Friday, October 08, 2010

Sarabeth's Bakery

Yesterday I went to Sarabeth's Chelsea bakery to see her new book.
This is her new much adored baby, Sarabeth's Bakery, From my hands to yours.

First I stopped in the bakery to grab a few shots.
Everything in Sarabeth's Bakery and served in her restaurants, all the recipes are in this book so you can make them too.
We shared fresh-from-the-oven to-die-for chocolate chubbies
The photos were shot onsite on this very table - they look like you could reach out and take a bite or brush off the flou
The book is exquisitely designed by Louise Fili - everything is laid out crystal clear and detailed. Even an idiot non-baker like moi could figure these out.
There are tons of step-by-step photos.
This is Sarabeth's ONE copy.
The book does not come out until October 19th but you can pre-order it.

It was all I could do to wrest the book from her hands to grab a few shots.

Everything is classy and classic about this book - the design, the recipes - many are from aunts, mother-in-laws, friends. And the flavors are classic - vanilla, chocolate, strawberry.
Sarabeth proudly showed me her steeping vanilla beans, soaking in what looked like primordial ooze. She says it's only rum.

Here Sarabeth sports the same apron Meryl Streep wore in the movie, 'It's Complicated'
All the baking scenes were shot at Sarabeth's Bakery.

Naturellement my mind turned to the jams I'd seen lined up like soldiers in the shop.

Maybe I could make jam.

Sarabeth and I both studied calligraphy with the queen of Copperplate, Elinor Winters, though I never reached this level of expertise.

I thought of doing a watercolor of this mini jam and golden palmier but my appetite got there first. These babies are gone gone gone

Sarabeth can usually be found in her Chelsea Market Bakery on 75 Ninth Avenue & 15th street.

Her book is as accessible and friendly as she is. Sarabeth wanted it to be 'no frills'. As if you're in the kitchen together sharing baking tips.
Sarabeth's Bakery will be launched at William Sonoma on October 19th so come by for a taste and a demo.


  1. So funny! I just had dinner at Sarabeth's on the UWS the other night. It was about a block from my hotel and was the perfect place to go!


  2. I'm trying to reduce cookbook purchases, but it's hard to resist a good one on pastry!

  3. Wow, such a nice looking woman.
    I feel a bit ashamed because I've never heard of her. ):
    Gorgeous Post! These photos are great, and I love them.
    Lovely regards,

    xx, Jana from petit fournil de paris.

  4. Justine11:14 AM

    OMG I'm so HUNGRY now!!!
    This looks utterly delicious!

  5. I LOVE it!
    Your the best!!
    Thank you

  6. Fantastique plug for what looks like a gorgeous book. I will gladly pre-order. What fun to get a "behind the scenes" peek. Thank you Carol and Sarabeth.

  7. Best wishes to Sarabeth on her book launch. I have one jar of her orange marmalade in the fridge which I have been hiding and hoarding! Must get back to her place for more.

    Love her brunches! So elegant and tasty.

    Bon weekend,

  8. Geri, NJ12:06 PM

    Always happy when I see her products in various stores; sort of a barometer of a quality store. Thanks for putting a (sweet, accessible) face to a delish brand name!

  9. I loved the bakery shots in the movie! What a fantastic place!

  10. GENIE!
    Her proprietary marmelade is the ONE lone recipe not in the book :(
    I suppose one is allowed to have some secrets...
    Maybe I should take a jar to London and do a tasting..?

  11. So Carol, how come every Friday, of late, we get a post about always mouth-watering SWEETS!?
    I'm heading out to the market nearby, where I know I can at least get a freshly made glazed donut from the Pennsylvania Dutch bakery.
    And its' your fault.

  12. I will absolutely look for this. Thanks for the introduction! I can't wait!

  13. I MUST have one of those "chocolate
    chubbies"...definitely worth the cost of the book!!!
    Too bad the William Sonoma in Sarasota, not on the signing list.

  14. I'm hungry!
    Great indoor photos, Carol.
    (I've never haeard of Sarabeth, so thanks for the education :)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Carol

    There you went and did it-- honestly your photo's are so inviting and your words so delicious that I ran to the kitchen and made my self something very decadent to savor and eat.

