Sunday, July 14, 2013

Frederic Cassel, Fontainebleau

'La cerise sur la gateau' at Frederic Cassel Fontainebleau.
More sweets today PBers. These are works of art and worth going to Fontainebleau alone for. I mean it.
The outside of Cassel's patisserie is unassuming #71-71, rue Grande 77300.
One look in the window & you're toast.
Another look and you're hooked.
We're in the height of red fruit season in France
Raspberries, cherries and strawberries abound.

No wonder there's tons of pink on display
How to choose among them? Fortunately I brought along a partner in crime to Fontainebleau, Louise. 
More desserts to taste when you have company. 
Chef Cassel is president of prestigious Relais Desserts. All the top pastry chefs belong and they all generously participate in the annual macaron day in March by the way.
Cassel was president of the French pastry team that won this year at La Coupe de Monde in Lyon!
At the cash register fraise de France confiture beckoned. 
I meant to try a mini vacherin but got distracted.
The savory verrines looked terrific! Don't miss patisserie Frederic Cassel if you go to Fountainebleau even if it means missing the chateau.
You can not go anywhere these days without bumping into a merry-go-round or 'round about' as Aussie Louise calls them.
Three little girls on the train home reminded me again of Summer red fruits but Louise says they are wearing this summer's hot color.
Rose Pamplemousse! It's good to have an accomplice along.


  1. Seriously, you have to write a guide book of Paris and French patisseries. We can't keep all of them in our heads when we visit.

  2. Great post, full of color.
    I love the opening watercolor & then all the the reds & pinks; the strawberries, the pastries and fruits.
    The strawberry pastries look irresistible!

  3. This must be where the saying, "Oh My Goodness" originated. You captured it perfectly.

  4. I have been enjoying many red fruits with my son this summer. Beautiful post!
    Hannah x

  5. When I saw those Fench braids..I thought..oh lala..that's exactly what our daughters hair looked like..
    Truth be soon as they could divert from that..they did:)
    I still love that look.~
    That hérisson ?:)
    Mais encore plus?
    Ton aquarelle~
    I made a small watercolor..who knew aquarelles could work in an ordinary Artist's Loft sketch journal?
    Add added a pitiful palette sampling..:)

    Because of u.

  6. Cherries, berries, esteemed Fontainebleau patisserie, french braids on the Metro, and then...pomplemouse rose.

    Carol. you've greeted us with such a lovely watercolor painting, and then taken us by the hand to Fontainebleau and given us a hint that even if the grand house is fabulous, that is history, and M Cassel is now.

    (Heat continues in NYC. I did venture out for a soothing tiramisu gelato this afternoon. My own Ice cream season has begun.


  7. Oh to eat those berry desserts YUMMM !!I wont be in Paris till the fall so I will miss most of them but they are almost reason enough to visit in the summer. If I get out that way I will visit Cassel bien sur.

    1. There will be other seasonal fruits to take advantage of bien sur!

  8. Patricia10:02 PM

    Darn it, I'm gaining weight just READING your posts. Have to stop licking my computer screen...

    1. It's just 40 minutes or so on e train from Gare de Lyon

  9. Frederic Cassel has everything a girl could want! Why go anywhere else at Fontainebleu?

  10. so appetizing this post,sumptous colors ,forms and i can immagine ,in taste too.Thank You !

  11. And it was so great to be the accomplice! What a wonderful day we had. So much deliciousness, sadly my Fontainebleau didn't survive the trip back to Paris. My local fromagerie has some delicious looking ones- that I'd never noticed before, so I will have to try one of those out instead. Pity I can't make it back to Fontainebleau to visit Monsieur Cassel once more. What a gorgeous watercolour you did, you really are so very clever.

  12. So delicious and lovely to look at as well!

  13. Joyeux Quatorze Juillet (a bit late though)! I went to get a macaron for photographic purposes, but ended up getting three....oops :P

  14. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Bonjour! Carol dreamy lifestyle, love Fontainebleau. My son Alex went on that merry go round.
    Seriously, considering how to move to Paris myself for start on a PT basis then amp it up a bit.

  15. Anonymous3:32 PM

    OmgI do not know how you do it...If I walked into those beautiful places I would walk out with one of everything . I can't remember seeing such beautiful works of art.

  16. Carol, not only is your painting beautiful, but all of these heavenly patisserie just steal
    every ounce of imagination (not to mention willpower!)
    Tarte Fraise Du Bois has always been one of my most favorites but I now think LouLou has tied. Oh! YUM!( I would definitely have to abandon any other activities except exercise!)
    PS Those little girls with their matching coiffures are darling!

  17. One word: YUM. I think I'd go for those savories, though. Lovely painting, Carol, and I am thoroughly enjoying my newest Gillott painting. So pretty! from New Orleans tonight,

  18. Anonymous1:33 PM

    How many of these unbelievable pastry shops are there in Paris anyway???? Are other European cities as devoted to pastries and chocolate?
    I'm a former pastry chef, trained at the CIA in Hyde Park, NY, now living in Las Vegas, where we have a couple of excellent patisseries, for which I feel extremely grateful. But I just can't get over the Paris I see in your blog.
    Thank you so much!

    1. Frederic Cassel is in Fontainebleau not Paris but he is president of Dessert Relais, a worldwide organization of pastry chefs and the crème de la crème in every way. But yes Paris is a plethora of patisseries and boulangeries on almost every street corner (they do seem to navigate to corners too). And many of them are superb mainly because there are many competitions constantly and a mad drive to be the best in Paris!
      Standards are very high. It's quite amazing.

  19. You know, I usually save PB till the end of the day, sneaking it at work on my considerably larger monitor so I can enjoy the loveliness all the more.

    There is a challenge with this -- and that is when you post these amazing food photos when I ate my paltry little salad at 1 pm and now it is nearly 5. Not starving. But oh, for a treat like these! I do love your painting at the top as well. Big smiles!


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