nearby...that has them "on occasion". So I will be calling them religiously until I get a few!
Have a lovely wknd!
THANKS! Just had a tuna sandwich and would kill for something sweet, nothing in the cupboards that's sweet and the shop is a 20 mile round trip.
ReplyDeleteThis is a fantastic, yummy to see this blog, good food, O i feel hungry now, let me have one please, Thanks for sharing this Yummy post
ReplyDeleteI have an advice for my all colleagues that if you want to create a perfectly smooth top on your macaroons, dip a finger into a bowl of water and gently smooth out any peaks.
ReplyDeleteIt's always nice when you can not only be informed, But also entertained! I am sure you had fun writing this!