Saturday, October 05, 2024

Sonia Delaunay - Galerie Zlotowski, Galerie Roger Viollet

Wednesday we went to a pre-preview 

Double show of Sonia Delaunay At Galerie Zlotowski & Galerie Roger Viollet.

I first fell in love with Sonia at the 2014 retrospective at musee des Arts Moderne.
It’s perfect timing for a new exhibit after Paris Fashion Week 
To experience the stunning influence of Delaunay on the art & fashion world of her time..
Born in Odessa, Ukraine in 1885, at 5 Sonia was adopted by her wealthy uncle and moved to St Petersburg. She started painting at 14 and at 20 moved to Paris.
After a marriage of convenience to a gallerist (who exhibited her work)
She met her husband painter 🎨 Robert Delaunay.
Together they created ‘Simultaneism’, 
Noted for its use of strong, primary colors and abstract, geometric shapes. 
It all started with an abstract baby quilt 🧵 Sonia made for their son, Charles 
And evolved into making patterned outfits for herself
Everyone wanted her ‘look’
Pretty soon she was designing interiors
Designing cars 🚗 
Designing costumes for
Sergei Diaghilev’s Ballet Russe.


  1. Love the bright colors and all of the shapes plus I discovered an artist I was not familiar with.Thanks Carol, there is always an element of education in your posts🗼❤️

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Yes, many do not know Sonia Delaunay. They do know her husband’s Eiffel Tower murals, who she promoted assiduously after his death.

  2. An abstract baby quilt! Love that idea. From Lancaster County quilt country, Sally

  3. Linda Scott12:06 PM

    Merci Carol for this🎨 wonderful and as always informative post!

    I did not know about this artist ! Or at least I do not remember from art history classes this artist!!!
    I must say I did not know of her husbands work either so
    It was a real art history eye opener for me today
    Your posts are the highlight of my day 🗼💗🎨
    Bonjour to Bear 🐻🐾


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