Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Café Varenne en Mer, Ooh La La Confectionery


On Saturday I went to meet Solli & Francesco at noon for lunch at Cafe Varenne’s new seafood restaurant.

Café Varenne en Mer is at 46, rue de Varenne, 7 eme

I was terribly late. Bad time management. They’d eaten 2 courses already. Solli & I ordered Langoustine 🍤 

Francesco had huitres/oysters 🦪 

Oysters remind me of Cancale in Brittany. Have you been? 

A bunch of sheds along a waterfront, all selling just oysters. Nothing else.

You sit on the seawall & toss 🦪 shells in the water🌊

No sauce, lemon, or fancy dips at Cancale

I brought dessert 🍭 My lateness was quickly forgotten ☺️ 

Gave me a ginormous box 📦 of her beautifully made candies. 
Yum Yum We dived in. 
I wish Karen had a shop in Paris. Some goodies are being enjoyed right now in Italy. And some in Sweden. Our patient waitress was thrilled with her gift nougat. Thank you Karen ❤️

On Sunday I arrived on time ⏰ to meet Solli & Franc at Paris Opera to see the beautiful Christmas tree created by Anne Victhen (Ritz flower designer).
is waiting for you in my Etsy shop + other goodies 🎁 
☕️ Or buy me a KO-FI ☕️ 
After, we went round the corner to see Galeries Lafayette’s tree 



  1. I would enjoy the Langoustine. Can’t do much else that comes in a shell. I did have a snail once when I was with a tour group and it was probably due to duress and wine!! You won the lottery with Ooh La La Confectionary! The Christmas tree at the Ritz was exquisite . Merry Christmas Carol and Happy New Year!❤️🗼🎄

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Exactly Ga! I did win the candy lottery 🍭 but really too much for one person. I was happy to share the goodies

  2. Bonnie L8:24 AM

    That looked like a fabulous lunch, Carol, right down to dessert! Bravo, Ooh La La Confectionery! I’m a longtime fan of Café Varenne. Where is Varenne Sur Mer??

    I remember oysters sitting on the sea wall at Cancale! At that time, the oyster vendors would sell you a half lemon for 50 cents . And, a shop around the corner would sell you a half bottle of Muscadet with the cork pulled and a couple of plastic cups. Such a treat.

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      The seawall! I was trying to remember 👍
      CAFE VARENNE ET MER is at 46, rue du Varenne

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Thank you…🙏🏻

  3. Yum! Sending you lovely Christmas wishes, Carol! And Happy New Year!

  4. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Merry Christmas Carol! Would you please share the address of Cafe Varenne sur Mer? Is it next to the original? Many thanks!

  5. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Carol, love your little illustration of yourself at the end of the newsletter. Merry Christmas!

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Thanks very much 🥰

  6. Love Cancale with all the oysters in particular. Glad you tried the new Varenne sur Mer in Paris. Looked fun together. That Oh-la-là confectionary packaging is so beautiful - very Carol in style.

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Cancale is so rustic & unpretentious Lobe it too

  7. Anonymous9:58 AM

    What a delightful rendezvous! Lunch at Cafe Varenne's seafood restaurant sounds divine. The treats from Karen's shop must have added an extra layer of joy to your time together. Cheers to good company and delicious goodies! Bergen

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      So kind to say that ❤️

  8. Anonymous10:48 AM

    What a great time having seafood at Café Varenne sur Mer! By the way, my lovely print of the cats, the couple sitting on a bench watching the Tour Eiffel arrived safe and sound in Madrid. I adore it! Love your art. Refards abd Merry Christmas, Maribel

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Thank you Maribel ❤️
      So kind of you to let me know 🙏

  9. Anonymous12:02 PM

    The packaging on the treats is very cute.
    Loved the trees. Beautiful. The windows are exquisite Lynne

  10. Sukicart12:48 PM

    The packaging on those sweets is beautiful, so typical of France. I would love Cancale with the oysters.

    1. Anonymous9:30 PM

      Karen lives in S.A. But deeply influenced by everything FRENCH !

  11. Looks like a nice restaurant even though I don’t eat seafood/meat. Since to see you sharing the amazing Oh la la dessert box though - I’d any of those 😋
    Thanks for sharing the Galeries Lafayette Christmas tree 🎄

    1. Anonymous2:48 AM

      I wish I could send you some OOH LA LA Candies KIRRA !!

  12. Anonymous3:46 PM

    So privileged you be your friend Carol , you have been an inspiration to me for 15 years ! Thank you for the beautiful post and to to all your amazing followers , email me please and I’ll try arrange delivery until the dream store opens in Paris one day 😊

  13. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Yes, I have been to Cancale and had some of those delicious oysters. First time I tasted the sea when I ate them.

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Perfect description- the EATING THE SEA 🌊


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