Tuesday, December 11, 2007

P comme Porte Etiquette

 I love porte etiquettes❤️

One of my obsessions is the porte etiquette.You only find these pastry stands in France. I got one the last day of Fauchon's New York closing sale.

It took me forever to find out the name of these  pastry card holders. I'd KILL for a shield signs.

 There's nothing like a French handwritten sign with wonderful French écriture on it like these in the marché.

This mini ardoise is a keeper.

Fleuristes go for the porte etiquette.

This sign is like a recipe at Cafe La Pâtisserie Viennoise..

A handwritten porte etiquette at Salon du Chocolat.
Why oh why didn't I get one? caramel...sigh

A printed porte etiquette. Very direct-no romance.

 Like reading a book-intellectual content at PIERRE HERME. Read and give it some serious thought. Even the title is poetic - Desire Individuel.

A pict-o-gram that says it all at gelateria ICE ON ICE in Les Halles.
Here's a 'porte etiquette' I'd love outside my door.
How about you


  1. Bien sur! Regarde ceci:
    and look at the little chef ones too.

    All best, Jan

  2. http://www.mora.fr/fr/famille_liste.asp?ID_Famille=12&MenuActif=8&SsMenuActif=-1&num=2
    Oop la maybe this will work.. sorry.

  3. Oh LORDIE
    MORA was close to me last trip at 13 rue Montmartre
    75001 PARIS

    But I will visit bien sure next trip in March!!!
    Oui Madame et merci

  4. It took me a few seconds of focusing to realize that your first photo wasnt a window display in paris. Did those macarons come out of the freezer for that display? ;) You could do window displays. I used to collect the card holders from floral arrangements. It was hard to toss them away.

  5. toujours un reel plaisir de déguster ce blog!!!

  6. I just love the little stands..would be great for a dinner party to hold guests names!!

  7. Oh yes, those porte-etiquette are lovely indeed! Are you planning on including one in your next painting?

    I have to look for them around here. I only remember the ones Demel uses, see-through acryllic ones (how common!), but there the beauty in my eyes are the etiquettes (ivory heavy card stock with coffee-brown print) and the names they give to their pastries.

  8. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Greetings Paris, thanks for visiting Londres earlier.

    I'll have a tarte framboise, please (although I always forget that underneath the framboises there's chocolate) and some of those white saponaria-type flowers.

    Anything you'd like from London?

  9. Those marzipan cherries are so cute.

  10. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I'll have to wait until the Euro to Dollar ratio is more favorable!


  11. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I simply love your posts !

    I am so impressed that you can still find new subjects and new photos.

    I am not sure, though, whether your lovely letters ease my PPD (Post Paris Depression) - or makes it worse !

    Kind regards,

  12. Anonymous8:42 AM

    You can make your own - very simply:

    All you need is... opening SOME champagne bottles !!!... Cheers...


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