Sunday, February 02, 2025

Angoulême Comics Festival, 52nd edition

 I took the TGV train, crack of dawn 🕕 to Angoulême on Thursday morning to my first Festival de Bande Dessinée!

Of course first thing, once in the town was head to the best chocolate shop (from 1897) Chocolatier Duceau.

Placed directly across from the Hotel de Ville/town hall where I picked up my festival badge. How convenient 👍

 It’s a good idea, when you’re traveling to get certain things over with immediatement & out of the way…non? 😊

Seen at the Train Station

With all the artists 👩‍🎨 coming to the festival for at least 52 years,
Art on the buse
Angoulême is an illustrated city.
Murals decorate public buildings and walls. There is even a mural tour.
This entire facade is an illustration of an artist signing books 📚
Wherever you look 👁️ like inside the train station there is ART 🎨 
Finding the artists and their work
Is a bit of challenge
(see map above).
They are spread all over town in many small venues and galleries,
Unlike Carnet de Voyage where the artists 👩‍🎨 are all in one big building. Next year I’ll do better 🙏
About LUNCH!
My hottest Travel Tip ever! Find out BEFORE your trip -Where is the marché/market & what days it is open! Don’t waste time on Trip Advisor or travel 📚
You cannot go wrong eating inside any town marché.
The food is the freshest & simplest guaranteed.
I got the petit plateau de mer & was happy as a clam. Angoulême is in the sud-ouest and not far from the ocean 🌊 
I heard English spoken at the counter and chatted up Caroline (British & lives in Angoulême) and Sheila and S (Americans now living in France and both simultaneous translators working at the Festival)

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