We ALL LOVE PARIS!!!You wouldn't be here at Paris Breakfasts if you didn't...
But it can be a frustrating town to get around...Pssst!
(Did you know they had to put a special coating on the Metro maps so
the oils from your fingertips don't corrode the surface?
That's why you used to see those gaping holes...)
At the same time you don't want to appear to be a tourist with your maps and guidebooks clogging up the streets do you?
Well not if you can help it :)
One of my secrets is I love to catch shots (usually blurry 'cos I'm a tad embarrassed)of the Lost People in Paris...
But I wouldn't want to be caught dead looking at a map...
Well not if I can help it!
In New York, when I see Lost People (= visitors = guests in my town)I march up to them and ask,
Where do you want to go?
And if they're French, I throw in a few Frenchie words and they're pleased as punch!
You can't go up to New York Lost People and ask,
Can I help you?
They will run away! Vite Vite Vite!
They'll think you want $$$! Yup it's true.
Here's a good Paris trick!As soon as you get off the Metro at your stop,
Do not run to the exit.
Directly in front of you, should be a very nice, very large map of the surrounding area.
You can quickly find where you want to go and thus avoid the wretched street-map-reading.
Not to suggest you don't need a Paris Plan!
You absolutely do!!!
Just look for the plan that has the easiest to read maps..
Did you get to see PARIS JE T'AIME?
There are 18 mini films, each one made in a different arrondissement of Paris.
I was late to see it, but I LOVED it! This was one of my favorites..
It's was a gritty and bittersweet view of Paris
and I cried buckets at the end...Why did it have to end?
What do you do when you get lost in Paris???