Thursday, September 26, 2024

PFW, The Battle for Versailles, yesterday in Paris

It’s PFW/Paris Fashion Week. Yesterday I went out looking some style in the streets

Librairie Galignani on rue de Rivoli was having a book 📕 party/

Watch the video for the whole fab story. Link above ☝️ 
Again I got there too early 🙄 on the dot of opening. What was I thinking? Model Pat Cleveland center.
All the ‘Names, Sweetie Darling, Names’ (except model Pa) came fashionably late (Ines de la Fressange, Marisa Barenson, Suzy Meknes, Sarah Handelman (Colette’s owner) etc. FYI…I was a design assistant to Anne Klein, (in the 80’s) one of the American designers who participated in the Versailles show.
I moved on next door 
To browse in Angelina..
It’s been such a long time…some new creations onboard. Strictly shoot 📸 and run. 
I loved ❤️ the roses 🌹cascading down the windows
Outside…big long, lines waiting patiently for Angie. 
*Go for a breakfast and skip the lines.They open early 7:30 🕢 
Double lines! Poor souls. 
Rain, rain, nonstop rain 🌧️ 
This week who can find style in the streets
When everyone is under big umbrellas ☂️ 
Although Hotel Le Meurice provides their guests with lovely shade of Laduree-green brollies, which add a nice touch of glam.
Enfin, in front of Le Meurice a très chic femme
And a nice big smile from her…she spotted me angling to get a good shot.
More lines in front of 
Pastry magician Cedric Grolet’s patisserie.
For these rather triste looking pastries. One does not want to think about the cost 💲 🙀
Lines of course at E.Goyard luxury luggage 🧳 
I peeked into Astier de Villatte, thinking I might find some fashion stars..🐶 woof
Jeweled fruit & veg in Astier’s window..
Long story short, after a good wander in the rain ☔️ I went for a bowl of my fav Miso Ramen at Sapporo. 
At home I checked in on VogueFrance latest fashion reports.
I could go for some Cecilie Bahnsend.


  1. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Thank you for all the glorious colorful pix! However, does anyone in Paris wear anything but navy blue?

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Marine blue is the color of choice in Paris.
      Neck and neck with New York black. I bought a navy Olympic T-shirt on sale just yesterday! I guess I drank the Kool-Aid.

  2. Your "Ab Fab" reference did not go unnoticed! Made me smile. What an stunning and elegant woman you found outside of the Meurice. She is obviously Someone. I suppose she is a model, or maybe a designer herself? I wonder if she ever gets to eat though, poor thing.

    1. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Definitely ’someone’…maybe a customer for high-end couture? Qui sait. Many of these women look too thin. But then you see the extreme ones, like at my pool And you know it’s an illness.

  3. Sukicart1:02 PM

    Fun but I’d rather eat good food and not worry about weight.

  4. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Worry about our weight? Difficult not to when one's galfriend lost 40 pounds in one year on ozempic...

  5. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Monday was our last day in Paris and we spotted what surely must have been a few models in town for the shows. My 5'3" self stood next to one in line at the grocery store and I felt like we surely came from different planets! Loved seeing them though, so exotic! We were happy to be leaving as the rain was getting started in earnest.

  6. Bonnie L5:28 PM

    A lovely rainy day wander, Carol. You covered a lot of ground. And then, your reward - soup! 😋

  7. Brave soul, walking in the fresh new rain to get photos for your lovely blog. Merci enjoyed looking at everyone of them


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