Wednesday, February 22, 2012

When R U Going 2 Grow Up?

 With all the controversy surrounding the book, Bringing Up Bebe, I realized my favorite pics in Paris are of French kids.
 Bien-elevee o mal-elevee/well-brought or badly brought-up, there's something very appealing.
 And I like to go to kid places like Choco Story-Paris - Musee Gourmand du Chocolat 28, bvd de Bonne Nouvelle 75010
 And shoot pictures of French children's clothes.
 This trip I'm def going inside Bonton 5 bvd des Filles du Calvaire
 When I do shoot 'grown-up' clothes, mostly they're childish, not sophisticated couture. Hanging out on Avenue Montaigne is not my cup of chocolat chaud.
 Before there were macarons in my life, my fav Paris sweet was big tooth-breaking meringues. I've yet to try a Chupa-Chups lollipop - well-loved by many 'grownup' Parisians.
 I love shooting goofy French kid stuff like at Patchi chocolat 1, rue du Passy 75016
 I was thrilled to learn of a big exhibition of Babar at the musee des arts decoratifs - my fav musem.
 This trip I will NOT miss out on the musee de la Chasse et de la Nature 62, rue des Archives, another kid-friendly museum.
 I'm a huge fan of French kids books so I'll visit Salon du Livre 2012 (kids get in free).
My mom did not want me to grow up She never forgave me for not staying
11,12  😕 Maybe that’s why I ❤️ childish things…
 I haven't been to Le Bac a Glaces 109,rue du Bac but it's top of the to-do list. Have you?
All my life my father and mother used to ask,
"When are you going to grow up?"
I still haven't.
Got any fun Paris suggestions for the immature? Plenty ☺️


  1. I'll Nevers gros pu if it means looping agilité to be enchantée! Oops, I notices m'y keyboard si on french & I can't seem to get it Beck. Maybe nos? Let me try Alain...
    Sorry, I had sent a note to Taunte in Oise. I was saying I never want to grow up if it means loosing ability to be enchanted. I love This post! Your itinerary looks a treat! Look forward to following along!

  2. Charming. I think that people who manage to retain a child-like quality are endearing anyway, n'est ce pas?

  3. yes
    Never Grow Up

    for where is the fun in THAT?

    {{ to B a child
    or dog
    in paris
    is to Have It All,
    don't you think?
    2--spoiled rotten
    3--well*dressed }}

  4. Please Carol. Please don't ever grow up! (That way you can wear the ADORABLE little pink trench coat in the previous post - cuuuuute!)

  5. Do I hafta grow up??? I think Somepinkflowers said it best. I love that first photo of the little boy leaning over the wall with the toy sail boats floating around in the water. It reminds me of an impressionist painting. You never disappoint. :)

  6. Geri, NJ1:45 PM

    Hopefully, emphatically, never! Now that my daughter is expecting, I find myself gazing into the local Jacadi windows, dreaming of the day I can buy bebe stripes!

  7. Nobody wants to grow up...

  8. Growing up is definitely overrated! Who ever thought of such an idea?

  9. I read that Picasso said, "Genius is the ability to recapture childhood at will." I wish I could do that!

  10. Coincidentally I spent most of my day at The Noyes Museum, In South Jersey. One of their exhibitions was "Alice: Into The Looking Glass," comprised of images reflecting that classic story.
    One of the really fun participatory pieces was a HUGE box, a room, actually, big enough for an adult to get into. There were tiny doors, and windows, and the perspective was skewed, so you felt like a GIANT.... child. As a 74 year old artist, I plan on never growing up!r

  11. You can only grow old if you do not keep a childlike love of new experiences...

    What to do? Try pedaling on the Carrousel de la Tour Eiffel, now powered by solar energy and a lot of pedals... think of it as a bike at the gym!


  12. Michelle11:46 PM

    Yes I have been to Le Bac a Glacé and you must go. Yummy! The rue du Bac is a great street for grazing...

  13. Oh Alice is my favorite icon.
    The Noyes Museum has no pics on their site...
    I lurve Annie Lebovitz version.

  14. If you like children’s clothing and children dressing up please check out the new Gap Kids range from Diane von Furstenberg...
    you’ll love it.

    I have twin boys but looking at this range I wish I had a daughter to dress up...
    Love your blog by the way
    and I’m a father!
    in So Africa

  15. I have a trip planned in early May & was wondering.. Where do you find a schedule of events going on while you are there?? Awhile back you posted some pastry tours that I'd love to join..
    I'd love to have a similar experience to yours this time so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    In the meantime, I'll be reading with enthusiasm!!
    Wish you would be there in early May

  16. MEETING THE FRENCH is a good place to start for fun tours Becky

    for current events I just check Google 'Paris Events March' for ex.

  17. Hello all the way from the now-sunny Poznan, Poland!

    I was just reading your blog - it's so very interesting, especially the way that you use photographs to illustrate (and bring to life) Paris!

    I'm very very surprised that Parisiens like chupa-chups - just goes to show that the "outside" image of a city/country is so often different to the reality!

    Lollipops aren't popular here at all - we prefer cakes, but without icing!

    Thank you again! :)

  18. Carol, well captured on the French children side of Paris. Even today my kids were asking for these lollies - hey mum, after all it's the mid-term hols, ok?
    I'm always drooling at the windows of the posh children's store, 'Bonpoint', even if it came as a prezzie for my firstborn and it was the first to have a button fly off ;-)

  19. My mother will be visiting Paris France in October 2012.
    She would like to know about any special dollhouse and
    miniature shops she should visit while she's there.

    Thank you

  20. Anyone who travels around with a small striped bear(doudou) should be worried about growing up IMHO.

  21. The babar exhibition looks fabulous. And I haven't been the musee des arts decoratifs. Or possibly even heard of it! It's on the list for a visit.


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