Thursday, May 05, 2011

The Bridges of Venice

It's impossible to visit Venice. And not walk over a bridge. In fact there's some controversy over exactly HOW MANY BRIDGES THERE ARE IN VENICE?
Some say,

"Venezia è costruita su 117 piccole isole e ha 150 canali e 409 ponti"


"Venice has 117 small islands, 150 channels and 409 bridges"

Whilst others proclaim,

Venice has 117 islands connected by 378 bridges.

Whatever. You're bound to walk over quite a few if not all of them.

Looking at these photos I'm a bit sorry I didn't spring for a gondola just for a different perspective from leaning over bridges.

Certainly you'll need a good 'cuppa' before venturing over the bridges.

Though I wouldn't venture out it these shoes.

Nor even these gorgeous Italian numbers...

Remember the steps are very wide.

So workers can cart everything under the sun over those bridges. How else will you get your pane e tulipani?
I hope you enjoyed this little escape from reality. I did.


  1. Love this, Carol, merci et grazie!

    It makes me want to spend time there again.

    A bientot,
    Christine Hueber

  2. Did you notice how much the modern sandals resemble the bridges....they go from low to high and have vertical members to keep you from falling off....

  3. Nancy in Savannah10:19 AM

    I'm enjoying your pix of Venice, which I have never visited. I can recommend a movie, however, that shows the city in winter, and is a mysterious, romantic story: "Don't Look Now", 1973, Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie.

  4. I think it's almost impossible to take a bad picture in Venice. The one exception was the one I took of my husband on a bridge and in the background was a child's balloon with a McDonald's logo on it.

  5. Such lovely bridges, too. Somebody should make it a project to spend the summer in Venice and walk over every bridge.

  6. Nancy loved that is really gritty. Have to say Venezia has 'cleaned up' a bit since the early 70's.

    Carol I noticed that you were using the Rough Guide map of Venice. My favorite one to carry around Venice. It's virtually indestructible!

    I love Paris....but I adored Venice!!
    Thanks for the fix!!

    ps....I'm working on a series of collages based on my photos of Venice...if you have a minute take a look. I've posted a few on my blog.

  7. my favorite movie set in Venice is David Lean's "Summertime", with Katherine Hepburn.......i have watched it so many times i can't count....thanks for another escape today to Venice.....

  8. YUP I got the Rough Guide 'WATERPROOF' map of Venice.
    What was I thinking?
    I guess like Kathrine Hepburn in SUMMERTIME, I was planning on falling in to the canal, but fortunately I didn't!

    Anyway I do need an indestructible map at all times.

  9. I was so disappointed that I was dropped off on the opposite side of the Rialto with my 50 lb luggage. I had to haul it up all those steps dodging tourists. It was a workout.

    The Wanderfull Traveler

  10. Thank you for sweeping me away to Venice for a few moments from my cubicle. Always brings back happy memories of my travels there.

  11. I would like to be there SO much! And those shoes!! (those decorated and colourful ones)

  12. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I've said it before and I'll say it again...LOVE your blog!It is my perfect lunchtime escape from work. The photos are so great...I feel like I'm there.


  13. 24Paradise1:41 PM

    Many thanks for the these bridge shots.
    I believe that I espied Commissario Guido Brunetti in the background.

    Venice is a never-ending source of wonderment.

  14. I just started my FOURTH Brunetti 24Paradise!!!

  15. I'll never tire of looking at Venice! It's so magical. I stayed in the outskirts of the city at a B&B. Quite an experience! Steve and I had to ride extremely old bicycles to a bus stop, then took the bus into Venice. Budget traveling - but at least we got to see it. :-)

    When we saw The Tourist (which I really liked!) he kept saying, what, they're not taking the bicycle, to the bus, into the city?

  16. Thank you so much for your blog. I have never been to France (or Italy) and just looking at your photos/paintings and reading your daily posts allows me to step outside my totally provincial and circumscribed life, even if for only 5 minutes a day.

    I consider it a luxurious 5 minute requirement to help broaden my horizons and remind myself that there is so much of interest in the world that I really need to add to my bucket list!

    Thank you for adding a touch of beauty to my daily life. No matter how busy I get and no matter how many emails pile up in by inbox, yours never get deleted before reading.



  17. Love these muted colors of gray, pink, blue-green.
    come visit:

  18. Beautiful shots, Carol.
    I love the colors and the reflections - a lot of reflections in all of that water :)

  19. Oh how I love Venice- exquisite pictures. Thank you x

  20. Mille grazie, Signora,
    for this not so little escape to Venice,
    just as I least expected!

    I love the movie "Bread and Tulips" - Bruno Ganz played himself into my heart forever.

  21. Oh Carol, I suddenly want to go on a cicchetti crawl!
    Merisi-I think I have Bread and Tulips memorized. I watch it a LOT!

  22. ahhh, yes, my KNEES very well remember all 400+ bridges...and the steps on each!
    But the views of this amazing city made it totally worth all the pain! Yes, the $$$ spent on a gondola ride is worth it time :-) Thanks for the photos...brings back lovely memories!


  23. Oh those fancy shoes are wonderful. They are like wearing art on your feet!!

  24. ...sigh! I feel as if I've been to Venice without leaving my chair. Thank you. What beautiful photos. Yes, you should have sprung for a gondola ride. I mean, it's Venice. Hello?


  25. I SHOULD have Yvette!
    Imagine the photos I'd have if I had shelled out for that gondola..

  26. Anna-Maria A.8:58 PM

    Is that a THIMBLE I see next to the Marie-Antoinette facy shoes?

    You should definitely NOT wear those! ! !

  27. My name is Gwen and I’m charmed by your blog. Today I couldn't resist writing about it on my blog.

    I love the way you take me on a petit voyage each time I open your blog.



  28. Oh, I love Bread and Tulips, too! Wonderful movie. These Venice bridges and gondolas are fabulous. Also, great shoes.

  29. I just can't even imagine how magical it must be to visit a city like this. Does the air smell fishy? There has to be something about Venice that isn't perfect!

  30. Wonderful shots of a great place to of my favorites,,,next to Paris of course:)....and BIll,,,it doesn´t smell the least bit "fishy"
    at all:)

  31. oh yeah, I forgot...I LOVE the shoes ....what is not to love about a cool pair of Italian shoes...leather or

  32. What great photos. Makes me long to go visit.


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