Monday, March 24, 2025

Saut Hermès 2025 !

Enfin! I went to SAUT HERMÈS 🐎 Saturday night 👏

First time back at Grand Palais after a 4-year restoration.
Hunting buglers🎵 greeted us at the entrance!
Inside the main jumping competition ring is
Surrounded by 
Various and sundry (pretend ride a horsy?)
Horsy 🐎 activities (photo 📸 anyone?)
Like shopping for Hermès scarves 🧣 
The specially designed scarf limited edition for this year’s SAUT HERMÈS.
A bookstore for horsey 🐎 books 📚 
A saddle maker to ask questions about your saddle care etc.
Or pose attractively nearby…
What to wear? Leather and an orange Hermès shopping bag…
 Or a Ponytail & boots.
There was pony petting for kiddies 👦 
The first session was…sheep 🐑 herding with sheepdogs. Whistles were blown. The dogs ran all over. The sheep obeyed.
Then we took a break while they set up the jumping rails.
I went and hung out at the paddock where the horses 🐎 warm up.
You can chat with the riders like INES JOLY of JOLY HORSES of Deauville 🐎
Horse Ink drawings in a sketchbook
I sketched ✍️ madly.
Watercolor of horses in the paddock
 I could have stayed in the paddock all night.
Saut Hermès ring
At last the ring was ready. Each jumping session is timed. 
The fastest rider with no errors wins 🏆 
My pictures came out awful..sitting up in row X.
White horse jumping over the posts
You can watch on Youtube …like being there.
Watercolor of horse jumping at Grand Palais
It’s bloomin’ excitingly! 
You hold your breath as a 1000-pound horse sails over spindly rails without knocking them over. 
Absolute silence reigns.
Anyone can attend if you can find a ticket 🎟️ I tried in January. Hermès’s site said complet, but FNAC also sells tickets. 
I paid 70€ Worth it.
The winners 🏆 wear orange Hermès blankets.
Night time performance of equestrian horses make formations to music
There’s a break and afterwards a beautifully choreographed show by Bartabus and the horsewomen of the National Equestrian Academy of Versailles. What a treat! 
Almost midnight. I turned into a pumpkin 🎃
Line drawings of horses in the ring
I ran home to start drawing.
Leather sculpture of a winged horse at Saut Hermès


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    This looks incredible! Can anyone attend (guessing it is a ticketed event)?

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Your watercolours are swoon worthy!!! Glad you are feeling inspired! 😘from🇨🇦

  3. What fun! As a "horse girl" growing up, I am reminded at time spent at way too many horse shows, watching round after round of friends and others going over jumps, and occasionally doing it myself. Appropriate attire required of course. What fun to combine a bit of fashion (scarves) with horses and your art!!

  4. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Beautiful horse paintings.

  5. Anonymous10:35 AM

    How wonderful, and your horse paintings are incredible!

  6. Shirley L.10:36 AM

    Love love love your horse pictures...of course.

  7. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Gorgeous! You can see your love for these beautiful horses in your watercolors. So glad you finally got to go to the Saut. Dorrance

    1. Anonymous10:04 PM

      I do love ❤️ horses. I only found out this weekend they are the most sentient of animals. They need hugs & love. They get depressed! Amazing animals

  8. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I walked by each day and watched the horses in the outside paddock being walked. So gorgeous! Spring was in the air. Thanks for the link.

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Yes it’s lovely they share the horses 🐎 and preparation before the performance.

  9. Anonymous11:26 AM

    How exciting Carol to be there in person. I really enjoyed all the photos and love your horse watercolor paintings. You can sense your love and respect for these beautiful animals in your paintings. -Suzanne P.

  10. Sounds like fun Carol! What a stunning cover of Saut Hermès 2025! Your photos and paintings perfectly capture the unique experience and show <3

    Thanks for sharing these beautiful moments, Xx

  11. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I can see why you are excited. They are magnificent animals. My mom grew up as an only child on a citrus ranch. No children so horses were her best friends. The art work is great. Lynne

  12. Sukicart4:17 PM

    I love equestrian sports and your drawings are magnificent. So glad you got to go and enjoy it despite the late hour at the end.

  13. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Carol, this was wonderful; so classy, too. Paris, wow! My husband and I here in the Midwest US, go to the state fair summers to see the huge Belgians & Clydesdales, etc. pull their beautiful carts around & around the arena. We aren't really horse people at all (tho at 10 he had a horse on the farm, and I, 9, rode it with him)! We usually stay in the coliseum all day (too old to walk around the fair too much anymore. I TRY to sketch the horses but they com out awful - just can't get their shape right. Yours are so beautiful. No Hermes scarves at our do, though.

    1. Anonymous9:57 PM

      Think kidney beans for the horse’s body Judy 👍

  14. Bonnie L4:55 PM

    Wow! What a terrific event. Would love to go some year. And, Hermes selling scarves…another reason to go. Too bad they’re not offering handbags! 😉

    1. Anonymous9:58 PM

      There were horse bags. And Parfum. Horsey stuff


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