Friday, March 27, 2009

Marche Aux Puce

Last Sunday I went to the Marche Aux Puce!
There are around 15 different markets within the Puce... I made it to 2 in 2 hours. This one is Marche Vernison. There is so much stuff.To look at and admire. I spotted this chest And fell victim to this little Paris Par Arrondissements book from 1946. I had no plans to buy anything bien sur, but for 10 Euros and it's full of MAPS!!! Excuses...excuses.
Aren't we great at them when called for? Another sign warning guest doggies to FAITE ATTENTION (pay attention) This is a resident hound and he knows the rules. He's guarding his master's stand while he gets a coffee...I guess Here's a map of the other marche I went into, Dauphine.
It's huge.
So many things.
To look at. I did spot a few wonderful old architectural prints of some French facades, but when I got out my camera in an obvious way the vendeuse came flying.
Arrête ! Arrête ! (STOP!)
There are posh places too at the puce, but they not for me.
I left around noon to go to lunch at...

Rose Bakery, my favorite place to eat in Paris. This is the newish branch in the Marais at 30, rue Debelleyme 75003.
The food is Brit and organic and healthy. And the place is always packed with Parisiens. Go at opening time or you'll stand in line for an hour!
Dejeuner :)
Later I wandered over to the Musee Beaubourge. There are always performers.
Inside.And then to one of my favorite patisseries, Pain du Sucre.

These chocolate hippos and elephants are in the outdoor case everyone is gazing at - they are special for Easter (Pacques). Easter elephants?
There's a good reason this place is called Pain, because the decision-making process is pure torture. I ended up getting (again) their divine caramel macarons (2).
Please help yourself to one of these marshmallow-filled chocolate lollie bears (nounours)

There is a ROSE BAKERY cookbook if you want to make that salad plate yourself.


  1. well
    you must know this by now---->

    you can never go wrong buying
    1--old books with maps
    2--yummies made with sugar.


    wait wait wait

    did i see sweet potatoes featured
    up there in that foodie shot?

    yes! I did!
    a staple here in florida.

    somehow they looked so unfrench to me.
    well, go figure....

  2. Thanks for this post! It's so inspiring to see those lovely pictures of Paris.

  3. Bonjour Carol:

    Oh, I perked up when I saw all those ceramic pin cushion dolls. I started a collection of them when I was student back in the 60's. Now my wife displays them.

    "but stupidly I got out my camera in an obvious way and the vendeuse came flying at me. ARETTE, ARETTE (STOP!)and ALLEZ! (GO AWAY!)"

    You will have to start practicing shooting blind! I do that often in musee. Sometime it works out perfect! Like I said it takes practice. Be sure to set the camera to not make a shutter sound.

    Loved this post.

    Stef in Chicago, where winter is returning for the weekend.

  4. everything looks good!

  5. great tour...i too was told to stop taking pictures of some things(not prints) at the flea market in Rome...wondered why. perhaps the things were
    enjoy the goodies while you can :)

  6. I'm transported with each post. Just love them and you do such a good job of telling a story with just a few words and all those photos.

    I was wondering how you got away with shooting ... ARETTE, ARETTE ... so you get caught! I'm still developing my photographic assertiveness. Bon Week-end!

  7. Great photos - I never get enough of close ups of pastry :-)

  8. "ARETTE, ARETTE (STOP!)and ALLEZ! (GO AWAY!)HUMPH" --- very funny.

  9. PS... delicious breakfast, thank you!

  10. Anonymous10:02 AM

    so funny about the Arette, sister and I got caught taking pictures there too...they are very touchy about that..I'm amazed you got as many as you did...tres bien.

    ps love the look of those chocolate marshmallows....yummy....

  11. There is a very special feeling in having favorite spots, and in returning to them.

  12. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I'm so jealous of your life.

  13. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Beautiful photos!
    I am going to Paris in May and wanted to take photos of many of the same types of things that you have.
    Do you have to shoot surreptitiously all the time or are you pretty obvious with your camera?
    Do you have any advice for shooting in stores/store windows?

  14. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Just practice being sneaky
    it's a fact of life here...
    but EVERYONE is taking pictures so they should just give upIMO

  15. Anonymous4:04 PM

    My cousin introduced me to your web site.
    I feel like I’m in Paris every day!
    I love your photographs!
    Thank You!

  16. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Gorgia-licious... silly french they think a little shouting is going to stop you. HAH!

  17. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Wow would I love to look around there.
    I need to pick up more things for the Maury house.

  18. Anonymous4:33 PM

    My daughter is in Paris now with her boyfriend. I hope you catch her eating a macaroon!
    I LOVE receiving your posts so early in the AM. They have become mon petit dejeuner!

