Sunday, August 25, 2024

Palmiers, Bon Marché Paris-Paris! Little Red Paintbox


Watercolor of a Palmier with Paris rooftops in the background
After all the PALMIER comments on Friday, I was ready to switch horses & draw ✍️ a Paris Palmier 🗺️ map

So yesterday l left the house early (
11:30) to get a research 🔬 palmier at Boulanger de la Tour (3,30€). Their palmier is #5 best in Paris and a mere 4 minute walk from my house. 

I figured Le Grande Epicerie MUST have a good Palmier non? Plus 
Bon Marché’s new Fall promotion, was opening on Saturday 
Outside they have white Eiffel Towers that say,”Hug me.” They are not very huggable.

Big dark chocolate Eiffel Tower by Alain Ducasse
Inside they have a huge dark chocolate 🍫 Eiffel Tower from Alain Ducasse. Who wouldn’t want to hug that? It says, “Do Not Touch!”  
The setting throughout the store is a dreamy, blue sky’s environment, 
With many fun collabs with famous Paris brand. Note the floors are pale blue & cloudy ☁️ 
Plus Clouds and Eiffel Towers hang from the ceilings.
Plus a dreamy coffee ☕️ cart.
You can buy a tote bag, 
A baseball cap,Ts and signature china from Brasserie Lipp, Bistrot Paul Bert, Au Pied de Cochon etc. 
Astier de Villatte has their stuff 👏 
Naturally they had a counter of trendy XL-sized croissants, madeleines, eclairs and other monster pastries. Honestly I don’t get the attraction 🤷‍♀️ maybe I’m too American? Qui sait? (No palmiers by the way) 🤔
I did think this croissant table lamp and baguette 🥖 mug were kind of adorable. Hmmm
There were a lot of chic dogs 🐶 visiting the 1st day opening.
Plus a cute doggie carrier…
With all the general dreamy vibe going on, I suddenly decided to buy a tiny, shiny red paintbox (sold empty 28€) made-in-Paris by La Nouvelle Vague Coleurs I absolutely do not need. Sometimes one needs one’s head examined. *From the look of them, I do not recommend these paint pans. Much better to buy an established brand like W&N or Schmincke & add them yourself.
By this time I was starving. I got a 
yummy Salad lunch (19,50€) at the in-store Rose Bakery.
I finally made it over to Grande Epicerie & they do not have PALMIERS! Ever. This classic puff pastry is labor intensive and takes a heap of butter 🧈 so many patisseries do not bother 😢
I wandered down Rue du Bac but most pastry shops were on vacation or did not have Palmiers…like Les Pains et les Gateaux.
Finally a last dash to The Smith’s Bakery on rue du Buci, (Suki’s recommendation and #3 ‘the on best of’ list) 
For their paper thin, glossy palmier (4,10). Sorry Suki, but this is more candy than pastry for me. I’ll save it for you 😍
A few Paris looks I saw while out researching palmiers. The denim shorts with black T I get. The knee-high boots with short dress I do not 🤷‍♀️
Somehow I dragged myself home just before the torrential rains ☔️ came and collapsed while eating 1/2 the Boulanger palmier. I ate the other 1/2 this morning. Too yummy to have in the house much less make ✍️ drawings of was obvious. I discovered I already have an ancient, slightly smaller, black paintbox
Do I keep the new red box?? SOS 🛟  What do you think PBers 
Oui o non 👍 or 👎


  1. My mom's fave.. palmiers:). I bet the paintbox was ..irrésistible.

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Paintbox made in France, yes!

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      I am dithering whether to return it 🤔 Of course I cannot find the store receipt 🙄

    2. Anonymous9:58 AM

      I agree that the palmier (we used to call them elephant ears back in the day) at boulangerie de la Tour is very good and very modestly priced for how big it is. The one at La Carette is praised by many and is as big as the one at boulangerie de la tour but costs 4,80€.

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM

    What is a leuk?

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      It used to mean LOOK but now…going to fix it 👍

  4. Bonnie L9:56 AM

    What a fun day; palmier shopping AND le Bon Marché! Love the signature china, the croissant lamp ;-), the oversized pastries not so much. Give me a palmier and a cuppa and I’m a happy woman.

