Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Blue Willow-aholic

Blue Willow Blue Willow-oholic,watercolor,5" x 7"
Well another obsession is taking hold it seems.

Blue Willow Was the seed planted with these over-the-top Blue Willow windows in Bergdorf's?

Blue Willow Yesterday I bought this BW cookie tin. fun no?

Blue Willow And these two cups + 3 dinner plates...ahemBlue Willow Of course it's all meant to go with my new re-decorating theme of blue an white.

Naturally. Not a bad excuse as excuses go.

Blue Willow There was a ton of blue and white at the Musee de la Toile de Jouy.

Blue Willow And even more at the Bastille Brocante in October.

Blue Willow If only I could win the lottery.

Blue WillowFlo bleu...oh YUM!

Blue Willow I'm flirting with this doll's set of BW dishes...
Do I succumb or resist?

Blue Willow How about these puppies?
Can you resist?
Blue macarons with a little help from the paint palette..
My name is Carol and I'm am a Blue Willow-aholic~


  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    And just where was that stack of flow blue? Just waiting for me? That's my addiction.

  2. Blue will be the color of the Spring! It's funny I also wrote an article about this color in the French Internet fashion magazine.

  3. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Carol: buy the miniature dishes.
    You'll be sorry if you don't.
    Also, the cookie tin.
    I had this years ago and lost it in a move. There is a crisper thingee in the top knob that can go in the oven, to keep the items inside nice and fresh.

    1. Hello from South Africa. Love my childreb's blue willow teaset. I enjoy so much passing it every day their where it hangs against the wall in it's lovely little wooden dresser. Just love my Willow Pattern set!

    2. Are these Willow pattern children's tea sets still easy to get? Here I struggle to find 2 more cups - have only 4 instead of 6 - very scarce. Just buy that set :-)

  4. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Must join you in your confession of blue and white mania...
    my blue and white bedroom is heaven...

    P.S. The watercolor pitcher on your post today--sheer perfection. ?

  5. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I am too a Blue willow-aholic!
    I just found a 12+ inch blue willow round plate... for $2.50!

  6. lvetopaint the stack of flo bleu was at the Bastille Brocante...sigh

  7. Anonymous10:16 AM

    If for ANY reason you need someone to go with you during those short trips, I can be your girl.
    And best of all, I can be your paper carrier. No Problems there!
    Not a bad idea.........

  8. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Never resist temptation..
    Buy in haste and repent at leisure.
    Better than regreting at leisure bien sur.

  9. Anonymous10:45 AM

    A treasure~ what a beautiful little jewel of a painting.

  10. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I love blue too...Delft blue
    I concur, buy the china.

  11. Willow pattern - memories of my childhood. have you seen the Spode Italian china?

  12. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Buy the Set! I've always loved the china too but I have also been fascinated by the story on the plate. It makes for great dinner conversation! For anyone not familiar with the legend you can find it at the spode website:
    For a visual treat the book "The Willow Pattern Story" by Alan Drummond is good-except I think the watercolors could have been done a lot better! Perhaps there's a new project in the wings for you Carol?

  13. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I so enjoy receiving your "Paris Breakfasts" -- I too, am a Blue Willow-holic.
    My everyday china is BW by Johnson Bros/ England.
    When I was a girl my friend and I played "restaurant" w/ her set of children's BW -- it may be by the same maker as shown below.
    Tres charmant!

    A bientot et mais oui, bon bleu!

  14. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Yes, I too am on the 12 step program!
    Both Blue Willow and Toile...............
    my new tea shop speaks of my love for both!
    Can't wait to see more of your watercolors devoted to the themes!


  15. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I have a friend who has a whole dresser full of blue & white china, much of it is Willow Pattern. Whenever I see it I'm always tempted to restrict my china to blue and white BUT there is just TOO much lovely china.

  16. Anonymous2:18 PM

    My name is Paula and I am a BW fanatic too.
    I've been collecting blue and white for almost 40 years. Eat off the dishes plate specials.
    Thanks fun blog.
    I've also been to Paris numerous times.


  17. Where's the stone and linen????

  18. Blue Willow is a good habit to have. That painting is beautiful, Carol! I love it!

  19. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Not only should you buy the minis but GET THE DISPLAY TOO!!!! I am in love with it! Or just buy the display! Anything will look good on it!

  20. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Oh Carol....................
    I loved the blue and green macaroons at the end of todays post.
    What a fun surprise it was !!
    Thanks for everyday.................


  21. Anonymous9:43 PM

    I remember seeing that Berdorf's Blue Willow window with you two years ago. How can the time have gone by so fast!


  22. Anonymous9:46 PM

    hmmmm, i have had a family set of Blue Italian for over 25 years now, and I have yet to tire of them....I was lucky and inherited it...Villeroy & Boch has a nice set of Blue & Creamware too, can't remember the name. Have you seen the Carolyn Roehm book? Just out and she is a total blue & white fanatic...not sure about those blue macaroons though..

  23. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Sacré Bleu!

    Love it!

    Merci pour toutes les belles images,


  24. Anonymous9:49 PM

    I want to thank you for your recent post on Blue willow. Somehow many of yr. posts touch a special corner of my heart.

    kind regards,

  25. Please join us,Paula, at the Over-Blue Willow Anonymous (OBWA) meeting where we confess and break much china.

  26. ooolala...that's all the french I know but love those flow blue plates and I say buy the will not regret it...thank you for the book tips...I intend to buy two and wish I could buy those blue quilts...sigh..beautiful blog you have here and I must come back tomorrow and read the rest!

    thank you!

  27. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Hello Carol!
    I'm new to your blog, and really like it. This is a great approach that
    you have, drawing, and taking pictures of the places you visit. Very
    May I ask you one favor though: on the right handside of your blog's
    first page it says "Merçi pour votre visite". Could you correct the
    spelling mistake:
    it's merci and not merçi (c+i or e does the sound sss,so no need to use a ç). I will feel more comfortable looking at it this
    way - lol!

    Well, have a great day, à bientôt,

  28. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Jesse Wilcox Smith illustration of blue willow & a teddy bear!

  29. Anonymous8:40 PM

    I have the EXACT SAME cookie tin that I bought at the New York Annex Flea Market about 6 years ago!

  30. Hi, I'm Polly and I am a blue willowaholic too.

  31. Hi, I'm Polly and I am a blue willowaholic.

  32. Hi! I have my great grandmother's Blue Willow China. Just wondering.... Have you ever seen a cubed teapot?

  33. Hey, There are a lots of great collection of Blue Willow-aholic, it's an amazing.. It comes in different colors which is good for you. looks awesome..

    Blue Willow China

  34. Hanneke1:32 AM

    Hello from South Africa. I love my Blue Willow children's tea set. Mine are about the same as the one in your post. It gives me a thrill to walk by my beloved tea set against the wall in it's beautiful little dresser. Just love it!


Love hearing from you