  19. Anonymous4:39 PM

    My fave Puce story is the time I went with my friend Lynn, a lawyer living in London and plenty of $. We're wandering around and she spots a complete set of china that she wants me to bargain the price down for her. So I do and everyone is happy. Then she wants me to tell the mec that she needs it all packed up and sent to London. He, of course, is not equipped to do any such thing. But he did pack it up and drive it to her office in Paris, which then shiped it to her house in Kiawah!

  20. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I stumbled upon your Flickr site, and then your blog, and spent about 45 minutes entrenched in all of the sweetness of Paris and your watercolors! It was fabulous. Thank you for the fantasies away from my normal morning routine. :-)

    One question I have: I saw repeatedly that you almost got into trouble taking photos at the shops (or was it at the marches?) in Paris. As a professional photographer, I would not want to visit Paris without my camera at my side!! So, I'm curious WHY they don't like pictures, and if you have any tips for "sneaking" photos. Your images and watercolors make me want to go there. And I must say that even though I lived in Europe for several years (Belgium), I have avoided Paris (because EVERYBODY goes there, and I'm not everybody). :-) But that's a stupid reason not to go (I'm a lot older and wiser now), and I was absolutely enthralled with Paris for the very first time, through your blog. Thank you for singlehandedly changing my mind about an obviously wonderful place!

    Your food, blogs, watercolors, and treasures are simply divine. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing!

  21. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Thanks so much for sharing this, the chocolate elephants and hippos made my day and the markets made me drool.

  22. Lovely lovely post ... . I so enjoyed the stroll and the visions of treats (both edible and visual)!


  23. If I ever get to Paris, it will be all your work. You are a miracle worker, I hope your little feet get treated nicely every evening. ;-)

    That little dog looks like my Maxie. ;-)

  24. Awww crap. Hungry now! And wishing I could hop a plane and join you for some shopping - you have way too much self-restraint young lady!!

  25. So glad you were able to find a suitable excuse. And remember, ma chere, should you ever fail to come up with the requisite excuse, I AM YOUR MAN (in the form of a woman!). Truly, I am the great rationalizer...from Cafe Mocha for breakfast to another painting book!

  26. Bonjour! I love reading your blog, and I love that you update very regularly cos I can't ever get enough! Well done on your fantastic efforts for all of us 'couch travellers' out there!
    I'm currently learning French and I have a completely random question for you, if you know the answer. Do the Frenchies still say "sacre bleu!" or is it hideously outdated and comical to do so!!! ??? Just wondered if you've ever come across it in your Pareeeee travels... :)

  27. Oh, now I would LOVE to have spent time browsing through those flea markets, Carol. I saw lots of little things I'd have had to take home for reminders of a wonderful trip. Sigh. Glad you sound like you had fun. I'm jealous.

  28. I followed you one day and I know what you can cover... and I know about the hundreds or thousands of photos you are taking... but I'm really admiring that you can do this one day after the other ... and to post!! The energy is not missing!

    (I love the nounours and the macarons and...)

  29. I am really enjoying your daily posts from Paris. I will be
    there next month--will be following more or less in your
    footsteps. :-)
    I thought you might enjoy these pics of Pierre Herme and his

  30. Christine11:25 AM

    The dog is so cute, and all the photos so typical ... Congratulations for your lovely blog !
    You seem to be a lover of our French institution, the Marché aux Puces !
    Kind regards from ... Paris !
    PS. In French, "Arrête !" is written this way :o)

  31. The Marche aux Puces is just the best - adore it. Looks like you are having a great time - I had a busy twenty four hours (but who cares - it was Paris) and where was the sunshine?? xv

  32. I wish we had some nice markets like that where I live. I love that chest/bureau you posted.

  33. It looks like you are having a GREAT time... and you have had some great weather... SUN... wow!

  34. MERCI Christine!
    I fixed the "Arrête !"

  35. Always loved the Puce.

  36. I enjoy this market so much! Seems that there is never enough time!I love all your photos, brings back so many great memories! I can't wait to get back to Paris~actually will be there this Saturday. Will be looking for you and your camera!

  37. Tammie Ramberger10:16 PM

    I have been reading your blog for quite some time now, and finally felt it was time to leave a comment to let you know how much I enjoy seeing Paris through you. I have been enchanted with all things French for years. I am a collage artist and always looking for sources french papers and small items for my art. Thank you for what you do. Tammie

  38. I live in NY and in May me and a friend are going to Paris finally! I stumbled on your blog and totally flipped! It is so great thank you so much for such great posts!

  39. Brit, organic and healthy - doesn't sound right to me :)
    I would have bought those fake book spines had I been there.


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