Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Mamie Gateaux Brocante


Have you had tea at adorable Mamie Gateaux on 66 rue du Cherche-Midi?

It’s been around 20 years.

Sadly, the tea salon closed in January…

But they are having a daily brocante (except Mondays) from 12:30 - 7:00

Until March 14 🤸‍♂️

All their vintage treasures 

There are many

Many enticing souvenirs d’enfance

Their classic, porcelain British tea pots 

A nice memento for 10€ (33€ on Amazon) Thinking, thinking 🤔 

I got there opening time yesterday & Solli came later.

Others joined in the hunt.

I put Mamie Gateaux on
the Paris tea salon map

And painted their lemon meringue tarte, my fav since I first visited in 2014

What was your favorite thing at Mamie Gateaux? 
The ardoise/blackboards are for sale.

I just read their quiche was terrific…trop tarde 

Naturalement I was drawn to the child’s poste office set.  Going postal is an old habit. 

I collected French Colonial stamps when I was 11 - thoughts of running 🏃‍♀️ away to Coté d’Ivoire were appealing

Trains, tins, games, tea pots, cookery ware, old books 📚There is plenty at Mamie Gateaux brocante, whatever your childhood dreams.  
Just think! You can have your own Paris tea party at home
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  1. Bonnie L6:48 AM

    Fabulous trésors, Carol! Although SO sad that Mamie Gâteaux is closing. The chocolat bowls, the fabric by the yard, table linens, and yes! the chalkboards! I hope you go back for the teapot. It would indeed make a great souvenir (remembrance) of Mamie Gâteaux.

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Yes, very tempting 🫖

  2. I think I love absolutely everything in Mamie Gateau! Especially the child’s poster office set. As a former nursery school teacher my dramatic play dreams are forming including a character named 🤔 Carol!🗼❤️

  3. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Simply lovely. I adore the Paris brocantes and all things French. Sorry to hear they are closing. Hope "Au peit bonheur, la chance" is still running. Love, Isabelle.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Sadly, Au petit bonheur la chance closed last year. I really miss that place on rue Saint Paul…

  4. This is just the sweetest, in so many ways. Charming.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Thanks Peggy 🫖

  5. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Oh, such lovely things. Every photo had something I wanted. The embroidered linens especially caught my eye.

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Adorable embroidered runners 🧵

  6. Oh my! I would get into such trouble there! What a fabulous spot. I definitely hope you buy something as your Mamie Gateaux memory (besides your wonderful drawing and memories.) How very sad to lose this spot.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Yes it is sad when favorite old places close in Paris 😢
      Do you know any of these places?
      La Charlotte de l'Isle
      Au Petit Bonheur la Chance
      Mamie Gateaux
      Maison Gattegno

    2. Anonymous11:49 PM

      Papeterie MARIE-TOURNELLE !!!

  7. Anonymous8:10 AM

    This is where Lindsey and I met you for Hot Chocolate.
    We go back everytime we are in Paris
    Ooooo to have a slice of pistachio cherry tart right
    about now, with a creamy hot chocolate of course. Carm

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      I remember it well Carm
      Mamie Gateau will be missed 💔

  8. That red embroidery valance type fabric:) with le unique.Closures are sad.But what a wealth of collectables here.It looks like the most interesting spot Carol:)

    1. Anonymous11:43 PM

      They must have a warehouse full of collected stuff to have a month-long brocante ☺️

  9. The items are what Paris is to me..the children's clothes....I will look at this again and again. Thank you.

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      That’s a good way to view their brocante Sally 🫖

  10. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I enjoy your posts, full of ideas for my next trip to Paris! G.

  11. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I loved this post and would certainly be scooping up some treasures at their sale! Mary

  12. Sukicart12:13 PM

    Sadly I never went there so I've missed my chance. Would love a few of those charming brocante items.

    1. Anonymous11:41 PM

      Dommage Suki ❤️

  13. Mimi C3:17 PM

    Sad news to hear that another authentic little shop is closing! I live very close to Mamie Gâteaux, but I didn't realize they were about to close. Several really wonderful places have disappeared over the past year or so here in my little corner of the 6h.

    1. Anonymous11:40 PM

      Yes, it is like losing a friend…🫖☕️

  14. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Difficult for charm to survive in the current world.

  15. What a lovely place, sad it’s closing, I’ve never been there. Looking at the chalkboard I would get tarte citron like you or carrot cake. Lots of nice things to get - I definitely vote for you to buy a teapot!

  16. Anonymous12:31 PM

    The vintage shop, adorable. Going to your 2008 link: Is that postal shop more like a museum? I want to go there. My father collected stamps from all over the world. He worked for an international organization so they traded.

    1. Anonymous3:58 AM

      Carré d’Encre sells new French stamps only. Passage Panorama is better for old stuff 👍

    2. Anonymous3:59 AM

      You would Love Musée de la Poste for French postal history. I need to visit soon & will post on it 👏

  17. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I just posted a comment to this post on the jardin poste...oops....R

  18. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Oh, I wish I could go to their sale and buy some plates and the lovely embroidered valence. I could use some of the red and white tea towels and the valences to make a lovely apron. So sad that beloved stores and shoppes are closing. It is the same in United States since some of the Talbots and William Sonomas are closing.


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