Sunday, January 20, 2013

Baltard Salon du Chat

Samedi 19 Janvier Salon du Chat

Samedi 19 Janvier 2013 13emm Baltard Feline Show Nogent-sur-Marne

Yesterday's Baltard cat show was held in this wonderful Victorian Pavillon Baltard in Nogent-sur-Marne a few stops outside Paris on RER A2
The former concert hall designed by Victor Baltard & worth the trip.
Even more so.
The 750 chats/cats on display
With 300 elevage/cat breeders. At this show every cat wins a prize.
And why not with every chat/cat a beaut like this Maine Coon, much favored by the French.
The cats were lounging casually unless you turned your camera 📸 on them. Then the squirming began.
Lounging, squirming and sleeping. That's it. Not much petting  like at a dog show. In fact none at all. You could ruffle a prize 🏆 winning cat's beautiful coat.
Look 👁️ But don't touch.
What to wear to show your cat? Match your chat of course in a furry outfit.
This was my first cat show - barrels of fun, fur and cat toys 
Why didn't I get this catty dish towel for Vivian Swift, owner of 9 cats.
I’m Carol Gillott, an artist living in Paris. Every month I send out beautifully illustrated letters that capture the true Parisian experience. Sign up to receive these whimsical treasures in the mail.
Thanks for reading PB ❤️
☕️ If you’d like to support my work, you can buy me a KO-FI here  ☕️  ❤️ Thank you so much!  
The proud owner of a winning cat 🏆


  1. I'm not a cat lover, for the reason you quoted, 'look but don't touch' & another we had a stray cat who'd had kittens on our terrace, & I succumbed (as a mother does) to feed them, never again. I went away & actually paid someone to come everyday to feed them, ungrateful little blighters, up & left. No sentiments, not like a dog. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Cheery post, mercy!

    Too bad, the only fancy cat around here is me. ;-)

  3. Oh dear, my French, I wanted to say "merci" - dankeschön!
    Pardon me, pleeease,

  4. Anonymous12:08 PM

    over and over again, bellissimo, bellissimo

  5. Anonymous12:20 PM

    It's about time you gave us cat lovers equal time! J'adore vos dessins au calendrier! Merci beaucoup.


  6. Anonymous1:04 PM

    J'adore vos chats! ,


  7. cute, Carol--sounds like it was fun!

  8. Oh, what beautiful cats! It is a good thing I didn't go to the show---I'd have come home really wanting a cat. I especially love big, fluffy cats that leave fur all over.

  9. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Cliff, our Maine Coon cat, really enjoyed your post today! As Maine Coons always do, he vocalized, waving his white paw with black pads: "Bon, bon..." (That needs to be in a demanding tone.)

  10. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Wonderful, Carol!!!! Thanks so much for doing this "special edition" for the feline lovers. I very much enjoyed looking at the chat beauties. I'll be content (and quiet) for a year, now, lol. I had my chat fix.

  11. cat heaven! though i find short-hairs more adorable. cats and dogs are totally different, and we should accept who they are.

  12. Great photos, Carol, I don't know how the people got their cats to stay put!
    I love the lady in the white fur :)

  13. I was a lifelong dog person...who never understood the purpose of a cat. Then I got a cat a year ago, Lily. is ridiculous how much I love Lili, how sweet she is, but cats do take more time to warm up and become attached.

    It would be a blast to go see the show. Great post Carol! You do have fun!

  14. Such fun!
    Buster would have been terrified!


  15. Anonymous9:19 AM

    notice ; the pavillon Baltard is famous in France because it was home of many populars TV show.

  16. Happy Birthday to me indeed -- French kitties! the perfect gift.

    Wasn't Baltard the guy who designed the late great Les Halles? No wonder that pavillion looks so much like the old vegetable market in Paris, the one landmark that I most regret being born too late to see before it was torn down in 1970. But I love looking at old photos of that place -- now I must put Nogent-sur-Marne on my TO Do list for my next trip to Paree.

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Baltard build many halles in France
      you can see La grande halle de la Villette Paris 19
      it is a very big space for expo and concert.
      in my city Besançon, we have a litle pavillon Baltard.
      when a new halle was build, the Baltard building travel to Japon.

      Désolé pour mon anglais très scolaire

  17. I just looked it up -- that pavillion is an actual remnant of the great old Les Halles!!! So exciting -- I didn't know there was a it of it left! You find the most remarkable things on your Paris journeys -- this is a REAL find (plus cats...Heaven).

    1. Blimey...I had no idea!
      Good for you though not sure I would treak out there to see it...not really a trek. Just 2 stops from Vincennes

  18. Interesting about the Maine coon cat. Margaret has one called Ollie. I think I'd like one. Love your sketches.


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