Monday, January 21, 2013

Maison et Objet 2013

Vendredi 18 Janvier 2013 Maison et Objet
My first visit to Maison et Objet and I was thrilled to bits. Just don't take the RER B and get off at Villepinte instead of the next stop Villepinte Exposition Parc especially when it's freezing cold.
I'll focus just on the stripes for this post of which there were MANY. These are from Toiles du Soleil in the Pyrenees.
Navy stripped bedding for a mini marinere.
And Versace striped table settings if you lean more towards Italia...
More from Les Toiles du Soleil
I admired/coveted this woman's stripey cabas and she admired my little Sonia stripey bag...
Quilted stripes plus roses from Harmony in Provence - loverly.
A stripey wall of baguettes = edible!
Vertical stripes also edible if you have a very long forchette
Stripes of champagne glasses at the elegant Fauchon concession at Maison et Objet.
Coming home after M et O, diagonal stripes of snow flakes falling and melting on contact. Not so today though...
Bonne Journee!


  1. C'est joli voir Paris sous la neige:-)
    I have more than my share here and now it's bitter cold getting more bitter as the week goes on..-3 F right now.
    Leg warmers and duvet stripes with all these layers:-)
    Ah the stripe floral quilts..I would be so snap happy there.

    1. Keep yr clothes on till tomorrow when we stripe down to skivvies at the lingerie salon!

  2. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Love yr watercolor stripes!


  3. Looks like it was great! Love the stripes.

  4. I LOVE M&O !!!!!!
    Style is so Bold in color, European ...
    it's your first one.... love that show.......

  5. Great post! The stripes are just wonderful. I can't wait to visit the M & O in September.
    xoxo, B

  6. WOW!! First of all, YAY that you're back...and with wonderful pictures of an extraordinary outing. Mon Dieu, you really get around.

    And sigh***Paris in the snow***proving tat there's o such ting as a bad day in that beautiful city.

    SOOOOOOO glad you're back!

  7. Loved M&O 2013!! It was a quick visit, but i had the pleasure to meet Boca do Lobo Stand. Great pieces and best of all, exclusive design, and made by hand.

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Really appreciate that brand, but my favorite stand in MO13 was the Brabbu sweet home appeal stand. Felt at home!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Danke für Ihre interessante Post. Darf ich hinzufügen, Delightfull an Halle 8 Stand E99!

    Besucht bitte!

    Danke schön für Ihre Zeit.
    Vielen Grüssen aus Berlin!
    Julie White

  10. Beautiful post! And you got snow, too. ;-)

    Love your water color stripes, and the photo of it all. The baguette wall looks rather fearsome. Makes me think of the good olde times, when ladies were expected to come in grande robe to dinner, and gentlemen to leave their swords at home.

  11. Oh I want that stripe and floral quilt.. its just my colors too!! :) What fun touring all these new places. Are you all snowed in now?

    1. We're slushed in here. But not because of the salt...
      Here salt goes on food not streets ahem

  12. Nice stripes--looks verrrrrrry cold!

  13. The photos are great - you are really cranking out beautiful shots lately!
    I love the last shot of Paris in the snow.

  14. Carol, you've chosen wonderful stripes, and I do admire those you've painted.

    Somehow, those baguette stripes have reminded me how long it's been since I tasted a baguette. NYC's versions are like those of Paris, but I bet I buy a baguette tomorrow.

    Thank you for the inspiration. No snow here yet. Forecast for a bit of snow tonight seems to have missed the boat. It's terribly cold though.


  15. oops, I meant to type that our local baguettes are not like those of Paris, no way. I did mean to type that I will most likely buy one tomorrow.



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