Saturday, March 31, 2007
Chocolate Bells, Bunnies, Hens and...
Chocolate eggs, nougat eggs.
HUGE chocolate eggs a decent size child could stand up in at Godiva's.
Is it a contest who can make the biggest egg?
Chocolate cakes shaped like eggs at La Maison du chocolat.
Eggs hanging like Christmas ornaments in all the windows or with an attached loop so you can hang it in your own window or perhaps around your neck..who knows?!
And a chocolate squirrel with a big yellow bow tied over the entire thing in La Maison's window...
I thought squirrels were a sign of Fall..who knew?
The most interesting chocolate "animals" are in Jean-Paul Hevin's window.
The front 1/2 is a chocolate fish or a bunny.
And the back 1/2 is a hen's tail with a chocolate box separating them filled with colored eggs.
Yeah and bows on EVERYTHING.
They probably put a big yellow bow on the Eiffel Tower next Sunday!
Yes, Merisi, I AM like the Energizer Bunny, running running running.
One way for sure that no one gets fat here is all the steps in the METRO - up & down & up & down
A whole lot of walking goes on.
And a very important to note for your next visit - DO NOT RUN across the street.
It just isn't done!?
Even if the lights have changed on you. Cars do not seem to wish to run you down.
I could be wrong on this, but simply do not run across the street.
And try really hard not to stand in the middle of the sidewalk with your maps flowing all over.
Find a secluded corner if you can.
Well it's time for petit dej', so I gotta run!
Tout a l'heure!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Still Ciel Bleu and Bunnies!
They are threatening rain all the time but the sun is winning!
so far
I'm seeing alot of pale chartruse everwhere...on the new Chanel seems to be the accent color of the moment.
And you can not believe how this town is inhabited with BUNNIES!
And HUGE chocolate eggs everywhere.
It's just about ridiculous...
Paris is an Easter barnyard !?
Even big bunny advertisements in the Metro..
I am not sure I can look another bunny in the eye...
I had petit dejeuner yesterday at Angelina's = YUM!
The trick is to get there before 10:30 = no line, no waiting
I had something called "Petit Dejeuner Parisien"
But it was more like an American P.D. - it was NOT petit at all.
OJ + 3 kinds of Vennoiserie (sp) + a ficelle/ small baguette + a pitcher of chocolat chaud + confiture/ jam
Do you call this petit?
There's an even PD bigger one you can order - maybe they serve you a steak?
Oh I forgot, the hot chocolate comes with a "Mont Blanc" - a perfect mountain of whipped cream, which I forced myself to taste... I'm not a cream person but it was divine :)
They have new china at Angelina - more elegant, more simple..just a thin red line on the cups and dishes + their name.
I can't wait to paint it and show you all the pictures when I get back.
I'm having a bite today at Le Train Bleu...more to come!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Ciel Bleu..Paris Blue Skies
Ciel bleu!
Paris blue skies all the way!!!
It's very Springy here.
I sat out on a cafe terrace yesterday for the first time all by myself and had an expresso on Boulvard St Germain.
Basically I told the waiter, I'll have one of he was cleaning up the cups next to me.
I wasn't sure what to call it...but it was yummy
By the end of 9 days it should be easy.
And I got a French haircut - which kind of looks like you didn't get a haircut, but just got out of bed..
One of those.
At Lafayette Gourmet and I was agast at the gazillion kinds of hot chocolate they had!!!
There could easily have been 30.
The Parisen Easter bunnies are out in force and the bunny is pale green.
I have lots of fun pictures to show you when I get back.
Be patient...
I'm going swimming this morning to make up for the 7 macarOns I ate yesterday :(
They were really exceptionally small...
And bought for research purposes too...
Uh huh...
A tout a l'heure
Carolg in PARIS!!!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
The Sweet Escape...
Friday, March 23, 2007
Cafes Richard

SISMO Design, 5 bis rue St Paul, 75004 Paris, Métro: St Paul

These are the expresso cups. Pretty adorable you'll agree.
David L. just went to the Università del Caffè, so you might like to get some pointers on making expresso yourself. And Greg has a ton of coffee info at his coffee ratings site. I'm studying all this too since I mostly drink hot chocolate...oops
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Bunny Madness...

I spotted this bunny by artist Dave Calver riding my N train.
Nifty but not Gold bunny.
I do worry a bit what I'll do when Easter is over...
I just joined the Flickr Bunny Lovers Unite group, so there's hope for me. These shiny rows of Gold Bunnies reside in the New York Lindt flagship store.
But don't they look like they could be sitting inside Tutankhamun's pyramid?
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
This Cup For Hire...

You can include a macaron prop if you'd like...

I wonder if Bergdorf's reads ParisBreakfasts..?
It costs at least 200 Euros ! Don't go overboard. I don't do oils :(

My name is Carol and I'm a CUPaholic

Anali of Anali's First Amendment came up with the 1st teacup to exchange for a watercolor! This is fun!!! and I'm still looking.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Les Pâtes de Fruits

Please tell your stories of pates de fruits.

Monday, March 19, 2007
The Russian Tea Room NYC

For example:
Anastasia Tea is a Russian blend of Ceylon and China teas scented with orange, bergamot, lemon and lime
Prince Vladimir is a blend of Ceylon and China teas with scents of orange, lemon, vanilla, grapefruit and spices
The Bouquet de Fleur blend is a blend of China, India and Ceylon teas with 8 different aromas, including lemon, bergamot orange, lime and mandarin orange
Petrushka Tea is a blend of Ceylon, cardamom, cloves, almonds and rose

Podstakannik is Russian for tea glass holder and means "under the glass" or "for the glass"
Zavarka is strong tea
Do you think they heard I was coming and are trying to make the transition easy for me? :(
Friday, March 16, 2007
Lindt Gold Bunny
Naturally I've been back to the Lindt store to study Gold Bunny some more..
The Lindt Gold Bunny has his own website it turns out with games and news of his whereabouts!Watch Gold Bunny rising up out of a pool of chocolate...
YUM!I'm not too thrilled what Jeff Koons did to this bunny...
I personally think he might have looked at the Lindt's Bunny more closely.
The Lindt Gold Bunny is so beautifully designed...sigh

Now Steiff did a version of the Lindt Gold Bunny I highly approve of.
I just wish I could find a bigger version of it :)
I'm not yet satisfied with my paintings of LGB,
so I hope you'll put up with my obsession for just a little bit longer...
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Tulip Sketches...