Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Snow ❄️


We got a little snow last night around 11:00pm Little Bear 🧸 is thrilled

Me, not so much 🙄

Remembering the last time a bear 🐻 got snowed on ❄️ in 2019

Outside there was just a smattering…nothing to write ✍️ home about

Some non-Parisians get very excited dreaming about the prospect of snow in Paris 🙏

They will find it at musée Guimet. I’m in the Metro by now…

A girl was bravely carrying an unboxed chocolate cake

Onto the Metro

VICTORY 🤸‍♂️ She made it 👏 and was smiling at me a minute a go…That looks like an American or British layered cake. The French do not go in for high cakes like that.

I missed my stop & had to get off 

I stopped at marché Mutualité for a look and thought about cabbages for making that soup.

French Winter vegetables do not look appealing. I only got dill for soup-making

Then I browsed in Boulangerie Maison Isabel. The line was short because of the weather

And got a 
bruschetta with lardons heated/chauffée

They have something new - roulé cannelle! Cinnamon has really hit it big here. You could never find cinnamon when I first moved here. I ❤️ cinnamon. I grew up eating cinnamon toast on wintry days when we were small. A mix of sugar + cinnamon, a smear of butter on bread. Then toasted in oven. Yum Yum

My old favorite, la Pavé was calling…but I quickly looked away & moved on 💪 🏆 FYI they don’t have it everyday.

I came home, turned on the electric blanket & got back into bed. I don’t miss New York blizzards one bit. Bonnie says she’s got 14” in MA. And Canadian Monique is in the midst of a Winter storm

I’m listening to some Orwell stories for soothing background noise. Then I will get up & make my onion, mushroom, lentil, tomato soup concoction.
Keep warm everyone 🙏


  1. I would pick the brushetta too:) You would hate it here we are in for a winter storm:)The girl with the cake:)

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      I know!! I have Never seen that before 🤭

  2. Bonnie L9:05 AM

    Hmm, just got 14” of that white stuff…so over it! Ready to move somewhere warm. Missing Maubert Marché. Everything looks yummy.

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      14“!of snow!!
      Oh my 🫣

  3. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Hi! A little help,please. Did you ever write about a rooftop bar that serves hot chocolate?

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      A rooftop bar that serves hot chocolate ? I don’t think so. Sitting outside, other than a cafe..for a hot chocolate ☕️??

  4. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Really brave the cake girl. Métro in Oaris is tough. Love the pastries of Maison Isabel.

    1. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Very brave girl! Maybe she does this often?

  5. I'll look forward to the musee. I'd much rather see my snow there. We got a dusting last night and they say more is expected today. (In fact, I just looked out and it is coming down right now and rather more than I like!). Rick is ecstatic. We've been without all season and now he's itchy to ski. Even up north is bare -- though they're due to get more than we will down here. Bring on the snow paintings! Not the snow!

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      I agree completely Jeanie ❄️

  6. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I'm with you! Snow is beautiful, but creates lots of issues here in Austin. We are not prepared for such weather. Our gardens suffer! As for the treats. I'll have one of those meringue topped goodies. Staying inside curled up under an electric blanket sounds cozy. Enjoy! Happy New Year!

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Thank you 🥰 Same to you ❤️

  7. Anonymous10:16 AM

    A very nice view from the window. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  8. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Looks like our weather here in Portland (OR) is about to change too with some snow or ice this weekend. Our city never does well in that kind of weather. How did your soup turn out Carol? Love homemade soup on a cold day. Enjoyed all your photos as always.-Suzanne P.

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Soup is always a good thing in winter. Very warming & tasty, especially since I threw in a cuisse de poulet from the marché. Basically ‘kitchen sink’ soup.

  9. sukicart12:41 PM

    I love the beauty of a fresh snowfall but never wish to live where it snows again. That girl with the cake is really something - not sure I'd want to eat it after it was carried around uncovered and I'm not squeamish about germs.

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      I feel the same way - Real snow ❄️ is abnormal for here.

  10. Was JUST talking about cinnamon toast and childhood nostalgia yesterday! So delicious. Happy for you that you can find it now in Paris more often.

    1. Anonymous10:33 PM

      Yes it is nice to see the French discover cinnamon! Babka was the influencer

  11. Anonymous3:10 PM

    The snow is so pretty, clean and quiet until you have to go out in it! It snowed when I was in Paris for New Year’s Eve in 1988. Stuck around as a sloshy mess for days…That cake girl!

    1. Anonymous10:35 PM

      Snow rarely sticks around fortunately..though I do remember in 2013some slush & me with no boots 👢

  12. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Stay safe and warm! We have no snow but a cool snap here is SoCal. It is stressful for people who live in flip-flops and shorts with tee shirts year round..

  13. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I am so happy you have an electric blanket! Do you find it warmer in your apartment with your new windows? We are suppose to get snow in Seattle on Thursday-Saturday. I am looking forward to it!!

    1. Anonymous10:38 PM

      The double-glazed windows have been a miracle 👏 And the electric mattress warmer helps just enough. But living on the top floor with beautiful views does have disadvantages seasonally 🤷‍♀️

  14. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I am partial to a down comforter. I find it exceedingly warm and cozy.

  15. Anonymous10:17 PM

    I love the cat picture at the end of this post! I looked to see if it was for sale but couldn't find it. :( Is it available?

    1. Anonymous10:39 PM

      The cat picture is very old & hidden away somewhere. I will take a look..

  16. Anonymous1:17 AM

    By the way, I've been reading your blog for several years now. I absolutely love reading it; it's like taking a mini vacation. Lori

  17. The snow is very picturesque from your window! Bear seemed to enjoy it? I am very impressed by the girl with the cake on the metro, she probably didn't have a container big enough to put it in and didn't want to damage the icing with wrapping it in plastic wrap. Keep warm!

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      The girl with the cake 🎂 is a big mystery ?! We shall never know 🙄

  18. We finally had our first major snow 6 " of it, wet & heavy. Made me happy not to have the concerns with snow removal, not being able to leave the house (whether I needed to or not). I grew up eating cinnamon toast, too! Sounds like you are ready to hunker down...soup, electric blanket. Stay warm!!!

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      6 inches! Oh dear Take Care Daina

  19. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Enjoyed your Snow post ❄️ Merci! C.

  20. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Grew up w/your kind of cinnamon toast. Yum. The cake girl WAS a trip!! Stay safe and well this winter...


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