Monday, January 28, 2013

Sirah 2013, Lyon

Dimanche 27 janvier SIRAH 2013 Lyon
I left the house at 6am to run to catch the 7:58 TGV at Gare du Lyon.
Another tram and a bus et voila - SIRAH!
This show is enormous. As big as Maison et Objet. I took just a tiny bite.I’m thinking of running back today for more bites.
Football fields of food, tableware, equipment.
2200 exhibitors and brands
22 national pavilion
1200 demonstrations every day
And so many chefs
And chef demos mis en place
Thousands of croissants wherever you look.
Christophe Adams created 'baguette' eclairs. Formerly Fauchon's master eclair pastry chef. He now owns l'Eclair du Genie..
Valrhona Chocolate is a major sponsor of the 5-day extravaganza. They passed around tasting trays of various flavored chocolate mousse.
Loved this olive oil tasting set up like a perfume tasting.
Beautiful KitchenAids like Radio City Rockette dancers were in every chefs kitchen onsite.
Statues of Paul Bocuse everywhere. The Bocuse d'Or concours  lasts 2 days and is a major world wide event.
Clever Villeroy and Boch had a space where anyone could paint their own version of the Bocuse commemorative plate. Fun!
The 'presse' lunch upstairs in the press room— savory relief from all the lush sweets in the food halls downstairs. The Coupe du Monde de la Patisserie tomorrow. Stay tuned!
Bonne Journee!  


  1. Wow what an experience!
    You don't miss a trick!!
    Looks like tremendous fun for foodies

  2. Wow, sounds great all under one roof, even though it involved a lot of running & you had to be up at the crack of dawn. Maybe if you run there again today you'll be able to taste more ! as you will have already run off the calories ha ha !

  3. Great post, but what's the story with the camera??

  4. Looks like an amazing exposition Carol.... Hope you are having fun... London anytime soon?? xv

  5. Sooooooo jealous!

  6. I would have LOVED this!!

  7. How wonderful! I think its time for me to acquire press credentials so I can enjoy some of the many exciting events like those you are able to attend.:)

  8. Oh, my goodness! Such a lot of goodness: I especially like the eclairs packaged like baguette---much better for you! I don't care what the proper plural is---the mousses (mice?) look decadent. I think you photos are fine, except for the little doggy. Of course, you were probably shaking from sugar overload. :) Can't wait for tomorrow.

  9. I believe the plural of "mousse" is "meeeses". I base this opinion on a song from the Muppets Christmas Carol.

  10. Anonymous12:20 PM

    lucky girl….
    I wish I could be at: show…
    The best gastro show right now in France
    Bravo Carol..

    1. My gastro may not be up to these French fancy food shows...ahem
      I'm in recovery today with help of the much loved French coma-cola

      No wonder they drink it like water...

    2. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Nothing like a good icy coca cola after a gastronomic decadent day of tasting….
      All the best. Enjoy every little bites to day if you go back.


  11. Paris always looks wonderful through whatever lens you share with us!

  12. What fun! I second Amy's comment. Always the delicious peek through your artsy angle. Love your sketch and the 'newspaper' wrap. Bot very clever. Thanks you!

  13. Carol, this event looks wonderfully overwhelming. I particularly like the baguette eclairs and mousse tasting tray. I've never seen anything like those before.


  14. Great opening sketch, Carol!
    After that it's just one great photo after another - the equipment looks so shiny and new and the food looks delicious!

  15. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Your blog is so delicious!

    1. Malu Fernandes9:37 AM

      Your blog is só delicious!

  16. Ann K.4:08 PM

    I used to love reading your blog and looking at the photographs. But since you changed the format and went with much narrower style with smaller font and photos, it does not look good in Firefox on a PC. Maybe you did this so it would look better on tablets or mobile phones but there should be some dynamic software you could use.

    1. Nothing to do with me.
      It's Blogger or who knows what?
      If you click at the bottom where it says web version it looks the way it used to look. I have the same issues in my iPad.

  17. What a wonderful blog!

  18. The tasting trays, the baguette eclairs! You are blowing my mind (and my stomach)!!!!
    How I wish I could be there! *swoons*


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