Saturday, August 17, 2024

Nu comme habillé, musée Delacroix


It was fitting that a fashion shoot should be taking place at Place de Furstenburg, 

Near the Delacroix museum,

Where  a small exhibit of paintings, ‘Nu Comme Habillé/Naked As Dressed’ related to fashion and how Delacroix painted fabrics.

I was hoping to see real garments 
Of the period represented...
But it was mainly a slide show of line engravings
With a few exceptions
An example of Delacroix’ rich rendering of the blue embroidered silk. 
A line engraving of Delacroix. He loved painting scenes from Shakespeare and historic moments.
The fun part are the casual doodles/esquisses in the borders of the print. Delacroix was a master draftsman ✏️ 
His fascination with Morocco led to many small studies of the richly detailed clothing. A study of Moroccan embroidered slippers. 
For a larger more developed painting (not in the exhibit).
There were many small loose studies for larger paintings you can find in the Louvre etc.
While Delacroix was disdainful of the dandyish fashion trends of his time
His renderings of fabrics and small details were immaculate.
I always loved this notebook in the bookshop with Delacroix’s paint daubs & doodles on the cover.
I always loved their lovely garden 
At the museum.
There used to be a resident cat..but it was in hiding.
I came home 
Wanting to paint 🎨 
Pretty uneventful, after all the excitement of the last few weeks…
So I succumbed to an ice cream cone 😊 from Une Glace à Paris.
Today I discovered while browsing…
The infamous Olympics muffin Chocolat. I succumbed without hesitation. After all this is a taste of history!
I’m Carol Gillott, an artist living in Paris. Every month I send out beautifully illustrated letters that capture the true Parisian experience. 
Sign up to receive whimsical treasures in your mail.
Thanks for reading PB ❤️
☕️ If you’d like to support my work, you can buy me a KO-FI here  ☕️  ❤️ Thank you so much!  Bon Week-End PBers
It was surprisingly not too sugary! 👏 
HURRAY (I only ate 1/2 yum 😋)


  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Of interest, the tiny square on the rue de Furstenberg was the film location for the ending scene of the 1993 movie Age of Innocence where Archer is left forlornly looking up to the window of Mme Olenska! Very touching scene in a terrific movie.

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Ah…a paris movie location expert 👏 any tips for Montmartre ? CAROLG

  2. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I did it yesterday - all in French and we stsrted at the cemetery. I did not last long 😟

  3. Bonnie L11:40 AM

    I’ve never been to Musée Delacroix despite passing through the beautiful Place Furstemberg many times. You introduce us to such interesting places, Carol.

    Funny, recipes for that chocolate muffin are everywhere…talk about going viral! Looks scrumptious!

    Love your Jardin chairs!! ❤️

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      It’s one of those smaller Paris museums. Essential if you are a Delacroix fan.

  4. Anonymous12:42 PM

    The Delacroix Museum is a little gem. We always buy our museum passes there whenever we visit Paris because there’s never a line!

  5. Sukicart2:01 PM

    I have bought my museum passes there and enjoyed visiting that little museum.

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      It is special, especially when the weather is in your favor. Not many museums have such a charming garden. Then again there are quite a few..particularly the Rodin is worth visiting. Petit Palais has a pretty courtyard.

  6. What a nice little museum! Thanks for sharing. I did not know about this Olympic chocolate muffin here in Australia, and I watched heaps of the Olympics and followed the Australian team. It looks very tasty and very chocolatey. Ice cream looks good too though! 😋

    1. Anonymous4:14 AM

      I wonder if you can get the chocolate 🍫 muffin in Australia soon 🙏

  7. Anonymous7:23 AM

    "He [Eugène Delacroix] loved painting scenes from Shakespeare and historic moments" : For example, his gorgeous "La Liberté guidant le peuple." Such a moment in history! For years and years, his Liberté has been my online avatar. Magnifique!

  8. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Place Furstemberg is my favorite place in Paris. I collected post cards my photos to make a collage. Once heard a group of string players gathering to play Ravel's Bolero. The acoustics is remarkable.

    1. Anonymous2:33 AM

      How lovely 🎵 I think David Hockney made a famous Polaroid collage of Place Furstenburg.

    2. Anonymous2:37 AM,-paris

  9. I did see a famous Olympic Choco muffin;)Making the rounds..So I knew;)Love the gardens..Here in certain areas Boxwood have been stricken.. many have lost their beautiful boxwoods.I always wanted some.Now I am glad I don't...

    1. Anonymous2:34 AM

      Yes, now I’m seeing the choco muffin everywhere!

  10. Anonymous10:35 AM

    What flavor glace? Mushroom?

    1. Anonymous2:31 AM

      Sesame noir/black sesame 🍦 YUM


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