Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Le Loir dans La Theiere

Le Loir dans La TheiereLe Loir dans La Theiere chocolat chaud, watercolor
A quick hop back to Paris for some serious comparative analysis on combo cafe/patisseries.

Le Loir dans La Theiere Dear Anne of MesVitrinesNYC took me to her favorite place, Le Loire dans la Theiere in the Marais at 3 rue de Rosiers, 75004.

Le Loir dans La Theiere It's rather dark and cosy and friendly inside... In fact Le Loir dans le Theiere could easily be transplanted to Soho, NY in an instant. No fussy desserts. No ladies who lunch here. This is total casualness and a relaxed atmosphere.Le Loir dans La Theiere Anne arrives and we decide to share.Le Loir dans La Theiere Le Loir's fabulous Citron Meringue tarte. Racked with inappropriate fear, my photos are blurry. There really was no need.
It's very RELAXED here!
Le Loir dans La Theiere This citron tarte is so high it's served on it's side...sigh
Note the essential soup spoon served with it.
Le Loir dans La Theiere After tea we passed by the dessert buffet for a closer look at the goodies on the way out.Le Loir dans La TheiereThe ardoise (blackboard) reports:
Apple cake with nuts and cinnamon
Tarte Bordalae

Apple crumble with salted butter
Diplomate creme anglaise
Figge tarte
chocolate pudding
cheese cake
And the lemon meringue tart or what's left of it...

Le Loir dans La Theiere ? ? ?

Le Loir dans La Theiere


  1. Now, that is some serious meringue!! 3 feet high! ;)) Lovely, Carol. It looks like a place where you could spend hours and enjoy friendships bubbling up there. Thanks for taking me along.

  2. Anonymous11:19 AM

    mile high lemon of my mom's claims to fame!

  3. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Now, that's a salon de thé! Calm and relaxed and no chi-chis.
    What gorgeous tartes.

  4. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Yes, there are certainly places like this in San Francisco.
    Mission Pie is a place that hires at risk Mission dist.
    kids and they make pies, really good ones. Check it out.

  5. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Merci Carol pour cette merveilleuse adresse que je ne connais pas encore !

  6. omg...look at that meringue. my hubby would be in piggy heaven, he loves lemon meringue. last time we had a piece comparable to that height was in marshalltown iowa and it was a yummy pie there.

    have a good day


  7. Anonymous11:49 AM

    THIS is definitely not a Frenchie tart, but an American knockoff...Just the way the Fr. have adopted the British crumble wholeheartedly.
    THANKS for the MS recipe!!!

  8. I want your life visiting these salons!

  9. Love the buffet table and everything on it!

  10. Oh dear girl~ You have to paint a lemon meringue tart... I can just see what you would make of the swirls and would be heaven. Thank you for a mouth-watering breakfast.

    Barbara in the Mojave

  11. It's very hard work ANITA visiting these salons...
    You have to be careful not to drop your camera into the mile high lemon meringue tarte..
    You have to remember to take a photo BEFORE diving in and then think about what you just ate.
    Plus imagine going to 2-3 places like this in one day?
    Devilishly difficult!

  12. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I am so aligned with your tastes and proclivities that reading and viewing your blog is an experience of endorphin release for me.
    Thank you for this regular pleasure.


  13. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Linda, I rest the lense right on the glass to avoid reflections.
    Other times they are unavoidable and rather a pleasent inclusion
    c'est la vie!

  14. Yummmy, great pics of meringue pie!

  15. I am ready to catch the next plane out.:) Suddenly, after looking at your delicious pics, I am now starving. I found your blog by accident; just goes to show that some accidents are wonderful to stuble upon. Love everything about your blog...a complete delight!

  16. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I happened to find your blog - it really caught my attention, your descriptions are more than interesting and the pictures&works are lovely, it's like being there (or at least I wish I could be there eating the meringue pie!). Definitely good job!

  17. I'm jealous...and hungry! Looks totally divine.

    PS. Love your artwork!

  18. Okkkkkkk... wellllll... I will have to admit.. I would much rather be in a cafe in Paris than a cafe in NYC!

  19. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Hi! Thank you for the yummy photos. Since my French is practically zero, I am curious to know what the name of the shop is when translated into English.

  20. Such an enchanted place!

    Carol, yes, you need to go back and try to take another picture of the Citron Meringue tarte! *sternlook* A few drops of valériane in the morning of the big event, maybe it couldn't hurt? ;-)

  21. Anonymous3:38 AM

    One day I would love to walk, I mean dance, through your Paris photo collection :-)

  22. Bonjour !
    Just to let you know: it's Tarte Bourdaloue.
    A pie made with pears and cream of almonds.

    I wanted to go to the Loir last Sunday afternoon, but it was packed with people, and there even was a line of people outside, waiting to get in (big sigh!)

  23. Aye carumba! - you and Merisi are killing me with all this gorgeous food! But don't stop; it's wonderful to see, and very low calorie this way too.

  24. i was there !
    it is amazing! and the "tarte citron meringuees" was fantastic.

    here you can find, two (non blurred) pictures, if you want to share them

  25. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Whilst the cakes are amazing the place is not. Frequently overcrowded leaving the staff surly and very rude, not to mention twenty minutes to take an order. We found a mouse behind our heads and they could only laugh at us for insisting that it was unhygienic. Disgusting.

  26. Anonymous9:07 PM

    just out of curiosity "what is le loir" ??
    I thought it was la loire


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