Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Frederic Lalos Boulangerie

Monday January 14, 2013 Frederic Lalos
Like this running baker boy, I was racing 🏃‍♀️ to the pool when I stopped in my tracks
A big boulangerie with the words plastered on the side, Meilleur Ouvriers De France or MOF. The highest honor France can bestow on a craftsman for his metier. Remember the movie, The Kings of Pastry?
Thoughts of the pool evaporated as I peeked inside...
Stacks of fresh baguettes 🥖 tradition resting in the vitrine.
Not only has chef Frederic Lalos received the MOF at the young age of 26 but his bread was awarded the 'Label Rouge', a mark of France's highest standards.
More red ribbons adorn Lalos' chocolates. Don't you love the sound of Marbella grilled noisette 'enrobed' in chocolate. I would love a chocolate robe. 
Peering in the other window the vendeuse looked...
just like a Toulouse-Lautrec drawing.
I tore myself away from le leche-vitirine and ran on to the pool. At the pool door I remembered I'd forgotten the essential flip flops. Nothing for it but head back to Frederic Lalos' boulangerie and browse a bit more. The vendeuse was patient. Other clients came and went while I perused everything in the pastry case several times over. With a little smile the vendeuse finally got me my baguette au cereal and a pot of apple compote. I'll have to go back no doubt. Next trip to the pool bien sur!
Some of you requested a CAT OF THE DAY. I saw this while pool-bound. I'll attend the cat show to stock up on the less obvious Paris cat for you! Bonne Journee!


  1. In any case, you can still say you went to the pool!

    1. Ach! You've no idea how badly I need to go to the pool.
      French food is winning the battle thus far!
      Pas bon :(

  2. I vote for cat of the day

  3. Oh my. Inspiration and temptation everywhere. I don't know how you make it through the day!

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      I am failing big time Connie
      Need a training course for this town!!!
      Mission impossible!

  4. Why oh why do we all fall into the French trap so easily? The answer is so easy! there is a boulangerie or patisserie on every corner.

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Thank you Barbara
      I am a mouse caught in the trap
      I am so willingly caught
      I had no idea how tough it could be here
      Temptation City!!!

  5. That Tarte Citron looks wonderful! How did you resist? Can we go visit this bakery? You know, just for resarch?

  6. I am always with my husband and he's not a shopper or a browser, even in a bakery. He would just never understand to siren call of a fresh baguette or macaron. We just whiz on by, the destination of the day is the goal. I need to tour Paris with another woman some day.

    1. I mean "the siren call"

    2. The siren call
      You nailed J
      I hear it all day long here like an iPod playing
      It can be torturous ... :))

    3. I'll go with you anytime...although I must say my husband will browse anywhere, anytime.

  7. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Be for warned,!! La 'Fromagerie' is next, just waiting to pounce on you and grab you into its lair, then little by little you become hooked.
    But what the heck !! I say 'that's all part of the French way of life.
    Have fun... B.

  8. I wish there was a pastry shop like that on my running route. I'd forget my shoes every single day, I'm sure...

  9. Your Chat of the day looks a lot like our Daisy. Nice to see both Cats and Dogs here. Was the lack of flip flops your subconscious not wanting to exercise? :))

  10. Another temptation to add to my ever-gtrowing list of places to find~
    How about alternating cats & dogs~I hope you go to the cat show.
    Seems like that little devil whispering in your ear is getting through loud and clear.
    I love these Journal entries!!!!

  11. Wow -- even in France, the good old Maine Coon is the glamour puss. Ha! Score One for the Etats Unis!

    It's my birthday today and my husband just gave me a round-trip ticket to Paris. Does he know how to shop or what?

    1. Oh mon dieu!
      Bonne Anniversaire Mme Vivian Swift!,
      xxx Carolg

    2. Happy Birthday, Vivian!

      (I tried to comment on your own blog, but could not find an open comment box.)

  12. sounds delectable--very impressive, Carol. Love your sketch up there and your dogs on the side here!

  13. I just looked at your post again and saw the doggies on the right sidebar -- OMG!!! Those portraits are ADORABLE!

    And you've captured one of those perfect moments in Paris, to glance into a newly-discovered boulangerie for a vignette straight out of Toulouse-Lautrec. Sigh.

  14. I think I would collect boulangerie bread wrappers..I love them so:)
    I baked 2 lovely loaves today..and just plain brown papered them..I would have fancied prettier~

    Vivian..happy Birthday..great gift!

  15. Happy Birthday!

    This boulangerie sounds amazing!

  16. well thats really interesting as usual.. great post .interesting

  17. I can't believe you left the tarte citron behind! What force of will, I am in awe.

  18. La vie à Paris, eh?? Bon weekend, Carolg - eat it all up!

  19. Here I am being tortured in a Northern California beach town by a boulangerie and chat show 5K+ miles away!! Yes, loved 'Kings of Pastry'.

  20. Temptation on every corner! I'm looking forward to exploring the 15th on my next visit, we'll be staying in the 6th, and it will be all too easy. Frederic has gone on the wish list. I do love your artists eye and how you saw the vendeuse as a painting.

  21. I am loving your new addition of adding the calendar tear out with a drawling. Keep up the great work with your blog! I love following it on my RSS Feed! :D

  22. Really miss the great patisseries and boulangeries in France. Can't wait to return and indulge!


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