    Re your paint box: remember what Edith sang, Non, je regrette rien! Treasure it, recall why it appealed to you, why you had to have it. It’s not worth the aggravation of trying to return it. C’est mignon!

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      🥰 oh you know me too well Bonnie ❤️

  5. Dorrance9:58 AM

    Keep the new paintbox. Red is your color! ❤️

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Yes RED is why I bought it ❤️ and for some unknown reason it was 2€ cheaper than the bone-colored box! A bargain to boot. Who could pass it up 😃

  6. I love palmiers and Bon Marché. Once again their interior decor is great. I quite often buy something and then get home only to discover I already have the item or something much like it!🗼❤️

  7. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I like it when you give the price of things.

  8. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Fabulous blog!!! How I love to hear about your adventures Carol!!! ❤️ Keep the paintbox!!! Its divine!!! I wouldn’t have been able to resist myself! Hmmm, do you offer personal shopping? 😍 sending 🤗’s from 🇨🇦 N.

    1. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Personal shopping? Of course…must check my daily rate 🤔
      I saw many things you would have adored M

  9. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Keep the red is in! It will be cheery in the Winter when all is grey and cold. It also will be nice at Christmas time to keep out. I remember being in France in late seemed the sun didn't come out until almost 10AM which here in California would be a distressing event. Enjoy all you write to us.

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Christmas? 🎄 Hold on there. I am not ready to think about December yet!,

  10. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I would LOVE a palmier map! If research isn't convenient now, I hope you'll keep it in mind for the future!

  11. Your space is small. You already have a box you prefer. Return the boite rouge to make room for other things that catch your fancy.

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      My space is small…but the paintbox is 2” x 3”.
      It’s not gonna take up much space 🤔 maybe easy to lose here…

  12. Sorry you didn't like the palmier, but I believe I said it was more like candy and I love eating a pastry that tastes like candy. Keep the red box because red always makes one smile.

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      You’re not the only one who thinks it’s terrific, since it was on the Best in Paris list Suki 🥇
      Yes to red making you smile. It’s my accent color for black…me and Stendhal 🥰

    2. Anonymous11:53 AM

      OMG delicious Suki!!

  13. Dee Ann1:49 PM

    Love La Carette’s palmiers.

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      No way could I get there yesterday Dee Ann.. for another day

  14. Anonymous2:43 PM

    You 👩‍🎨and Bear🐻 are a wonderful team
    You bring so much joy L.

  15. Anonymous4:13 PM

    With that middle finger thrust upward holding up the palmier, the painting could be called “palmier frustration” 😀

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Oh dear, the THUMB is off…

  16. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Oh no…😱 No more palmier research?? Don’t stop until you’ve got one from Carette! 😁
    What I like about a palmier is that they keep…they’re just as good the next day. I always have one with a cup of tea; a perfect combination. Plus the cuppa helps to fill you up, so I very seldom eat it all in one sitting. 😋

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Impossible to eat at one go. Fortunately I don’t mind filling up on carrot 🥕 salad 🥗 😃

  17. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Keep the Red paint Box……
    An Impulse Buys is a subconscious cri de coeur ♥️ Lois Flowers

  18. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I am not very much into palmiers, i prefer éclairs. But a red paint box, no doubt I'd keep.

  19. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Keep the box!!! Life is short! Painting is joy!

  20. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Actually as a watercolorist, I think I like your old one better. Someone commented above “one can never have too many paint boxes” however I am in a place in life where I feel like I do have too many pain boxes so in my humble opinion I would take it back.

    1. Anonymous4:48 AM

      I know…the old one had 4 tiny mixing areas instead of just 2 mixing areas. The problem is the old one does not stay closed..with out a rubber band. The new one stays tight shut (for the moment) and I can fit in 14 colors! 🤸‍♂️

    2. Anonymous8:04 AM

      That closing thing does certainly change up the equation, and more colors are always fun, keep it then. :)

  21. Anonymous5:14 AM

    A friend who loves palmiers loved ones found very close to you, at Boulangerie Saint-Louis, 80 rue Saint-Louis-en-l'Ile.
    As for the new paintbox, I say keep it! It's nice to have something fresh & new & red!
    Love your posts as usual, keep up the great work! 😘 Rosemary


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