Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Paris Maps!

Is there anything more fun, more enticing, or more seductive than pouring over maps of your destination, while relaxing at home? Here is my favorite and much repaired old Paris Metro map - I keep adding scotch tape over the years. I will NOT leave home without this dear friend of a map.I'm very fond of Paris plan par arrondissements. I love the spiral binding and I can actually SEE the streets without a magnifying glass.Chuck told me to buy City Walks:Paris flash cards and I promise to take a few along this trip.I love EyeWitness Paris books. I wish they were not so heavy. Especially love their floor plans and overhead views of museums are very helpful. I wish more Paris shops put maps on their business cards don't you? BIG MERCI Comptoire de Famille! Here's another cute shop card with a map, Il Etait une Fois,on 1,rue Cassette 75006. I'm posting it here as a reminder so I don't miss this darling toy shop this trip. Do you ever get desperate for a computer? Cyber Cube is conveniently spread around Paris just in case. I like the maps on patisserie Sadaharu Aoki'scard.And cafe Le Select. Here's a map to dream about - the SNCF train map of France.

The birds are  dreaming about a croissant in the 6th.This is Cavallini's Paris wrapping paper - I framed one and would love a shower curtain as well. Do you have a favorite map? Tell me about it S.V.P.


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Now I particular love Nancy Chandler's Thai maps:

    Maybe you could do a Paris one with fantastic water colours for all the lovely patisseries and cafes?!

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Bonjour Carol,

    This is not nearly as charming as your references, but I must say, this is my favorite treasured find for our Paris stay this year - an INTERACTIVE map of the bus system! I am loving the rides on the streets rather than the metro, as we get to SEE the beautiful city and discover new places we want to spend a little more time in.

    Paris bus map

    Bon visite,


  3. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I am curious as to whether you've looked at the Moleskine Paris notebook that has both maps and room to write/sketch.

    Seems so ideal, but I've not been to Paris

  4. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I have a map of Paris from my first visit there 35 years you think it's changed much ?

    I think your maps are scrumptious.

  5. Great story. I, too, read maps like others read novels. When I step into any city in Europe, I have it's layout in my head. Flash cards are a great idea rather than carrying a bulky guide book. Bon voyage.

  6. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Ahhh....planning is half the fun!

    I have one of those little Moleskin books that I took with me last trip, but while compact, I found the map harder to use than my favorite, durable Berndtson & Berndtson map.

  7. Bonjour Carol!

    Thanks so much for sharing your maps!

    I have used the EyeWitness books and found them excellent, but agree with you that they are heavy. Of course this is due to their high quality production: glossy paper that has a bit of heft, great plates and good resolution separations that result in great reproduction so you can see the detail, particularly on the maps. I sometimes scan the pages or maps and just take only those on the day of that particular trek.

    I was given the walkpak after returning from Paris. They seem like a great concept. Just take one card, not a book.

    I just love the business cards!

    Many years ago I was contacted by a gentleman who is a member of a group of people who collect business cards. He had seen mine, which featured a graphic blk & wt photo, and wanted one. Bet he would love that one for the toy store! They even had a newsletter/magazine. This was back in the late 70's I think.

    I am sure we all would appreciate an illustrated report about the toy store when you have the time.


    Stef in sunny Chicago

  8. Berndtson & Berndtson Paris map
    - that's one I don't she digs out her $$ and runs over to AMZN
    I love the idea of reading maps like others read novels - yes, maps tell so many potential stories of future adventures and well-laid plans= YUMMY!!!

  9. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I still have Paris maps from 1977 but I would buy a silk map to wear.

  10. Anonymous11:01 AM

    This morning your wonderful maps flooded my mind with the memories. I lived in Paris 18 years ago which seemed like only yesterday until I just now entered the number 18 - I can still taste, smell and visualize the wonders of this great city.

