Do you think, "I'll come back later if I still want it and get it".

If I have a refrigerator full of it after a chocolate show. There's safety in numbers.
I can resist macarons if they're wrapped up tight in the freezer. Out of sight - out of mind.

If you enjoy Paris pastries you must read this.
"to show some restraint,
and show some discipline,
and show some sense of responsibility.”
I thought he was talking to me. It was my new motto for a week or so. But could there be a Paris Breakfast if I had a modicum of self-restraint and discipline?
Visual beauty plays a big part in my downfall.
Would I trade a peach for a macaron?

Can you show self-restraint when offered a packet of Pierre Herme macarons? Would you say,
'Let me think about it.I'll get back to you later'.
Would you? Be honest?
Do tell all s.v.p.
'Let me think about it.I'll get back to you later'.
Would you? Be honest?
Do tell all s.v.p.