Monday, August 12, 2024

Paris 2024 Hospitality Houses, Parc de Villette


Parc des Nations at la Villette
You didn’t have to go to the games ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿคบ ๐Ÿ€ 

Casa Brazil party time
To get into the “Olympic Spirit” in Paris.

Map of the country houses
A short metro trip to Parc de Villette in the 19th arron., north of the city

An over iew shot of the grounds at la Villette
Transformed into Parc des Nations, where the energy & excitement of the games was contagious.
The country houses in the park
It was a chance to visit individual country’s houses
Mongolia House menu
Taste different country’s cuisine (Mongolia House)
Food from India
Indian fare at India House. Mango lassi…YUM
Outside India House
At India House.
Hand painting with henna at India house
To experience their artistry
Indian graphic peacock design
Their various crafts
Making a wish for India to win the Olympics
To make-a-wish that India win the future Olympics ๐Ÿ™
Indian dancers led us in a lively exercise routine
To participate in Indian dancing ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
Outdoor tents at India House
Super fun! ๐Ÿคธ‍♂️ Most house were free or charged a 5€ entry like India house.
Mongolia House graphics
Mongolia House was free.
Musical performance at Montolia house
Music was a big part of the experience.
Along with national sports
And country graphics
The brilliant flag ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ colors of South African house (free).
And innovative fashion designs.
Innovative woven hair designs.
Always big screens to sit & watch the home team competing at the games.
I went on Friday 
And back on Sunday. It was impossible to see all the houses in one visit.
France House was the biggest house, being the host. I was told I should have applied months in advance for press entry. So French. They pointed me to the long ticket line in the hot sun ๐ŸŒž ๐Ÿคท‍♀️ I passed (instead of passing out).
Yesterday I went to Casa Brazil
After the guard checked my bag, he pointed ๐Ÿ‘‰me to the press desk. 
I started to show them my credentials… 
They said,”Don’t worry, just go in”. 
So Brasileiro ๐Ÿ˜‚ in spirit ๐Ÿ‘So relaxed ๐Ÿ˜Ž 
I was surprised by all the Olympics pin exchanges. Even the cops were into it.
There was a special building for collectors at la Villette 
Just for trades and sales.
It was intense
I started taking pictures of the lanyards full of Olympic pins. An Asian woman gave me a pin! Where did I put it?
This guy came from Atlanta, Georgia to trade, sell and see the games of course. It was his 8th Olympics! Everyone was friendly and chatty. Everyone was in a good mood ๐Ÿ™‚  There were plenty of cops ๐Ÿ‘ฎ‍♂️ You didn’t have to worry about your stuff.
And plenty of Red Cross. It was HOT ๐Ÿฅต yesterday.
Plus lots of free, cold water and spritzers to jump under if you wanted to get soaked.
At Slovakia, a wall of all their Olympic team players.
And a big screen of swimmers ๐ŸŠ‍♂️ 
I did not know 
                                   I would become obsessed 
With painting aquatic dancers…
was walking to the metro with the crowd on Friday. Suddenly I heard ‘CLIP, CLOP, CLIP, CLOP’. I looked behind me and saw big horses ๐ŸŽ noses just over my shoulder! ๐Ÿ˜ณ I jumped out of their path.
I’m Carol Gillott, an artist living in Paris. Every month I send out beautifully illustrated letters that capture the true Parisian experience. 
Sign up to receive whimsical treasures in your mail.
Thanks for reading PB ❤️
☕️ If you’d like to support my work, you can buy me a KO-FI here  ☕️  ❤️ Thank you so much!  Bon Mardi PBers๐Ÿคธ๐Ÿพ‍♀️๐ŸŽ‰
In the Metro yesterday the cops were giving everyone bottles of water(in recyclable cardboard) Nice ๐Ÿ‘ 


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Thank you for telling us about this aspect of the JO Paris! It’s been fun going vicariously for the last 2 1/2 weeks.

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Thank you! ๐Ÿฅณ I’m sure I would have missed out on so much if it weren’t for PBers waiting for Paris news ❤️ CAROLG

  2. Anonymous9:25 AM

    This kind of reminds me of a world's fair I went to years ago in Knoxville, each country had a building to experience.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      It was like a mini World’s fair on a smaller scale. CAROLG

  3. Alaina Warren ZACHARY10:14 AM

    What a fabulous retrospective! And what courage. Brava, dear friend!

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Alaina, I wish I’d gone sooner. It was nice to see so many families participating. Especially all the Indians at India House. Brazilians at Casa Brazil etc. I wish I’d gotten to Mexico house and Taiwan, Columbia…CAROLG

  4. Our family truly enjoyed this Olympics. Happy you did also.

  5. Anonymous10:34 AM

    So exciting!! Seems like the Olympic spirit has rubbed off on you too!! Thank you for all your witty and informative posts! ❤️๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Thanks ☺️ I wanted to go to Canada House but I ran out of steam ๐Ÿ˜ฅ CAROLG

  6. Shirley10:37 AM

    What fun!!!!!

  7. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Good for you for going to Villette. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป SO much to do! Yay! You Parisiennes are going to miss these Olympics. What a fantastic time! ๐ŸŽ‰Dorrance

  8. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Your posts during the Olympics have been wonderful, and this one may be the best of all. Thank you for braving the heat and giving us a tour of Parc de la Villette—looks fascinating and fun!

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      THANK YOU! It’s been tremendous fun & a big surprise for me too ๐Ÿฅณ CAROLG

  9. Anonymous12:28 PM

    How long is Villette open. I'm coming to Paris this week

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      It ended with the Olympics. There may be something similar for the Paralyimpics but I’m not sure yet (starts August 28)

  10. Sukicart1:04 PM

    Visiting all the nations houses looks like a really fun and educational experience. I'm an "Olympic Junkie" and loved every minute I watched.

    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      I’m a new ‘Olympic Junkie’ Suki ๐Ÿ‘ CAROLG

  11. Anonymous1:08 PM

    What a wonderful show of athetism. Through all the crowds there seemed to be camaraderie. I wish this would reflect our world. Thanks for the pix, I wondered where the athletes and there teams were staying..

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      The athletes are at the Olympic Village in Saint-Denis

  12. Bonnie L2:39 PM

    I’m so sad to see these Olympics end. They have been fabulous (the closing ceremony not so much). You have added so much to our enjoyment by bringing us along to all these behind the scenes events. Glad you had a good time, Carol. ❤️

    1. Anonymous12:34 AM

      Thanks Bonnie ๐Ÿฅณ CAROLG

  13. What a wonderful experience. Did you find your pin? What a great collection that would be❤️

  14. You're clearly making the most of Paris and the Olympian spirit! They all sound terrific and a part of the Olympics you don't see on TV!

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Yeah, definitely a part of the Olympics unseen by TV viewers, yet for the general public who can’t buy games tickets, as well as providing visiting guests a chance for a taste of home. Bonne idรฉe ๐Ÿ‘ CAROLG

  15. Judith9:15 PM

    Now I'm longing for a mango lassi... How wonderful!

  16. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I look forward to visiting a quieter - but less colorful - Paris in September!

  17. Just catching up on your blog as I’ve been watching the Olympics (things I didn’t get to watch I’m watching on replay still). This is such a great event to have while the Olympics are on, but hard to get to all the different countries spaces, you did well. Thanks as always for sharing, I loved all the Paris 2024 Olympics.


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