    I am sure other followers have put on weight following your beautiful water colored blog.

    Have a bakefull week end


  17. You sold me. I want the book!

  18. So delicious!!!miam miam, really!!xx

  19. Carol, you're a dear soul to always support others' endeavors--your friend Sarabeth looks great. She's gorgeous! I want one of her books--I'll have to watch for it. It all sounds delicious.

  20. That looks like one dangerous but totally delicious place to visit Carol....I would love her cookbook and shall keep an eye out for it. Have a happy weekend, xv

  21. Leslie W.5:57 PM

    Thanks for the lovely Sarabeth's update. I used to eat breakfast at her Amsterdam Ave. spot back in the day when I lived in NYC. Miam miam indeed!

  22. Dear JOANNY,
    What about me?
    Surrounded by all those goodies in Sarabeth's bakery?
    Do take pity...
    I spyed the mini palmiers and asked for one...Sarabeth wrapped up FIVE and two mini jams before I could say a thing.
    Of course they're all gone.
    I'm a believer in getting dangerous things out of sight as quickly as possible!

  23. Anna-Maria A.6:36 PM

    I love the way everything looks so 'REAL'.
    The cakes and cookies, the bakery kitchen with everyday tools piled up, those weird vanilla beans... And Sarabeth, herself, looks wonderfully warm and approachable.
    This book is a keeper.
    Thank you PB!

  24. I have been to Sarabeth's at Chelsea Market...Her hot chocolate is to die for...thanks for reminding me...lovely photos!

  25. Lucky you for being able to visit her bakery!! Her book and baked goods look delicious; I would love a palmier svp!

  26. Bravo, Sarabeth - how wonderful! Now, get me one of those chocolate chubbies, tout de suite!!

  27. Marine7:00 AM

    LOVE the picture of the messy spoons! And the rolling pin looks like you could pick it up right off the page...Very delicious post and book-looking forward to having that rolling pin in MY kitchen.
    Merci Carol

  28. This could totally complete my downfall!!!!!!!

  29. That looks like the most amazing golden palmier ever! They are my weakness. This book is going on my Christmas list.

  30. While I"m afraid baking is too complicated pour moi, I am drooling over the photography in Sarabeth's book. Excellent. Bon chance with your book SB! Carol, if you're post doesn't get her a zillion sales I'll be surprised. Wonderful and loved your photos as well.

  31. Another sarabeth2:53 PM

    my name is Sarabeth as well.
    I met her a few years ago when I was in New York...Of course, I told her how much I love everything, but was wondering why she didn't have merchandise with our name on cool would it be to have an apron with my name on it......
    The book looks great...thanks for showcasing her...

  32. I love Sarabeth's look.
    Is she really nice, too?

  33. She's every bit as nice as she looks and passionate about her cooking
    AND her book of course.
    I thought she was going to hug it to death :)
    A real cutie

  34. Oh what wonderful memories you stirred up !
    Weekends, going to Central Park, stopping for breakfast at Sarabeths ..

  35. Oh yes, miam miam!
    Compliments to Sarabeth and to you!

    Those Danish (in your picture following the chocolate cubbies) look just like Viennese "Topfengolatschen" - which are made from "plunderteig" - like brioche dough, but layered with butter for an effect similar to mille-feuille - and filled with fresh farmers cheese. Wished I could have a bite right now!

    A wonderful Sunday to both of you!

  36. I watched the movie clip only now.
    Made me realize that it has been out for almost a year and I have not seen it. Time flies!
    Thanks for bringing it to my attention (the movie!).

  37. wow! That must be an experience!

  38. I can't remember ever being this anxious for a cookbook.
    *the fridge is scrubbed out for fresh butter and eggs and cream.
    *the freezer too, just in case.
    *New silpats and parchment at the ready.
    *spatulas polished.
    *mixer at attention.
    Now all I need is Sarabeth's cookbook!

  39. Hi,I have not received any blogs since Sarabeth's Bakery,do I need to re subscribe?Cause I really do miss them...Lynnette


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