Sunday, March 09, 2025

What They Wore to Hermès Fall-Winter 2025 Show


Yesterday I dashed out the door…late (at 2:30) hoping to catch the DOG & CAT SHOW at Porte de Versailles. 
Instead of entering the Metro, I ran to buy a snack at Franprix. 

Huge crowds, black limos, police, mayhem on Boulevard Henri IV?! 
I asked, ‘What’s up?’ 
‘La mode’ said someone trying to cross the street.

Answered prayers 🙏

Heart ❤️ Evangelista! 

What’s the show?  HERMÈS! 🤸‍♂️


This is happening at La Guarde Républicaine around the corner from me

Sometimes the stars ⭐️ are aligned 🍀

I’ve been dying to find some fashion show sites, 

Wracking my brain 🧠 to figure it out 🙄

If you recognize any Fashionistas do tell

I know these are the PurseBop gals. Head-to-toe Hermès.

Did you ever see 
So many Birkin bags in one place?
Ahh…the ‘bathrobe’ coat in bathrobe white.
Click to watch the Hermès show inside.
Looks like I won’t get to the DOG & CAT SHOW today either 😬


  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Good day Carol,
    On one photo you commented so many birkin bags … first one is a Bolide, second is a Kelly and third is Birkin. Robin

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Good day Robin,
      Who knew?
      I really meant in one place at the same time.

  2. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I loved watching the show in your link, but I wonder why are the models so mean/angry/unfriendly. I haven't been to any other shows, so I don't know ... is this a trend? And why? Hard to be "happy" about the clothes. Thank you for the inside look.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      In general, most of the shows are VERY serious ☹️
      I thought this was particularly dark and doomy but it’s gotten rave reviews.
      Go figure 🤷‍♀️

    2. Anonymous11:11 AM

      The show was very militaristic. The music was ominous and pulsing. Meant to reflect the precarious world we live in today.

    3. Anonymous11:12 AM

      And yet, with all that, the clothes are very classic and wearable. (Except for the short shorts ;-)).

    4. Anonymous11:16 AM

      I AGREE 👍

    5. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Ahem. Yes, a dark show. The models rather reminded me of prison guards.

  3. Dee Ann11:15 AM

    You lucky duck… just in the right place at the right time!!!! Love all your posts. Thanks for sharing your fun life!

  4. Anonymous11:15 AM

    It is scary to see some people really buy into looking like hell and back. Lol Lynne

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      HAHAHA 🤣

    2. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Agree entirely. Where is the style, the elegance and beauty that once represented Paris

  5. Wow. I guess this is a reality check for me that people still care about fashion to this extent… I am not anti-fashion (or fun!). I just wish some of these people spent more of their energy on more helpful issues happening here on Planet Earth—I mean, what’s the point of prancing around in useless clothing these days? I wouldn’t care so much if they were wearing their cute outfits out maybe volunteering to clean a park in the city, or maybe teaching younger people how to create art, or protesting some of the baloney happening around town. I’m in a curmudgeon mood today after reading political news (here in the US) last night. As I am trying to decide which organization would do the most with my donation, I see these young women pouring all of their money and time/energy into pointless outfits. I just have to say to myself that hopefully when they aren’t goofing off like that, they DO actually care about and are possibly even participating in more helpful causes in their communities. Don’t get me wrong, I am active in my community causes myself and I dress pretty cute too! This level just seems so pointless to me. Sorry to be a downer. It’s just dark days here in the US (and many places throughout the world) and it all feels overwhelming to tackle. So many young people seem so oblivious to it (I was involved in political movements as a teenager because of my parents’ enthusiasm for activism….). But always wonderful to see the sights of Paris in the background Carol!

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      I agree on many counts Stacia. Maybe they all work in the fashion biz? Qui sait? I think it’s foolish for women to spend thousands on a purse 👜 Fortunately many young women have adopted cloth tote bags & running shoes. They lost interest in these exorbitant $$$$ accessories 👏👏👏

    2. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Stacia, they maypole also give to worthy causes. You don’t know!!!!!

    3. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Lighten up & enjoy ❤️

  6. Bonnie L11:37 AM

    Would love to see the Hermes show. The one outside and inside! Some of those women are slaves to the brand…overdoing it…head to toe. Not always flattering, imho. Glad you caught the action. You got some great photos. Fun!

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Getting shots was very chancy. I was shooting into the light. People were running, some were late. A lot of tension in the air. Unlike AFTER THE SHOW was over 30 minutes later. Still the faces of the attendees were not happy. Some photogs commented. No wonder.
      The show setting was so DARK. I think it was inside the horse 🐎 ring.
      I agree there is a militaristic look to the Fall collection. But I loved how the attendees put themselves together. Much less Barbie doll than at the Chanel shows…coming up on TUESDAY!

  7. Dorrance11:50 AM

    Wow! That was one dark show. I really appreciated that shot of green amongst all that black, and a wee bit of white. Thank you you including the YouTube video.

  8. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Oh my, how far Hermes has fallen. At first I thought your comments were a tongue-in-cheek on the ridiculous displays, but now not sure… Would have preferred the Dog and Cat Show.

  9. Sukicart1:56 PM

    Way too dark for me- we need some light and bright to combat the darkness in the world around us right now.

  10. Anonymous2:02 PM

    The whole thing struck me as incredible shallow.

  11. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I am sure it was so wonderful to walk into the Hermès fantasy!

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      It was!
      I wish I could have walked into the show too ❤️

  12. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Great job getting so many pictures of the attendees!!! You arrived at the perfect time! Loved it!!

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      THANK YOU ❤️
      I was lucky 🍀


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