    Thank you for the gift of memories - Roxanne

  11. Great blog. Though I've become reliant on my Tom Tom, I'm still addicted to paper maps. I like to the feel of the paper in my hands, the broad overview, the tiny lines indicating tiny roads and big bold lines for the interstates. I like the pastel coloring and well worn pages that are crinkled and have been folded again and again often in reverse directions than they were intended. Coffee stains remind me of stops at road side cafes, and a ripped map reminds me of the time I tore the map from my husbands hand and tossed it out the window! Pick up a map and you travel without leaving the room. I collect many things, but my favorite collection is my antique map collection which lines my hallway top to bottom in gorgeous gilt frames and home-made passe partout.
    The Antiques Diva

  12. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Thank you, thank you for all this wonderful information. My daughter and I are planning our first trip to Paris and trying to figure how best to get around. We love your site and all the great photos.

  13. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Do you have a favorite map?

    Yep! Artwise Paris. Love it and it's even waterproof.

  14. Anonymous11:55 AM

    If you ever get over to the 17th, get to the almondinere on Rue de
    Jonquiere (directions: from Avenue de Clichy, turn north on Rue
    Emile Level. Emile Level deadends on Rue de Jonquiere and take a
    left so you are heading northwest. There is a tiny Almondienere
    there . If you get to a main thorough fare, you went too far. Turn
    around and look again.

    I'm sure I'm not spelling the name of the confection correctly. It has the very best almond based confections on this earth. This is
    the outlet for a shop which seems to be family owned, and it
    apparently mostly sells to hotels. I have seen marzipan there with
    the blush painted on each grape! Peaches blush as do apples. Their
    flavorings are very subtle but there is none of that rather floury
    taste you get from American marzipan. The non-marzipan almond
    confections are exhuberant!

    For a nice lunch, head back on Jonquiere. About a block past Emile
    Level is a good place for lunch pastry--sandwiches and tartes--fine
    leek quiche. The little park back on Emile Level is open to the public

    And here is your map

  15. I have 6 maps of Paris. And, I keep my favorite map in my bedside dresser. I am not sure why I do it. But, I do like knowing I can find it any time I need it.

    Did you know it is cartographer appreciation day today? You must have.

  16. Oh I love this post of Paris Maps.
    I love that wrapping paper map the most. I love the colors of it.
    Hey thats a good idea...Shower curtain map. Perfect. :))
    I like the idea of maps on back of cards too. Easier to find them again.

  17. I love your post and am quite partial to a map myself.
    Thank you for your comments on French Essence and I am so happy to have found Paris Breakfasts - see you soon xv

  18. Just getting in to St Louis MO and had to get my PB fix, Carol! Maps are always a treat--they hint at explorations and adventures to come. I'm so happy for you that you're going again--make sure you plan something good for you to do that you've not done before! Fun post!!

  19. Anonymous9:59 PM

    I agree about the Eyewitness books....They're so heavy I never take them, but I pore over them after the trip to remember better what I saw...besides, their photos are usually much better than mine.
    Who is that new blue bird with the yellow face? Did some stranger slip in when I wasn't watching?

  20. Like you I am a great fan of Eye Witness Guides and my favourite map is of The London Underground.

  21. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I have been pouring and squinting at maps for weeks, we leave for Paris Oct 29 and get wait to use what I have found out...that I will probably be lost but will find some where wonderful! Map challanged I am.
    Any ideas what to do first?

  22. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Good morning Carol,
    I thought I was the only one in ALL the world, repairing my 21 year old subway maps and street maps!!! layers of TAPE!!!:):)
    I am very particular about the design etc.. Some of the new maps are somehow just not right.. So I stick to my old faithfuls.
    Although there are some new published maps that are ok.. I will look into your all of your suggestions.. Yes the need for a magnifying glass is quite a problem, sometimes!!!!!!!!!!!

    Will go to B&N today and take a look..

    Thanks for your suggestions and such wonderful posts!!

    Your ardent fan!


  23. Anonymous7:44 AM

    'still think nothing beats the Michelin Paris Atlas - and you didn't mention that Parisians carry their own Paris Plan all the time! [so no one should fear "looking like a tourist" if they carry this convenient booklet]

  24. Anonymous3:09 AM

    Wonderful Blog BTW, read it daily. I used this guide last year, it fit in my jacket pocket, folded out by area, awesome suggestions of restaurants etc. Never got lost.. highly recommend it. Knopf MapGuide: Paris Amazon link:
    Have a great trip!

  25. Quite helpful information, thanks for your article.

  26. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I've always been a map enthusiast. Seems lots of people are. Great topic!


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