Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Dolce & Gabbana cont.

Sunday I went back to the DOLCE & GABBANA exhibit early, 10:00 🕙 The French are still sleeping 😴 The line was short.

I wanted to see their Gift 🎁 Shop
The catalog is available in English & French - paperback 48€.
Beautiful silk scarves - 190€
Wines, perfumes, nougat in fancy tins etc. The tote bag & T-shirts were black with the show title (not D&G etc.)
If there was a wild Sicilian patterned tote bag I would have grabbed it in a flash. No cute little chatchkas like a key chain or a stick pin…
Outside the shop, which is one flight up taking the elevator, turn left. Et voila, you’re at the beginning of the show. 
They changed the route for visitors. More organized, less crowded, less confusion 👏 
I checked my coat at entrance - much easier to navigate the rooms minus a heavy winter coat. 
I didn’t show you the fabulous homage 
To Italian glassworkers 
Like Murano (video) and Barovier.
Called, ‘L’art et savoir faire du verre’
Presented at the Doge’s palace in Venice in 2021.
Instead of operatic arias 🎵playing in the background, the sound of crunching, broken glass!
Every Dolce & Gabbana collection is an homage to a different part of Italy 🇮🇹 In 2020 this show was held at Villa Bardini in Firenze.(video)
The models had to climb up and down this long stone stairway. 
I went crazy ❤️
For this flowered 🌺 hat in the show…
Such wild flights of extravagant fantasy
I know little about Domenico Dolce & Stefano Gabbana.(video) They have certainly behaved in a controversial and disruptive manner at times. But no one can claim they are short on talent or inspiration.
Even this little girl was ignited by their inspiration. 
I say go if you can ❤️

Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast. You can get Parisbreakfast letters, maps and watercolors in your mailbox. Just look in my Etsy shop.


  1. This is like gorgeous overload. Wonderful and so glad you went back. I'm with you for wanting the interesting and striking t shirts and totes. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      I’m thinking 🤔 they don’t want to put out any inexpensive items with their signature style on it. Qui sait?

    2. Anonymous9:45 PM

      You could make a similar hat! Think Frida Kahlo— even if you only wore it like a crown in your own apartment!

  2. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Spectacular! Thanks, Carol.

  3. Karin P9:42 AM

    OMG, I am in love with this presentation and event, what creativity and beauty. FYM, finally bought their Bioletta, and I don't even use it. It has a place in my kitchen to admire.

    1. Anonymous12:16 PM

      I would like one of their refrigerators definitely!

  4. janice powers10:19 AM

    I love this - and your captures of the dresses!

  5. AWESOME. One needs to see such beauty to replace some tough images that we see in the media. Thanks Carol🗼❤️

    1. Anonymous12:14 PM

      “A thing of beauty is a joy forever”
      Keats or Yeats

  6. Anonymous10:48 AM

    You bring us beauty when we need it most.

  7. Bonnie L11:04 AM

    So glad you went back Carl. It’s a lot of gorgeousness to take in in one crowded run through. I had no idea what D&Gs clothing looked like so thank you for expanding my fashion knowledge. Very luxe!

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Essential education Bonnie we all need now ❤️

  8. Anonymous1:06 PM

    The gift shop looked interesting. Too bad they didn’t have a wild tote bag. That is surprising really. Lynne

  9. sukicart2:17 PM

    So glad you went back and took us along again - so stunning.

  10. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Thank you for posting. I have been following this exhibition since it started in Milan. I am wondering where it will go to next. I am in Australia and a flight from here to France is sooooo far away. If you know please let me know as I am dying to see it.

    1. Anonymous1:57 AM

      I would love to know myself where it will travel next.
      London, New York? Definitely
      Australia? 🤔 Hmm..
      🙏 🤞

  11. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Although the exhibition looks amazing I especially love how you always seem to notice the little people! Your photos tell such a beautiful story. 😘🇨🇦❤️

    1. Anonymous1:58 AM

      Watching kiddies is a fav past time of mine 🥰

    2. Anonymous10:37 PM

      You’ve never lost your childhood enthusiasm!!! ❤️

  12. Anonymous3:04 AM

    This is so wonderful. Awesome. Thank,you.

  13. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Thanks for part 2! Loving these pics - and your blog :-)

  14. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Iam so glad you got a chance to go back Carol !
    Thank you for your wonderful report on more of this fantastic exhibition and the offerings at the gift shop ! I would so get the Bialetti Mocha pot with its cheery bright design 🎉

  15. Oh, my goodness. Your two posts on the exhibition now have me contemplating a day trip on the Eurostar to Paris from London--where I will be at the end of March. A friend in Paris says she'll hold off going so we can attend the exhibition together. Your photos are great. Sooo very tempted. Thank you, I think!


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